Forty one

223 10 15

Chapter name: hiding in the trees

As soon as the darkness takes over the ground I was standing on I turn to a tree for help. I began climbing the tall tree as quick as I could. I knew that this was the wrong tree, there was no treehouse. I knew that there was people somewhere, hunting for me.

I climbed up to a part of the tree that had coverage by the leaves. I look down at the ground beneath Me, passed the leaves. I've climbed high. Maybe ten feet off the ground. It would be a pain in the ass to climb down later.

"Dakota I hope you're safe." I said in a whisper as a drop of rain fell on my forehead. I swung my leg to the other side of a tree branch like it was a horse and I was the rider. I put my back on the main part of the tree behind me.

Do I sleep or do I stay awake? Both would have consequences. Sleep would mean they'd be all over the woods by tomorrow. Or I would be dead. And staying awake would mean I would be drained by the time light comes up, making it easier for them to capture me.

I looked down at the ground then at the tree branch I was sitting on. I could sleep here for an hour or so and then get back on track. I put my hands on the tree branch in front of me and walked myself down to where my body was laying on the tree branch. My face turned to its side, laying on my hand trying to avoid the rough branch.

I close my eyes and feel my exhaustion kick in, taking over my body, feeling weight after weight hit me as my eyelids wouldn't be able to open again.

I stand in the street across from Dakota. It's daylight. I fought hard to get out of the forest. I have no scratches or bruises, Dakota on the other hand....

I watched as he fell to the ground, covered in thick red blood that was definitely his own. "Dakota no!" I yelled as I tried to move towards him. My legs annoyingly wouldn't move.

I tried to pump my legs towards him as he laid on the ground, face down, his blood puddle expanding all around him.

My legs were stuck in place as I watched helplessly. "Dakota please! Please get up!" I yelled to him. He wasn't as lucky as I was in the forest.

It's because I didn't make it to the treehouse. I slept instead. He was there all alone with his stupidity. They caught him and beat him, shot him. Now he was bleeding out of gashes in his body. And bullet wounds that were fresh. He bled out of his nose and out of his mouth.

I watched in shock as his body twitched.... is he alive? Surely he would've been dead by now. I stood there unable to help as he pushed himself back onto his shaky feet again. His face was unrecognizable.

"You did this to me.... you.... did this to me." His eyebrows furrowed, making lines on his forehead. "I didn't-"

"YOU DID THIS!" He yelled at me, cutting me off. I was taken aback by his yelling. Suddenly an ear piercing shot went off, hitting my hip. I fell to the ground with my eyes trained on Dakota as he stood there, watching me fall. The bullet in my side didn't hurt like I would think it did. Maybe it's a fake.

All the sudden another boom went off, Dakota was on the ground now. I couldn't move, couldn't open my mouth to yell. I could just lay there on my side, staring at his dead corpse.

"DAKOTA NO!" I shot straight up on the branch as I screeched his name. My body shook as salty tears streamed down my face. My heart was pumping so loud that's all I could hear in my ears.

Then my eyes opened wide, everyone heard that scream. If they were out looking for me then they heard it. I frantically looked around, straining my eyes through the darkness of the night, scanning for anyone trying to shoot at me.

No one so far. But I know they will be coming after me. There is no doubt about that.

I looked around and swung my leg back over to the other side of the branch where it was before I straddled it. I looked at all the branches around me and at the ground ten feet below me.

I didn't think about how I would get down from here.

Suddenly I heard the loud "BANG" from a gun, a bullet flew past me, right in front of my face, only a few inches off. "Can't you wait until I wake up first?" I gave the shooter a shout as I looked down at the person. My mouth dropped open as I realized it was a young girl. Maybe twelve or so.

Suddenly another shot rang out, I dodged the bullet so quickly that I was off of the tree branch. I hit my ribs on another tree branch and then slid off that one as the breath was knocked out of me. Falling down the tree didn't help me catch my breath at all. The oxygen rushed passed me, not even bothering to let me inhale it.

Another branch hit my back, throwing me forward. I reached out for the branch in front of me and caught it with my arms hitting it. It I wasn't awake earlier I'm definitely awake now. "You can wait for me to wake up bitch!" I glared at her as she cocked her gun again. What is wrong with this kid.

I looked up at where I was. I definitely fell a few feet. Five or six maybe. My feet dangled in the air below me as I let myself catch a breath while I thought of a plan.

I could just let go of the branch and fall straight to the ground, lunging at her. I could also just swing myself towards her and let go, landing on top of her.

I looked down at her again, I didn't sign up for killing kids. Landing on her would surely bring her close to death depending on where my feet went.

I took another deep breath and then let go of the tree, letting myself fall to the ground below me. As soon as I landed I felt the pain in my feet and ankles when you jump and land to hard.

I ignored the pain as I launched myself towards her, not giving it a second thought. I knocked her down to the ground, her gun sliding across the rough ground. She struggled and bashed around under me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked her, she didn't hear me as she kept swinging her head around. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" I said again, louder as I slammed her wrists down on the ground.

I caught her attention as she looked at me in fear. "I.. HELP!" She screamed. Immediately I put a hand on her mouth, pushing it down to hurt her jaw. "I'll break your jaw if you keep it up." I threatened her, looking into her brown eyes.

"Why. Are. You. Here." I hated the thought of kids fighting so young. I wasn't even able to do that. I slowly took my hand off of her mouth, waiting for an answer. "We have to kill you. I'm a good shot." She replied as she glared at me.

"You're too young to kill someone." I told her. "Kids my age and younger fight in other places. You're just old." She brought attitude in with her statement. I pierced my lips together and made an "mmmm" sound.

"Do you want to kill?" I asked her. She looked at me then looked at the sky, thinking about her answer. "No but if I must..."

Suddenly I spotted a bruise on her neck and forehead. I knew that wasn't from me. I knew it was Jared. He forced the children to fight.

"Children don't fight until their older in my gang." I stated. She looked at me, her eyes wide, sparkling. Then she looked away, her eyes going dim.

"You're not going to convince me to join you scarlet." She told me bluntly. "That's not fair." I pretended to pout as I got off of her, letting her sit up. "What's not fair?" She asked me.

"You know my name but I don't know yours." I explained. "Loli." She looked away as she told me her name. "Would your mom care if I take you?" I asked her bluntly. "My parents are dead. Jared raises me." She replied.

"My parents can raise you. They love kids." I smiled at her. I didn't know if they'd actually want to. But I do know that Bennett is gone. Maybe a little girl could replace the hole he left.

"Do you mean it?" She asked me. I nod, glancing around the woods. "Let me go with you then." She grabbed my hand. "Let's go then."

Sooo what do you guys think of Loli? Also what do you guys think about the second book of scarlet? Give me an answer on that one pleaseeeeee.

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