Another Attempt

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It feels like dejavu.  Take a walk in the amusement park with Brett and Allen on his shoulders, play various rides and listen to them laugh together.

It really is strange.  Alice always loves times like this, because she can see her brother happy. That's always what counts. However, it's even stranger now, how she have gotten so close to the red flannel jacket young man, without anything attracting them.  They just kind of talk.

It's the same with Allen.  He could be so close to the young man only because Brett strokes his head at  their first meeting.

The three of them played with various rides there, laughed together, also ate lunch, just like a family.  Alice had never felt this warm feeling apart from with Brett.

Why can't I get you out from my mind? Is there really something special about you?


Alice is back in one of the ferriswheel carriages now with Allen and Brett. The exact moment she had been through in the past.  Allen asked to go up but fell asleep again as soon as they slowly began to ascend.

Alice stares out of the ferriswheel window silently.  The sky is starting to twilight, showing its beautiful color before her eyes.

"Alice..." Brett seemed to call softly beside her.

Alice turns her head, smiling lightly at him.  "Yeah, Brett?"

Brett looked at Alice in doubt.  "You seemed to be deep in thought through our playing time. Are you okay?"

Alice paused for a moment, then averted her face.  "I'm okay."

"Seriously?"  Brett asked incredulously.  He seemed to feel odd with her expression.

"Yeah, seriously," Alice looked at Brett again.  "I just remembered when we were here once before."

Brett smiles kindly, but it seems forced.  "You didn't like going out with me?"

"E-Eh?"  Alice's expression suddenly panicked at Brett.  "No... T-that's not it. I love going out with you. It's just-"

"That's a relief," Brett interrupts.  Her smile lifts again.  "I thought you felt uncomfortable spending time like this."

Alice shakes her head and lowered her face in embarrassment.  She feels nervous again, the words she wanted to say suddenly caught on the tip of her tongue.

"Hey, Al?"  Brett called again.

"Hm?"  Alice turned her head to him.

"My dad seems to be getting better since he met you," said Brett.  "I've visited him again after you talked to him, we have a nice talk already."

Alice smiles.  "Oh really? I'm so happy for you."

Brett put his hand behind Alice's head, strokes it lightly.  "I'm sure if Mom is still alive, she will be happy with you too."

Alice's cheeks flushed red feeling the warmness of Brett's hand. She immediately looked away.  "W-What are you saying, Brett."

Brett laughs.  "You know, Mom once told me, that one day I will find a woman who will make me happy, like she did."

"Really?"  Alice responded, still lowering her head.

"Yeah, and I guess... well... I've found her."  Brett took the courage to speak.

Alice looked at Brett sheepishly.  The two of them looked each other straight in the eye, letting the ferriswheel moves slowly as they locked with eye contact.

Brett sighs and looked away.  Alice could see his cheeks suddenly flushed. "Ah, sorry, I think I said some something weird, aren't I?"

Alice smiles slightly and looked away, neither wanting to stare.   "No, it's fine, Brett. Me too."

"What?" Brett turned his head in confusion.

Alice secretly smiles. "Yeah, I also have-"

"Uh... Sis?"  Allen suddenly moves and rubbed his eyes.

Alice immediately swiftly helped her brother sit straight.  "Allen, you're awake."

"Allen fell asleep again huh?"  asked Allen, confused looking at his sister.

Alice grinned and nodded her head.  She held Allen on his lap as she pointed out the window.  "We'll be at the ground again in a minute. Look, the view is beautiful, right?"

"Wow, Sis, it's great," said Allen with sleepy eyes.

Brett looked at Alice and Allen with a smile. He failed again to confess. Even though he was close.  But maybe it's still not time yet?

Brett looked down for a moment with a smile.  What did Alice trying to say though?  Does she feel the same way as him? That she found Brett made her happy?  Or is there... someone else she cherished?

To be continued :)

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