Twenty five

266 13 8

Chapter name: something sinister

Once we got all the bodies in the river we immediately shot the guy in the head, making him fall back into the river. BODIES FLOAT. I immediately looked at Dakota with wide eyes and fell to the ground on my knees, putting my face in my hands in regret. "FUCK!" I yelled.

"Come on. We gotta get them out before they float away." Dakota put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the bodies and dreadfully stood up. "What are we gonna do about them?" I asked, taking off my outfit as Dakota took off his. "We burn them." He replied. As soon as we were stripped naked we hesitated before we stepped into the water. It was dark so we couldn't see what was around us.

The cold, dirty water was up to my belly button as I grabbed two of the bodies by their shirts. I looked up, trying not to gag. I awkwardly pulled them back out of the water. Gosh this is so fucked up.

I laid them down on top of each other and Dakota did the same. "They are wet.... how are they gonna set?" I asked. He didn't reply, he just stared at the bodies. I bent down and put my underwear back on my damp body. Dakota put his underwear back on and then bent down, sticking a hand in one of the pockets of his jeans, then pulling his phone out.

I watched as he typed something on his phone then put it up to his ear. He waited a moment before stating his full name and then our team number. He paused again, listening to the person speaking. "We need some.... gasoline and some matches." He said.

He waited a second before he told the person our location, then he hung up and set his phone back down on his jeans. "Who did you call?" I asked, obviously curious. Whoever it was, would most likely freak seeing the scene here.

"Drake." He answered bluntly. I looked at him and closed my mouth. I kept quiet, listening to the water flow beside us. Drake was.... odd. He's been in this gang since before I was born. I always got a weird vibe around him. He was a very shady guy. Maybe that's why it was a good idea to call him. He probably does this stuff all the time.

I glared at Dakota suddenly, How would Dakota know he would be dependable with this type of shit? "What?" He asked me, bringing attention to my staring. Maybe he's done this before. "Nothing." I replied awkwardly, looking at the four bodies.


A few minutes had passed and suddenly Drake stood before us with gasoline and a matchbox. I quickly covered my boobs with my arms so they wouldn't see the nipple. Should've gotten dressed like Dakota did. Beside him stood a guy ive never seen before. "Oh you're doing this with one of the bosses kids." He shook his head with a smirk and handed Dakota the supplies. "She's a pretty little thing. Who knew he would've had such a beautiful daughter." The other one spoke up. I looked at him closer and then my eyes widened. He was Skii. The guy who always hangs out with Drake.

He is maybe in his early twenties, obviously younger than Drake. "Don't say that. Boss will kill you." Drake rolled his eyes. I felt a weird vibe from the two. I've always suspected they weren't right in the head. Especially Skii. "Anyways. When it's done you know where to find me." Drake patted his young apprentice on the back and turned around to leave.

"You're just going to leave him here?!" I spoke up frantically, wanting Skii to leave with him. Dakota was surprisingly silent as he poured the gasoline on the bodies. "He needs to do a better clean up job. Last one didn't do so well. So he is here for practice." Drake replied as he kept walking farther off. What does he mean by that...? Have they been going off and killing? Does dad know?!

"So what does a princess have anything to do with dead bodies?" Skii put an arm on my shoulder. My face immediately twisted. All I had on was my underwear because I was still damp. But now I'm perfectly dry. Oh fuck this shit. I lunged quickly and pulled Dakotas gun from his pants pocket that was on his body. I swiftly turned and pointed the gun at Skii. I had one hand on the gun and my free arm covering my boobs.

"Woah woah woah. What a fierce young lady you are." He smirked at me, his eyes wondering over my body. "Touch me again and I'll blow your brains out." I threatened. "Don't shoot." Dakota said in a stern voice. What is wrong with him? I hesitated before dropping Dakotas gun to the ground.

Does he know this guy? Is he bad news or something? "Wow. You really know how to control her. Just like I know how to control you." Skii said. I frowned and walked over to my clothes, trying not to think about it.

"Shut up." Dakota raised his voice defensively. "What's going on here?" I asked, obviously confused as I put my clothes back on. "It doesn't matter." Dakota replied with a sigh, grabbing a match out of the box and then swiping it across the strip. Once it was lit he dropped it onto the bodies and took a step back.

"Oh dear scarlet, what's it like being the bosses daughter? Princess of the gang?" Skii asked tauntingly. "How does it feel being a nobody-" I started but was immediately stopped by Dakotas hand on my mouth, shutting me up.

"Don't talk to scarlet." He told Skii, putting his hand back down to his side. Skii looked from Dakota to me then back to Dakota, studying us. Then it's like something clicked in his head.

The fire was hot, lighting up the sides of our faces. "Oh right. You're her babysitter. You don't want her to talk to someone that can take away something very precious from her in the blink of an eye." His eyes went dark as he said that. "What does he mean by that Dakota?" I asked him. "You don't need to worry about it." He replied, putting an arm out in front of me in a protective manner.

"Just something from the past dear. Nothing that concerns you." Skii replied innocently. What the fuck is going on here. Ima have to steal Dakotas file later. And Skiis. "Don't talk so friendly with her." Dakota spat out like the words were a bad taste in his mouth.

"Shes bosses daughter. Am I supposed to be rude to her? No, I can't be. Not if I'm going to marry her." Skii laughed. "I'm not marrying a creep like you." I stated forcefully. "Stop spitting out bullshit." Dakota told him.

"You're a work of art my darling." He ran his fingers through his blonde hair as he bit his lip. I got a shiver down my spine and immediately gripped onto Dakotas side with a sudden feeling of great uneasiness. This guy has something going on that's very sinister. And I don't like it. Dakota immediately turned his head to the side so he could partially see me. He has only seen me scared maybe once or twice. Gripping onto someone out of fear... something I always try to avoid. I'm supposed to only rely on myself. But for some reason... I rely on Dakota too.

I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing.


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Imagine him to look a little younger. Also I'm on an island so if I don't post thennn you know why

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