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Chapter name: stranger

I opened the window I used to go through to get to the roof. The room we were in was an empty room with only a queen sized bed and a dresser with a mirror. Used for guests or for future gang members.

I looked down at the ground below me. It was a long fall. Dakota pokes his head out the window too. "How the hell did you do this as a kid?" He asked. "I have no idea." I replied. I carefully inched my way out the window and stood up, facing the way of the house.

"Oliver!" I struggled to call his name as a tried to inch my way on the roof, the hot shingles burning my arms. I stretched towards the rope that was tied around the chimney, it was in front of me, meant for pulling people up. As soon as I grabbed the rope I started pulling myself up, onto the roof.

As soon as I was on the roof I let go of the rope and carefully made my way to my feet. I had my feet firmly planted on the shingles as I held my hand out for the struggling Dakota. He has the rope in one hand and mine in the other. I struggled some as I pulled him up into the roof, bringing myself to a sitting position with him in between my legs.

I quickly put my hand on his forehead, slightly pushing his head away, signaling for him to get off of me. "Sorry!" He quickly sat up, leaning slightly forward so he wouldn't fall of. "I hate it up here." I told him as I stood up, letting the wind hit me with full force, causing me to struggle in keeping my footing. Dakota stood up beside me.

"Scar?" Oliver appeared from the peak of the roof. "It's mad dangerous up here. Why do you still do this?" I asked him as the wind hit me, slightly lifting up my crop top to show my lace bra. "I didn't want to be down there while I was looking up some information." He replied, showing me he has his iPad. "Did you find anything out about Monty?" Dakota asked him. "Why is this even a big deal? We have gone to his parties before." I rolled my eyes at the two guys.

"But at the same time we know nothing about him. I can't find anything on him aside that his parents died and he is living with his aunt." Oliver replied. Oliver was usually really good at finding everything out about a person. He could find everywhere they've been, the time they were born, their address, their friends name, who they've been texting, their blood type. I'm surprised to see that he's only found that much out about Monty.

"Why are you up here and not in the mansion though?" I asked as a harsh wind blew passed me, causing me to stumble a bit before I felt Dakota hand reach around my waist to steady me. "New recruit." Oliver replies. I made a face. I'm usually notified when there is a new recruit. So why wasn't I this time..?

"Who is it?" I asked them as I put my hand on Dakotas, pushing it off of my waist. "I don't know her name. No one notified anyone. Only our parents and the friends know." Oliver replied. "Suspicious." Dakota sighed. I tried to keep my hair out of my face as the wind blew passed us. "Would you do a background check on Dawson?" Dakota asked Oliver. "Why would he need to do that?" I asked him with a glare. "I don't like him." Dakota rolled his eyes at me.

"Speaking of him. Look who just pulled in." Oliver was staring at our driveway, causing my attention to go down to the driveway. Sure enough there was a Dawson pulling in. "Can you do it?" Dakota turned his attention to Oliver again. "Zander and I did a background check on him before he got into the gang. If you want his files they are in the file room." He responded. I heard Dakota grunt as a reply.

"We should go back down." I suggested, catching both guys attention. I walked back over to the edge where we got up from. There was the open window we left open... but that fall from here. "Mmmmm cute." I told myself nervously as I bent down, trying to remember how I got down when I was younger.

"Let me go down first." Dakota stepped in front of me. I nodded and watched him casually sit on the edge of the roof and inch himself off, feet first. He made it to the window ledge and then made his way inside. How the hell did he make that look so easy?!

I took a deep breath before cautiously sitting down on the edge of the roof and then rolling over to where I was on my stomach. I slowly edged my way off the roof as Oliver watched me, like he was waiting for me to fall so he could grab on before I died.

I felt two hands gently grab my feet and place them on the ledge. I carefully brought myself to a squatting position in the window and then stepped into the room. We waited until Oliver made his way into the room before we turned towards the door.

I almost flinched as there was a girl ive never seen in the doorway with her suitcase. "Oh hey. What was going on in here?" She looked at all of us with a smile on her face. "Is this your room?" Dakota asked her. She nodded. Bitch. "Who even are you?" I asked with a tone of sass in my voice, my arms were crossed over my chest as I glared at her. I doubt she's actually that sweet. Damn faker.

"It's her room." I was shocked as my mom appeared out of nowhere with a smile on her face. "Ok well who is she?" I directed my question at my mother. "Well. Naomi, meet my children Scarlet and Oliver, and of course, Dakota, who is Scarlets bodyguard." My mother introduced us. "Dakota and I have the same job?" Naomi turned her head, looking at my mom, giving her a questioned look.

"What?!" I raised my voice slightly. The fuck does this new bitch mean?! "Scarlet... instead of one bodyguard you are getting two." My mother explained. My mouth dropped open in surprise as annoyance began filling my body. "Why do I need two?! Dakota is great!" I tried to hold back my anger as I talked to my mom. "The other gang is getting too close. It's more dangerous for you." My mother simply said before she left us all there.

As soon as my mom was in the elevator, Naomis smile dropped as she looked me up and down, obviously judging me. "Can I help you?" I asked with a rude tone lacing my voice. "You're pretty." She replied as she went around us, pulling her bag along with her. That was majorly unexpected...

"So you're not a raging asshole that is going to be a tattletale?" I asked her suspiciously. I imagined a whole scenario in my head to where she would be a total bitch and hated me. "Why would I be? Do I seem that way?" She asked me. "No.." I replied. I'm so used to people being major bitches when I first meet them... when they come to the gang.

"Well we will leave you to it." Oliver spoke up as he grabs both mine and Dakotas arm, pulling us out of the room. I closed the door and we were off. "Since when did I need two bodyguards?" I asked in a whisper as we waited for the elevator door to come to our floor. "You are pretty reckless." Dakota sighed. I glared at him as the door opened. "Well... you have one. So hopefully you'll be out of danger." Oliver stepped into the elevator before us.


Naomi ^^^

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Naomi ^^^

Not a lot of girls with vitiligo are in wattpad books so I have decided I'm going to add one and spread awareness. People with this don't deserved to be looked at differently or judged. They are beautiful just the way they are.

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