Thirty nine

203 11 3

Chapter name: be safe

"This would be the perfect time to go! Come on!" Dakota grabbed my wrist as we were loading wooden boxes filled with all sorts of guns. My memory suddenly flashed back to events from the other day. Dawson's words rang through my head.

As long as we have the daughter of a powerful gang leader... they won't attack us or do anything against us.

Those were the words that I couldn't stop thinking about. Those were the words that made it clear that Dakota could be killed at any time.

"Dakota we can't." I replied. This would've been the perfect time, I know this. There was no one around. Most people were in the warehouse. No one was watching us aside from the truck driver and sahara. We could get away easily.

He looked at me with confusion mixed with anger. I looked away, averting my eyes to the ground. I couldn't stand that look. From him I mean. I couldn't stand to see him look at me like that.

"We are going to go." He made his point clear with the way his tone was. Meaning that there was no questions or setbacks. We were going to GO. And now in fact. That's what he meant.

"The fuck are you two talking about?" Sahara walked up to us as she finally realized that we weren't doing the work. Dakota and I separated and both looked at her. "I've been waiting to do this since I met you at school." I smirked at her. If it was go time then it was go time.

Before I knew what I was doing my body was doing it for me. My foot lifted up and swung around, kicking her in the neck. Her body fell to the ground as soon as both feet planted back on the ground. She was on the ground staring at me in shock.

We were behind the truck right where the driver couldn't see us. He had no clue what was happening either. The people in the warehouse wouldn't see either.


Before she could finish her sentence I fell to my knees, landing one on her wrist. My hands immediately went to her face as I balled them up. I watched with satisfaction as my fists hit her unpunched face. Her head swinging to the sides as I did it, blood getting on my knuckles.

Suddenly I stopped and looked down at her. She was still conscious but I knew how hard my punches were. I knew her face was definitely hurting. It was swollen and bleeding. Her face would be full of bruises soon.

"A hostage." I suggested to Dakota. He shook his head no to my surprise. I guess we couldn't have that extra weight.

Suddenly a memory of my knife came back to me. She would probably have it. My hands dug into her pockets, looking for anything sharp. As soon as my finger touched the sharp blade in her pocket I knew what it was. It's the knife I always kept extra sharp. I pulled it out of her pocket, my index finger started to form blood droplets.

I lifted her head up and turned it to the side. Bringing her hair on one side of her head so I could get a clean cut. I knew Dakota was looking at me. I could feel his eyes on me. "She cut my hair. Now it's time for me to return the favor." I told him, keeping my eyes trained on her hair.

I grabbed all of her hair in one hand and put the knife up to it. Then began slicing through, creating a messy cut that would definitely need to be cut very short to be fixed.

As soon as I had cut her hair off into a very short bob I opened my hand as I waved it over her chest, letting her hair fall back onto her. "Paybacks a bitch." I whispered just enough for me to hear.

"Come on. Let's go." He grabbed my arm pulling me up to my feet. The trucker wouldn't have had a view on anything we were doing so escaping now would be fine.

"Dakota if we get caught they are going to kill you." I grabbed his arm, stopping him, making him turn to face me.

"We won't get caught Scar. Please trust me on this." He told me as he looked into my eyes, I could tell me was worried as he grabbed my hand and lifted it up to his lips, leaving a gentle kiss on them.

I nodded, telling him I was ready. "You run straight for the woods. I'm going to distract them." I whispered to him even though we were the only ones there. "No scarlet. You need to escape." Dakota argued. "If you come back to me I'll stop and let them take me. We are going with my plan. Because this way they won't kill you. You start running towards the woods. I'm going to get some attention because they WILL see you running towards the woods. I'll go onto the roof. Please trust ME." I told him, there was an obvious hint of desperation in my voice as I spoke.

He looked as if he was thinking. Thinking about the plan. He nodded. "I'll see you later." I gave him a slight smile, trying not to let him see the fear in my eyes. Suddenly I was pulled towards him and his lips touched mine, giving me a kiss. A kiss of fear.

When he pulled back he looked at me once more then turned around, beginning to run. I looked at him as he ran and then decided it was my turn.

I turned towards the warehouse, gripping my knife in my hand as I pushed my legs towards them. As I was approaching someone I held my knife out, striking them as I ran by. I didn't look back after I did that. I knew they were following. I could tell by the yelling.

Please be safe Dakota.

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