The Ferriswheel

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The two humans sat side by side on the ferris wheel as they slowly rise, showing a beautiful view of the city. Allen, who's very happy, fell asleep instead there, leaning on his sister.

The hour hand is pointing at six now, showing a yellowish painting on the sky. Alice and Brett both felt each of their heartbeat speed go accelerando. They just didn't realize they felt the same thing.

Brett stares out of the window, enjoying the evening sky with his empty brown eyes, while Alice could only lower her head, embracing Allen with her hand, thinking about the time that feels slowed down as they sat together.

The two of them refused to notice that each of their hand now is almost met on the chair.

"Uh," Alice's little voice scattered Brett's daydream and made him glance to her. "Thank you, Brett, for bringing us here."

Brett smiles. "Hey, it's no big deal. I'm only fulfilling your brother's wish."

Alice glance back to him, letting her  met his brown eyes. "Y-Yeah, you're right."

Brett look straight ahead, but still smiling. He paused for a moment before finally speak again, "Has he been in maths tutoring for a long time?"

Alice stare at him in quite a shock. "How did you know he joins maths tutoring?"

"I... did maths tutoring when I was in school too, I thought maybe we have the same place," said Brett as he look back to her. "That's just a hunch though. It's the tutoring down the street near the hall, right?"

Alice nods.

"But isn't your brother too young to take maths tutoring?" asked Brett curiously. "He had a lot of homework from there, right?"

Alice sigh and averted her face. "Maybe it's my fault. I don't want to become doctor as my parents wanted, so Allen has to take it all."

Brett smiles. "I know how it feels."

Alice look at Brett in confusion. Her eyebrows raised, asking for an explanation. However, not a single word came out of him.

"Your life seems hard." Alice suddenly broke the silence again. She didn't know where those words came from, but she just couldn't help but say it.

"Uh-" Brett is taken aback for a moment, but calmed down again. "Being a concertmaster, practicing the violin and dealing with rumors, as well as my dad. That's my life."

"Dad?" asked Alice in surprise.

Brett nods while looking at Alice. A friendly smile returned to his face. Again their eyes locked. There are countless explosions that arose in their hearts whenever their faces decided to separate, then meet again.

Alice is silent, waiting for Brett's story to continue, but it seemed that the man had no intention of going any further. Well, that's no wonder, isn't it? They've just met. Alice couldn't blame him for hesitation.

Brett looks away, with an unpleasant expression on his face, avoiding Alice's smile for a moment.

Alice push herself to be brave and grab Brett's hood from his flannel jacket and put it on Brett's head. The owner immediately turned his head in surprise.

"You can tell me anytime if you really need support," said Alice with a smile. "I'll listen, like you listen to my clarinet playing."

Brett silents for a moment, then smiled gratefully. "Thanks."

Alice glance to Allen. His brother is still fast asleep until they started to decent to the land. All that's visible is the movement of his breath. It's almost like he purposely made Alice and Brett talk eye to eye.

"He looks tired," Brett said as Alice stare at him. "We better take him home to rest after this."

Alice nods. "Thanks a lot. I'm always happy to see him laugh out loud, beyond his responsibility for Mom and Dad."

"Hey, I told you, it's not a problem for me," said Brett warmly. "Just call me whenever Allen wants to play."

Alice averted her face, and nods with her face that slowly turns red.

That afternoon, it was really beautiful day for her. Hopefully for Brett too.


Brett put his violin case in his room after he came home. He opens the buttons of his flannel jacket and slowly opens the hood that Alice put on to him earlier. His lips lifted as the memory of his orchestra friend's simple action passed on his mind. This is the first time someone could actually feel his feelings.

He take off his jacket, leaving him with only a black T-shirt and trousers. He immediately took a shower and changed his pants with shorts with a gold 'stacatto' as his pajamas.

To be continued :)

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