Thirty five

219 10 4

Chapter name: Take the pain away

After the nurse stitched up we were guided into a room Dakota and I would share. No problem. We were given the rules. Simple. It mostly restated that Dawson and Sahara would follow us around. If they asked us to do something we do it. If we say no we get some sort of punishment. Whenever Dawson and Sahara are out on missions Dakota and I are forbidden to leave our rooms.

I wasn't planning to stay here long. I was going to make a plan to get Dakota and I out of here. And fast. We need to get back to the mansion. Knowing my family they would try to put together a rescue mission for us. But that's going to be a fatal mission if Dawson is the rat. He could tell Jared everything and then everyone would die as soon as they tried to sneak into here.

"Scar." I heard Dakotas voice behind me. I turned around to face him. He was sitting on the end of the bed, his face in his hands. "Dakota?" I asked. I put on a baggy t-shirt from the closet that went all the way down to my middle thigh.

"Why would you give in?" He was referring to when I said I would join their gang when they were WHIPPING HIM. "Why would you give in?" I turned in around on him. He did the exact same thing as me. He looked at me then laid back on the bed.

"You're really something else you know." He sounded worn out as he spoke. I sat down beside him and laid back, turning my head to look at his face. "How bad do I look?" I asked referring to the fact my hair was poorly cut by a psycho bitch.

"Well you definitely need a better cut." I saw his eyes glance up to my hair before looking at me again. "We need to get out of here." I whispered. He stopped looking at me and turned his head towards the ceiling. "Easier said than done." He sighed.

"We have to leave." I looked up at the ceiling as he did. My bruised body tensed up at the sound of knocking on the door. I was slow to bring my body to a sitting position as Dakota yelled for the person to come in.

The door opened and I saw Dawson. Dawson and only Dawson, no Sahara anywhere behind him. He stared straight at me as he closed the door behind him. I pulled myself back farther into my bed, trying to get away from the psycho. Dakota stood up, extending his arm out in front of me in a protective matter.

"I'm not going to touch her." Dawson rolled his eyes at us. "You did earlier." I could feel Dakotas irritation with that sentence. "Yeah yeah. I will again too. Depending on if she acts right or not." Dawson looked up at me with a smirk. I couldn't help but frown and pull my legs in closer to my body.

"Anyways. You guys have a new roommate." Dawson seemed pleased to say those words. I glanced at Dakota and looked back at Dawson. "You guys know him very well I bet. Since he is here to get information for your father." Dawson kept speaking.

Dawson went silent and I started to listen for any other voice. I heard a strangely familiar voice coming from outside of the door. Along with some banging on the walls and finally someone was thrown into the room.

The person fell to their knees with their face down so we couldn't see it. Suddenly Dawson put his already cocked gun to the back of their head. "Jared wanted me to show you guys what would happen if you fucked up. And I decided to use the rat we have. Skii." Dawson spoke. Skii lifted his head up for us to see and k was automatically shocked. I always felt something wrong when I connect to him.

"Your dad knows Dawson is a fake." Skii said as quick as he could. Then he had a bullet in his brain. It went slow. He spoke like he did. Then Dawson shoved the gun hard against his head. Dakota backed up quickly towards me and I put my head on his shoulder, hiding myself from the body. The gun went off and it echoed loudly, trying to burst our eardrums.

"Clean this up." Dawson ordered. I stayed behind Dakota on the bed until Dawson had left, closing the door behind us. "Fucking bastard." Dakota looked at the door as if it were Dawson. "How do we leave?" I asked him. He was silent. Neither of us knew. We want to leave. Of course. But.... there's no way to leave without getting shot like Skii did.

"Im going to roll him in the rug he landed on. Don't touch the body." Dakota got down from the bed. I looked at him as he looked at the body on the floor and then began to roll him up. Avoiding touching the body. He avoided the blood spot on the back of the rug that was trying to leak onto the wood below.

Dakota grabbed the head area? Just barely avoiding the blood spot and waited for me to pick up his feet area. I got off of the bed and picked up the rug where his feet are and we stood up together.

"Where the hell do we even put him?" I asked Dakota. This place wasn't at all like the mansion. Our mansion was nice and big. It had everything we needed. People even stayed there if they needed to. And the only other place we go to is the warehouse.

But here is different. They had several different places to go and it was all run down. We were staying in a building where some of the gang members stay. It's an apartment building Jared owns. There's two sides to it. The front side where regular people stay, they just had to deal with all of the bad shit that goes on. And the back side where the gang stays. There's also a "nurses" facility here. They meet up in another abandoned building. Slightly small and it has bugs everywhere.

"Just outside. Fuck this place." Dakota responded. He opened the door and Dawson and Sahara stood outside in the hallway. "Can we help you?" I asked sarcastically. "It seems you two are used to cleaning up bodies." Sahara put her hand in front of her mouth trying to cover a forced fake laugh.

At that moment I dropped his feet on the ground in front of them. When Dakota saw me to that he gently placed his head down on the floor. "You can do your own damn work." I glared at Dawson. "Always had that fucking attitude." Dawson balled his hand into fists and swung it at me. I stayed in my place as Dakotas hand came in front of my face, stopping the punch from getting me.

"Cant handle a few punches?" Sahara made a face. "Obviously she can. Look at her. Shes all bruised up because of you fucks. She doesn't need any more!" Dakota rolled his eyes in annoyance at the red headed girl. "Don't forget how we branded her." I watched as Sahara's eyes went down to where she branded me. She was probably trying to imagine what it looked like now. Red. Hurts like a bitch.

"Shut the fuck up slut." I balled my hands into fists and lunged at her. My hand missed her face by an eyelash as Dakota wrapped his arms around me and swung me into the air, keeping me from getting her. "We can't do that!" Dakota scolded me, setting me back down on the ground beside him. "Know your place." Dawson seemed amused with watching me trying to punch Sahara.

Maybe I should've aimed for Dawson instead.

Soooo fluff will be coming soon. Be patient

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