Twenty seven

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Chapter name: two possibilities

I put on black ripped jeans and then a black croptop. If there's any blood involved, black was the way to go. The gang all knew that. That's why most of us always wear black.

Paisley slept at mine last night because I wouldn't let her go back. I'm glad we are talking again though. I looked at her as she tied her hair up in a ponytail. I should go check on Dakota and Naomi.

As soon as I opened the door Naomi was standing there with a smile. "Heyyyyy!" She said happily. "Wow. You're in a good mood today." I smiled back at her, Pulling my hair up into a bun. "I just don't like lowlife abusers." She told me as she patted her gun on her waistband.

"Morning Scar, Naomi, Pais." Nathaniel yawned during his sentence with Jaxton behind him with a bed head. You could tell they just woke up. "What time did you guys wake up?" I asked them curiously. "Like...... twenty minutes ago." Jaxton shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. Guys....

"I'll go check on Dakota." I stepped passed them, realizing that I haven't seen him all morning. "Everyone go in my room. No one needs to see you." I told them. This mission wasn't approved by any of the higher ups. No one knows what's going on with my team. I knocked on Dakotas door and waited for an answer.

No answer.

I twisted the doorknob and stepped into his room. I closed the door behind me and I made eye contact with a half naked Dakota who looks like he just got out of the shower. I blushed and immediately looked away from his abs.

"Im almost ready." He told me as he walked towards his closet. Pulling a shirt over his body. I took my time and I sat on his bed, looking down at my phone, waiting for him. Why was I even waiting? I don't even know.

I looked up to see Dakota standing in front of me. I put my phone down and he immediately wrapped his hands around my wrists, putting one knee on the bed, making me lay back with him on top of me. By this time my face was bright red, our eyes connected. My wide eyes with his relaxed eyes.

"Dakota...?" I asked, trying to snap him out of his trance. My eyes went even wider when he slowly moved down towards my face. My eyes quickly closed as his lips connected with mine. His soft lips on mine. He smelled like shampoo and cologne. The kiss wasn't anything more then a long peck. His lips just sitting on mine. Then he was back up, pulling me up to my feet with him. "I-" I wanted to ask what it was for but I couldn't make a sentence from being so flustered by his action.

"You look pretty." He told me as he took one last look at me before turning around. He walked towards the door and opened it. I left the room with him and we immediately went into mine.

The whole group was in there. Their eyes met ours as we entered. Paisley was looking in the mirror as she put on lipgloss. Jaxton was talking to Naomi and Nathaniel was sitting on my bed. But all of their eyes landed on us. "Did something happen?" Jaxton smirked at us, probably noticing my rosy cheeks. "Shut up." I quickly replied to his remark, not wanting to admit that something did happen.

"Anyways. Who all knows we are going?" Naomi asked, I knew she didn't want to do anything behind everyone's back but this was something we had to do. They would never let us do it if we asked.

"Everyone in this room." I replied. She immediately looked at me with a frown. "Look... we have to do this without anyone knowing. It's for pais." I looked at her with sadness filling my eyes. "I.... if we get caught we are going to be in big trouble." Naomi rolled her eyes. "We've done this before." I replied confidently. It's true, my team has done this before.

In the past. Jaxton, Nathaniel, Paisley, and myself have all gone on secret missions without anyone else knowing. No ones ever found out either. But this time it's two more people going with us. Two people that are ordered to protect me with their lives.

"How do we get out?" Dakota asked. It was only nine in the morning, meaning most of us were still asleep aside from Ella and the people in the security room. "My window." I said happily, remembering last time I did it. "What the fuck. No." Jaxton made a face at me as I said that. "I've done it before! And the trampoline is right under my window from last time." I rolled my eyes at them.

"It's true. She made it last time." Dakota added, walking towards my window and opening it. Without saying another word he had thrown himself out of the window. The people that were left immediately looked at each other in shock and ran towards the window, we all forced our heads out. He was perfectly fine. He laid on the trampoline and gave us a thumbs up before crawling off.

"Nathaniel, you go!" Paisley tried slightly pushing him out the window. He didn't budge as he looked in fear of the ground. "Oh my God. Nathaniel it isn't even bad." I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance. Naomi pushes passed us and firmly plants her feet on the windowsill. She fall forward and lands on the trampoline, with a few bounces from the landing.

Next was me. I got on the window and let myself fall. My stomach dropped as I was falling and my back roughly hit the trampoline as I landed, bringing me back up in the air. There was a few bounces before I was finally crawling to the side of the trampoline, getting off of it and now waiting with the others for the rest of the group to jump out.

One by one they all jumped out and looked traumatized as they laid on the trampoline after their fall. "Good job." I smiled at them. I grasped paisleys hand, helping her off since she was the last one to jump. She was slightly shaking but other than that she was fine.

"We will get one of the cars we usually use at the old garage." I stated, knowing it could either go with Paisley coming back with us, or a dead guy.

All of my siblings and step siblings are asleep in the car so I'm so happy now. 😊
Update: wrote that sentence a few weeks ago. Also there will be more Skota.

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