Getting Closer

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Alice treated Brett again after his head got injured by the Eddy's punch. Slowly, she rubbed eucalyptus oil on the boy's forehead when they got home.

"Do you have a problem with Eddy?" asked Alice when she's done.  She doesn't remember Brett ever argue with Eddy while they were in the orchestra. They have been good friends.

Brett stare at Alice silently.  He shook his head weakly.

Alice sighs, feeling sorry that she hadn't waited for Brett inside the hall.  Her bad feeling turned out to be right, Eddy hitted him so hard.  But the question is, what for?  Did Brett made a cruel mistake for Eddy to attack him?

"What did Eddy said to you?"  asked Alice again.

Brett paused for a moment, remembering all the re-engineering in the hall before finally answer, "Don't ever disturb Ellie."

Alice frowned.  "What? You mean Ellie... your fiance?"

Brett glare slightly to Alice, but a hint of sadness looks radiated from his face.  "Don't call her my fiance."

Alice is surprised for a second, then averted her face.  "Sorry."

Sometimes love is disturbing, isn't it?  You know he didn't have any relationship with someone, but you still feel anxious about it.  The fact that reality is still in front of her eyes, that's what Alice feels.

Brett sighs, then lowers his head again. His expression soften.

Alice smiles slightly.  "Um, are you feeling better?"

Brett nods slowly.  He look at Alice gratefully.  "Thank you."

Alice shook her head.  "It's the least I can do for you, Brett. Wait here for a second."

Brett sighs and stare blankly at Alice who went to bring back the medicine that she brought to treat him. 

Brett slowly frowns. This is not how it should be. Alice shouldn't have get involved in his problem, he should solve it without causing trouble for other people.  But in fact Brett IS that weak.  Pathetic.


Eddy played Ellie's home piano sincerely, to entertain the girl almost everyday lately.  He likes this new routine.  Classical pieces were always his favorite, as usual.

He smiles. This routine, is the activity he wished he had from a long time. Now he has it. Even though that doesn't mean his struggle ends.

Ellie just smiled while reading a book on the sofa, listening to Eddy's playing.

To be honest, there is nothing happier than knowing that someone had seen her to this extent.  If only Brett were that sensitive to her.

However, did Ellie realize that she did the same to Eddy?  Maybe not.

Ellie closes her novel and put it on the table.  Her body leaned against the sofa, sighed.  Again, Brett popped into her head.

Eddy stopped playing when he noticed Ellie sighing.  He closed the piano and immediately approached the girl on the sofa.  "Ellie, what's wrong?"

Ellie turned and shook her head.  "I'm okay, Ed."

"You're thinking about Brett again," Eddy sighs, secretly in a miserable tone, then stroked the top of Ellie's head.  "Come on, just admit it if you really thinking about him."

Ellie grins.  "Did you learned to be a fortune teller or something when we lost contact?"

"Maybe a special fortune teller to predict yours," said Eddy humorously.  "Besides, won't you be marrying him soon?"

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