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Chapter name: two strangers, two knocked out guys

This chapter is back on Scarlets pov

I thought I could take this. I thought I had this. I had one. With my knee on his back and his arm twisted around as he laid there powerless. Now as I stand in between two men I realized I should've stayed with my knee on him. There was the man I was pointing a gun at, where I left him. There is a man at the door... I don't have a gun pointed at him.

"What happened to my brother?" I asked the one at the door as I kept looking from one stranger to another. "The two guys are outside the door. Passed out from chloroform." The man at the door responded. Then I watched as he went back out and dragged two familiar figures in. He was a muscular man so it didn't seem hard for him. I watched as he rolled them over so I could see their faces. Oliver and Dakota.

"What do you want?" I asked him as I kept my gun trained on the man behind me. "You need to come with us." He took a step forward and took out his gun. I aimed at his friend as he aimed at me. "Sorry. Not going to happen." I replied. "Wasn't a question sweetheart." I saw from the side of my eye the man I had my gun pointed to took a step forward. Without thinking I fired at his shin. The gun echoed loudly, causing my ear to ring as the man I shot fell, holding his shin.

Another gunshot went off. One not from my gun. In a split second I was dropping my gun as I fell to the ground with my hands on my side as it gushed blood. "Scarlet Turner. Daughter of Temperance and Alec Turner. You know your dad killed a few of my friends." The man that shot me was standing over me. "DAKOTA!! OLIVER!!" I yelled as blood soaked my clothes. "There's no use yelling." The man told me.

Before I knew it he was on top of me as I was bleeding out, laying on my back, both of my legs in between his. I felt exposed since my body was spilling out of my clothes. "I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to tie you up and take you back to boss." The man took my bloody hands away from my wound and began tying them up.


As he tied me up I quickly bent my knees, causing my knees to roughly kick him in his ball area. He stopped what he was doing and put his hand on his crotch and fell off of me with a grunt. "You fucking bitch!" He yelled at me. I quickly sat up, ignoring my wound, feeling the adrenaline course through my body. I pulled my knife out of my bra and put it in my mouth as I opened it. With my mouth I began cutting the rope to free my hands. As soon as it was cut I stood up and pulled my skirt back down.

As I did that the man was regaining balance and standing back up to face me. I kept my knife in my hand, ready to attack him.

"There is no use fighting me." He shook his head with amusement. Before I knew it, my body was moving for me. I lunged forward and plunged the knife into his shoulder. As I did that he let out a yell but didn't hold back a strike. He had his arm around me, pushing me against his body, keeping me there, not allowing me to go. It was like a bone crushing hug. But this wasn't a hug. And I couldn't breathe.

As I was being crushed by him I saw the knife in front of me, halfway in his shoulder. I turned my head to the side and slammed my head down on the knife. He let me go as it went further into his shoulder, also managing to give me a major future bruise on my cheek.

I fell to the ground and popped right back up to yank the knife out of his shoulder. As I did, spurts of blood cane out with it. "I'm not someone to be messed with." I told him, my adrenaline running through my body, making my wound hurt less.

As soon as I was getting cocky I felt two hands on my ankles, pulling my feet out from under me. My eyes went wide as my body came crashing to the ground. I threw the knife to the side to avoid stabbing myself in the neck. There was a loud thud as I impacted the floor. Shit.

I started rapidly kicking my feet, as soon as my foot connected with his nose he let me go. I scurried away and spotted the gun. I looked back at the two guys. Still on the floor. The one that has the shoulder wound was starting to get up. I lunged forward and landed right before the gun. I reached out to get it but was then pulled back by my ankle. "No!" I grunted as the gun was now farther away from me.

I was under him yet again. He had my knife in his hand and was sitting on my stomach, my arms under him also. I was breathing roughly. "GET OFF OF ME!!" I shrieked as he was hurting my bullet wound even more.

"This was supposed to be an easy fucking mission!" The man screamed in my face, causing a little spit to get on my cheek. I couldn't help but let a few tears slip out from the pain. It hurts so fucking bad. I can't.

He placed the knife against my cheek and sliced it, causing more pain to take over my body and causing more blood to leave faster than my body can produce more. "You're lucky I can kill you." He whispered. I turned my head to look at the other man. He was slowly getting up now.

Think. Think. Think.

I can't think.

I looked around for something, anything to help me. Nothing I would be able to get to. I flexed my foot and then lifted my leg up as hard as I could. He grunted as I managed to kick him in the back of the head.

I can thank years of practice for that flexibility.

He leaned forward, causing a gap in between his butt and my body. I slipped my hand out and jabbed him in the eyes with my fingers. I pushed my fingers further and further until he got off, holding his eyes and cussing at me.

I got up, bringing my hand to my side. I was getting dizzy, it was hard to keep my balance. Before I knew it the other guy was running in full force at me. When he crashed into me the breath went out of me. My back hit the ground hard as the man fell on top of me. I laid there, not doing anything, not moving, not breathing, just staring at the ceiling.

As soon as he got off I had been gasping for air. I turned over on my side, pleading with my lungs not to burst.

Immediately I felt a hand go through my hair then grab it roughly. My head was slammed into the ground, face first. Hitting the side of my face. Then he did it two more times. Finally I was able to swing my hand around and punch him in the face with the side of my fist. He had let go of my hair. I stood up trying to catch my balance as I wobbled to the gun rack. As soon as I got there I fell on the rack. I grabbed onto it to keep myself up.

So dizzy... so lightheaded. Too much blood loss.

I grabbed a gun out, I struggled to cock it as the man was walking towards me again. The other man was still on the floor holding his eyes. I was seeing double of each man. Once it was cocked, my hand shakily pointed the heavy gun at the man. He was closer than I thought. My gun was knocked out of my hand and it skidded across the floor. He had picked me up by my neck. My hands were on his arms, trying to get him off of me as he was holding me in the air by my neck.

Then suddenly I was falling as a gunshot went off. I heard yelling from multiple people. My head hit something and everything went black.

So in my opinion. I like this badass side. It's refreshing. What do you guys think?

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