Twenty nine

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Chapter name: violated by someone that has trust

Paisley, Dakota, and I had left the other to clean up the mess. Paisley because she was too emotional to do anything. Me because I was too shocked by my actions. And Dakota because he is the person who's supposed to protect me 24/7. Naomi offered to stay and help so that's why she's still over there.

"It was for the best." Paisley sat curled up in the backseat with a runny nose and tears streaming down her face. "Exactly. He can't hurt you anymore." I reached back to put my hand on her knee. All she did was stare at it. "After I drop you two off I'll bring the car back to the others." Dakota said. I brought myself forward and nodded.

He stopped two blocks away from my house, knowing we couldn't go all the way there. Paisley and I hopped out of the car and I quickly threw him the keys to my car. "Don't let Jaxton or Nathaniel drive." I told him before I shut the car door. He turned around and sped off. "Your first time away from him?" Paisley suddenly asked. This is the first time aside from school. He's always been by my side other than that.

"Yeah. But I can handle myself." I replied. Paisley took out her phone as we started walking and looked at a text she got. "Oh. Dawson is at the house. Please don't tell him what happened." She wiped a tear from her cheek and put her phone back in his pocket. "Why is he there?" I asked, skeptical of what he was doing. "He said he stopped by to see you." She replied. I stayed silent after that as we walked towards the house.

"After I pick myself up I think I'll go back to living with my parents." Paisley spoke. "I bet they really missed you." I replied, knowing she hasn't seen her parents in forever. "Maybe." She shrugged. "Oh. Tonight. Apparently we are having some of the family over. I think." I told her. Usually when they come over we have a dinner type thing. We haven't had a get together in forever. "Who is coming?" She asked.

I took a minute to think about everyone that was coming. "Gran and Pa, Vanessa and Ace, Blaze and the baby, Kenli and Carter, Ella and Oscar, Chris and Rosalie, Blake, Salara and Arella, Ida." I did my best to remember the family without leaving anyone out.

Vanessa and Ace have two kids. Blaze and a baby. Blaze is in middle school I believe and the baby is a baby. Named Evani. Kenli married someone named Carter and had Ella and Oscar. Ella is in elementary and Oscar is in first grade. Chris has a girlfriend named Rosalie. And they have a son named Blake. He is in tenth grade. Salara and Arella have Ida. Obviously.

"Sounds like a lot of people." Paisley awkwardly said. She never liked big groups, they've always scared her for some reason. And I have several people in my family.

As soon as we got inside Kenli had her arms around me in a bone crushing hug. I quickly lost breath and struggled to not die. She unwrapped her arms and looked at me with a bright smile. I caught my breath and shut the door behind me. "You better be the first family here." I sighed, not wanting anyone else to be here yet. "Vanessa and Ace are here but I won't tell them you are here." She winked and turned around, heading back into the game room where noise was coming from.

"Scar! Pais!" Dawson greeted us after they left. "Hey Dawson!" I smiled at him. "Hey." Paisley said quietly. "What's with all those bruises?" Dawson pointed at the bruises I had. It was from those guys. But I wasn't going to tell him that. "Long story." I shrugged. "Anyways. Scar, I need your help on shooting." Dawson took his gun out of his holder. "You're perfectly fine at shooting." I glared at him with suspicious. He's always been good at shooting.

"I'm going to go take a shower." Paisley interrupted as she walked away. "Well ive gotten worse." He awkwardly stated. "Alright... I guess I'll help you." I told him. He smiled and took my by my wrist, dragging me towards the elevator.


"Shoot. Show me what you got." I urged him to shoot the target on the other side of the gun range that was in our basement. He lifted his already cocked gun up and he focused it on the target. He pulled the trigger and hit the red circle on the targets head. I looked at him suspiciously with a glare.

"I thought you said you needed help." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. He looked at me and put his gun back in the holder on his side. "What if I only said that to get you alone?" He smirked and took a step forward. I backed up and was immediately greeted by a wall. "I would say that you're stupid. Why do you want me alone?" I knew he wouldn't ever hurt me but I still didn't want him making a move on me.

"Scarlet... I like you. And I don't like Dakota getting too close to you. I want you for myself." Dawson touched my arms gently with his hands. "Yeah well I'm not interested." I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back so I could get out from in between him and the wall. He immediately pushed his way back onto me, trapping me against the wall. "He's not even here right now. You're all mine." Dawson said loudly as I tried to push him off of me, put this time he was dead set on keeping me against the wall.

"Get off of me! I don't like you!" I said harshly. He shouldn't even be trying to make a move on him. I'm his bosses daughter! I felt his hand wrap around me and grab onto my ass. I immediately lifted my knee up, kneeing him in the crotch. His hands went down to his genitals as he grunted, his knees giving out on him. He fell to the ground in front of me, hitting his head on the floor.

"What the fuck were you doing dawson?!" I jumped as I heard a familiar voice. My attention turned towards Dakota who was at the door, fuming. "How did you know we were down here?" I asked. "Paisley." Dakota started walking over to us. I knew what he was about to do. I immediately ran over to him. I grabbed onto him and tried to keep him away from dawson. I pushed back as he pushed forward, sliding me across the floor towards Dawson, my attempts to stop him down the drain.

"I handled it Dakota!" I grunted as I kept trying to push back on him, my eyes closed as my head was against his chest. He didn't say anything, he only unwrapped my arms from his body and gently pushed me to the side. I immediately fell to the ground my tripping on my own feet and landing on my ass. I watched in horror as Dakota lifted his foot and swung it into Dawson. He did this multiple times, hitting him with a force that would definitely leave bruises.

"STOP IT! I HANDLED IT!" I yelled at him as I pushed myself up to my feet and grabbed his arm, yanking him away. Suddenly the unexpected happened and he got in my face with anger in his eyes. "Maybe you like when guys do that to you! Touch you! Don't you?!" He lashed out on me. My mouth dropped open as my arms went slack. "Of course I don't!" I tried not to sound hurt by his words. Usually when people are rude it doesn't bother me, but for some reason this really did.

As soon as a tear slipped down my face Dakotas face changed and became soft. His eyes went wider as he realized what he did. "I-I'm sor-"

"Save it." I said firmly, interrupting his apology. He tried to bring his hand up to my face, immediately I had slapped it away. I glared at him and immediately turned around, making my way towards the door.

I can't believe he would say something like that. Something so rude. Guys are terrible.

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