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Chapter name: a success and kill

Trigger warning


"She really knows how to work her magic." Nathaniel watched as she was talking to the man that owns it all. "Well she is a good liar... sometimes." Paisley replied. I watched as the guy stood up and pulled her onto him then grabbed her ass. Fucking pervert.

He led her over to the bar, ordering her a drink he picked out. She looked annoyed with him but she kept up her act.

When he handed her thing drink she immediately chugged it, surprising all of us. "That's my bitch!!" Paisley whisper yelled at us. Then we waited and watched as she started losing control of herself.

Next thing we know we are creeping around outside, watching him put her in a truck. They were off. We rushed to our two vehicles and started to follow the truck from a distance.

"Twenty minutes. IT TOOK THAT LONG." Nathaniel complained as he got out of the car. "I thought it would be farther." I sighed. "Mmmm. Let's go inside." Nathaniel made his way to the front and as did I.


"Sold!" The bidder yelled as a blonde girl with tears running down her face was sold to an old man. "NO! PLEASE!!" She yelled as the man grabbed her by the arm. "I don't like this place..." Nathaniel leaned over and whispered to me. "I don't either." This okace made me feel sick and gross. It made me feel dirty. All these monsters were around me, buying these girls for personal pleasure. I looked around, seeing all the girls by these monsters.

"Next we have a pink haired girl. And no it's not Britannia again." The bidder smiled as the door opened. My eyes widened as Scarlet was pushed on stage in nothing but a lingerie. "They took the bandage off her scar." Nathaniel pointed out. "They took the clothes off her body." I said angrily.

I watched as her eyes skidded around the room in almost a panicky way. As soon as her eyes landed on me she stopped. Her arms went out in front of her, trying to cover her body to keep creeps from looking at it.

He said something and then put the microphone up to her mouth. I watched as she stood still, staring at the microphone as he smiled at her. Then without warning her spit flew out of her mouth and onto the microphone. I tried my best to conceal my laughter, Nathaniel did a bad job of that though, as he bursted out laughing. The bidder said another thing causing Scarlet to smirk.

Then he started calling out prices and signs went up. "Dude put your sign up." Nathaniel leaned across the table to tell me. I lifted my sign up and raised it high. Watching the other signs go down as the number got higher and higher. These people are disgusting. What's the point of selling people anyways?

I let my mind drift off a bit before I heard him yell the words "winner" my attention snapped back to the action. He was looking at me. Scarlet was on her knees with him holding her head to the ground. I looked at Nathaniel and we both got up and walked passed all the tables and all the people looking at us. I picked Scarlet up and helped her off of the stage and onto the floor. Nathaniel and I stood on either side of her to keep people from looking... and to keep her from punching anyone.

"You need to pay now." The same man that touched scarlet was now in front of us, holding a hand out, waiting for our money to be given to us. I looked around. We were right outside the building. But no one was around. Before I could do anything, Nathaniel had his gun out and pointed to the man. Within seconds a bullet was through the old guys head.

Scarlet stood there shocked, then shook it off. I grabbed her hand and I led Scarlet into the back with Nathaniel following close behind. "When are they coming out?" She asked, referring to Paisley and Jaxton. "Any minute now." I replied.

"These clothes are bullshit." She looked down at her clothes once we got outside. "I would turn around Nathaniel. I need to get undressed." She told him even though she had no clothes to put on. "What about Dakota?" He asked as he turned around. "He has seen under my clothes before." She smirked. Nathaniels mouth opened in shock. "No not like that!" I turned around with him, trying to defend myself.

"Nathaniel can I see your... jacket thing?" She asked. He took it off and handed to her as he still faced away from her. She thanked him and put it on. "Ok. You can turn around." She told us. We turned back around. She was more covered than she was. You can barely see her ass with that on. So it covers more than what I had thought it would.

"What are you guys doing?" Paisley asked us as Nathaniel and I eye Scarlet as she adjusted her feet in the heals they had her in. "Waiting for you two." Scarlet replied as she made her way towards her best friend. A green haired girl and a pink haired girl. Totally not a noticeable pair.

"We need to leave." I looked at my team, wondering what will become of my old one since Bennett is in jail and I'm apart of this one.

It's been two days since his arrest. Oliver has been more skeptical of everything lately. Scarlet... you'd expect her to be a crying mess. But she isn't. She's been going to the shooting arena by herself, refusing anyone to be in there with her. Which is affecting everyone else, but we all know it's a way for her to cope. But she is still a mess in her own way.

I don't think I've ever really seen her cry aside from the day he was arrested. It amazes me how hard it is for her to go soft. That sounded dirty. "We need to go doc the mission." Scarlet called out to us as she got in the back of the car I'm driving.

As much as I wanted to leave this place I couldn't let scarlet go back home to see her father the way he was. He ordered me to keep her away. And that's what I'm going to do. "Let's go get some food. I'm starving." I suggested. "I like that idea!" Scarlet smiled at me as she got in the car and closed the door shut.



I gently knocked on the door to alecs office. I heard a few thuds before I heard him say the words "come in" as I came in I looked around his office as I closed the door behind me.

Papers were scattered all over his desk while bottles of hard liquor littered all over the floor. "Boss... what did you do..." I asked him as he sat a glass of liquor down on his desk with a burp. "I didn't do-" he was interrupted with a hiccup, "-anything..."

"You're drunk." I replied as I bent down to pick up three bottles. I walked over on the other side of his desk to reveal even more bottles. I carefully put the glass bottles I was holding into his trash, right by where he was sitting. It surprises me how much he can drink in just two days.

"Does anyone know about this?" I asked him. There were dark circles under his eyes, his face wasn't shaved like usual, his hair was a mess, and he reeked of all the alcohol he's been chugging. "No." He replied. I shook my head.

"You have a gang to run! You have a wife you need to be here for! You have children that need you!" I slightly raised my voice at him. "YOU THINK I DONT KNOW THAT?" He picked up an empty bottle and threw it at me. I dodged it and watched it hit the wall and shatter. Realizing what he did, he finally sat up straight and widened his eyes.

"I need you to keep Scarlet distracted. Keep her away from me for now. Oliver.... I don't have to worry about him." He seemed to had sobered up maybe a little. "Get Zander, Connor, and Ethan in here." He told me. "And after that. Go on the mission I gave you." He added on. I nodded and headed out.

Alec took a wrong turn with the alcohol there didn't he?

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