Twenty three

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Chapter name: arguments

I had tugged my skirt down, keeping it from going up anymore. "Should've worn something else." Dakota told me as he passed by me, carrying two alcoholic beverages to a table.

Suddenly my blood ran cold as I felt a hand slap my ass. Stay calm. Stay. Fucking. Calm. YOU CANT YELL AT ANOTHER PERSON. I took a deep breath and turned around to a man winking at me. He's probably on his late 20s or early 30s. "Why don't you get up there on the stage and do a little dance?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"How about no." I gave him a fake smile then turned around. I walked over to Jaxton and Nathaniel. "Nice outfit." Nathaniel grinned. "Yeah yeah. Anyways. Have you two seen Paisley?" I asked. Nathaniel and Jaxton looked at each other then back at me. "We've seen her..." Jaxton replies Awkwardly. "Ok where?" I asked, obviously irritated.

The club always had flashing lights, loud music, and there was a circle stage in the middle with a few poles. There was a bar too. She could be anywhere, I could've walked passed her without even knowing.

"Take me to her." I demanded, crossing my arms above my chest, furrowing my eyebrows. "Alright." Jaxton sighed and started walking to where she was. I followed with anxiety on the brim of taking over me. I didn't know how she would react seeing me. I didn't know if she'd be ok with me or not.

I stopped in my place as I saw her. I spotted her green hair as she was faced away from me with four goons obviously making her uncomfortable. Her body language was telling me she was uncomfortable. By the look on these perverts faces I could tell they didn't care.

"Can I help you?" I intervened, my tone harsh. "Oh another one." A tall man with chocolate brown hair and tan skin winked at a Porcelain colored man with platinum blonde hair. There was two others. A man with coffee skin tone and waves, and another with white skin with red staining his cheeks, his hair was a very light blue color.

"Damn babies. Want me to take both of you two bed? I promise you'll get to try us all." The man with blue hair reached around to grab my ass. My eyes went wide and I bit my tongue as I firmly put both my hands on his chest and shoved him back, sending him slightly tumbling back into his friends.

I looked around for any of the guys, or for security. Security was at the doors, Jaxton went back, Dakota was on the other side of the bar, Nathaniel was in the kitchen area. I don't need help anyways.

I turned my attention back on the four perverts and put my arm in front of Paisley, slightly moving her back and behind me. From the side of my eye I could tell paisley was in bad shape. I could see the dark bruises on her face, she had a black eye, preventing her from opening her left eye. Fucking Weston or whatever his damn name is.

"Ok guys. I'm going to need you to leave." I told them with a glare. "Yeah no. That's not having sweet cheeks." The tan one bit his lip, looking me up and down. I didn't have my gun on me. I didn't have my knife on me. I knew pure forge wouldn't get them out. Maybe I'm strong enough to handle two guys at the same time. But even I knew I couldn't handle four at the same time.

I glanced around at the costumers here, looking for anything I could use. I could just call security, but I don't need people to do my shit for me. That's not how I am. I took a vow to always protect myself. Never count on anyone else.

I grinned as I saw a taser on a mans side. Without asking I reached for it, taking it out of the holder and immediately pointing it at the four men. "Ima need you all to leave." I demanded, dragging attention towards me from all over the club. "Do you even know how to use that?" The man with waves asked, slightly laughing. I rolled my eyes, aimed the stun gun at them and pulled the trigger. I stood there with a blank face, watching as it stung the tan guy in the leg, making him fall to the ground.

I looked back up at them, "Do I have to do it again or can you guys leave?" My voice was blunt, like I didn't give a fuck about what I just did. Which I didn't. "Scarlet what the fuck." Paisley spoke up. I ignored her and pointed towards the door, directing the men to leave. "Stupid bitch." The man with waves and the man with blue hair picked up the tan guy as they began walking out. I waited until I saw the door shut behind them. I sighed and gave the man his taser back.

"Did he do that?!" I immediately turned towards Paisley, anger radiating off of me. "It doesn't matter." She shot back. "Yes it does." I grabbed her wrist and began to walk towards the kitchen, not letting her go. "What the fuck Scarlet!" Paisley tried to yank her arm out of my grasp. "Stop always trying to get away from me!" I yelled at her. She bit her lip and looked at me, sadness on her face. I don't understand her sometimes.

"Why didn't you even try to contact me?!" I asked her, dragging her to the back of the busy kitchen. "I was with Weston. I had to convince him that I didn't have that planned." She rolled her eyes at me. "But he obviously still hit you." I pointed to the bruises on her face. "That's not from him." She started with a lie. "Who the fuck is it from then?" I crossed my arms. "I fell down the stairs." She waited a second before she answered, probably trying to piece her lie together. "Sure. You already know I don't believe you. You know I've seen what others haven't!" I gritted my teeth, trying not to yell. She knows ive seen more. I've been there, I dragged her out of the house with Dakota, I went against Weston. I've seen more than others have.

"You don't have to believe me. Because I know what's true." She glared at me. "Why the fuck are you like this?!" I started out, bringing my voice to a low yell. "I tried to get you out, you ran away! I always try to help you but all you do is run back to him! I don't understand this!" My fingers found their way to my hair.

"I can't get away from him Scarlet! It's better not to put you in danger." She put her hands on mine and pulled them out of my hair. "Get back to work." Nathaniel ordered. I immediately made my way out of the kitchen and bumped into Dakota. "Woah what are you doing?" He asked me. I put my head on his chest, starting to feel lightheaded. "Uh Scarlet....?" He asked, obviously confused in what I'm doing. I was so cold, but burning up at the same time, my head was spinning and I couldn't catch my breath.

"I just need some air." I replied, gripping onto his shirt. "Are you sick?" He asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "No." I replied, not really knowing if I was sick or not. I lifted my head up and gave him a small smile. Why am I feeling so sick all the sudden?

"Well If you need anything let me know." He told me. I nodded and turned around, walking back into the kitchen.

Back door will lead me to an alleyway. Giving me some privacy.

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