Brett's Dad

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Alice smiled at the middle-aged man in front of her who looked healthy even though he didn't live at his own home anymore.  She was relieved that the situation hadn't played with him after all the court business had ended.  Her face looked at Brett for a moment, confirmed the situation.

Brett smiles slightly and nod at Alice. The two of them stare at the man for a moment and sat together opposite him.

"Hello, Dad," said Brett with a smile.

"Hmm."  His father seemed indifferent.  He looked at his son with a flat expression.

"Hello, Sir," Alice joined in the greeting.  "I'm glad to see you all right here."

Brett's Dad seemed silent at Alice's words.  Has his ears heard right?

"You still remember her, don't you? It's Alice, Dad," said Brett, introducing her again. He glances at Alice for a moment, slightly embarrassed.  "Uh... my deskie in the orchestra."

Brett's Dad smiles crookedly.  "Is it really just an orchestra friend?"

"E-eh?"  Brett instantly shocked by his Dad's attack.  From the corner of his eye he could see Alice is surprised too.  "Y-Yeah, that's right."

Alice looked embarrassed looking at Brett's Dad. She quickly deflects the conversation.  "Um... I'm sorry if our first meeting was not good at that time, Sir."

"Oh yeah, that's okay. It's Brett who made them bad anyway."  said Brett's Dad, immediately making his son glare.

"Yeah right."  scolded Brett irritably.

"It's okay, Brett."  Alice tried to calm the boy down by tapping him on the shoulder. She chuckles a bit.

"Besides, what are you guys doing here?"  asked his Dad again.  "You both wanted to ask for your blessing?"

"D-DAD!"  said Brett increasingly embarrassed. His mind secretly cursed his Dad's words. Who has the wrong time now?

His Dad laughed dryly, then looked at Alice.  "I hope you don't come to corner me again."

Alice shakes her head. "Why would I do that?"

"Because you obviously knew the matter and I believe you're on Brett's side in this."

She smiles warmly. "Nah. I just listen to Brett's stories, to calm him down. I know how it feels."

"Haha... you know how it feels, you say?"  said Brett's Dad disparagingly.  He shakes his head.  "No. You'll never know how it feels, girl. No one will ever know how I feel now."

"I know everything and I accepted it, Sir," said Alice, causing the man to look away. 

Brett's Dad kept his mouth locked, not knowing what to say.

"Maybe I won't know exactly what it feels like to deal with lost, but I know it must be tough for the both of you," Alice said.  She lowers her head for a moment before continuing.  "If you don't mind... whenever you two need help, I will happily lend a hand, okay?"

Brett smiles at Alice's words. He's amazed seeing how kind she is to his Dad.

Brett's Dad said nothing.  He sighed, then looked away again. Honestly, he didn't want to believe her. He can't trust people again after what he had through.

But she... seems nice? At least to make Brett trust her so much when he felt lonely from his mourning... Is she really...

He shook his head briefly, throwing away the thoughts that had just passed.

"Well... Alice is very nice to me, Dad, I'm sure she'll do the same to you too," Brett spoke up.  "Alice has been accompanying me every week to see Mom."

Dad stares at Brett for a moment, a little dumbfounded to hear the word 'Mom' emerge from his mouth. He lost count already how many years since he caused that incident. How many years he didn't see his wife in her new home as well.

He looked back at Alice and sighs.  "Thank you... Alice."

Alice smiles happily.  "It's how it should be, right?"

"What?" said Brett's Dad confused.

"We should be good to each other," said Alice, looking down sheepishly.  "As long as we can do that, everything should be fine. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes. We all have."

Brett's Dad stunned.  During his time in prison he always blamed himself, but in front of Brett, as well as other people, he wanted to always look strong because his son's anger with him. But this girl...

Alice looked at Brett's Dad in surprise. She turned her face in confusion. She began to get nervous seeing no reaction from Brett's Dad.  "Ah, did I say a wrong thing? I'm sorry."

Brett's Dad shakes his head quickly.  He looked at the two people in front of him with mixed feelings.  "No. It's okay."

To be continued :)

Sorry for the short chapter. How is it? Is Alice too nice as a person? I love how Brett's Dad tease them though. HAHA

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