Alice's True Feelings

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Brett just came home from Alice's house and wanted to take a shower to freshen up his body.  His face still looked bright, remembering everything he had been through in Alice's house earlier. Today was an incredibly good day.

Good concert, fix things up with Eddy, dinner treat, play with Allen and Alice.  Brett couldn't ask for a better life than this.

If only Brett could say it directly to Alice.

Brett immediately took off his shoes and went inside his house.

He paused in the living room for a moment, realizing something. That's right. His Dad won't be home anymore.  Now this house will only be occupied by him alone, without anyone.  No one else will wake him up if he overslept, no one else will call him to eat, no one else would rule his life.

Brett's eyes turned to one corner of the house.  He walks towards it, approaching the place where his Mom's photo was displayed.  Since her leaving, her picture has been here, surrounded by flowers and candles.

Brett stood in front of his mother, clasped his hands with a flat face.  "Forgive me, Mom. You must have thought Brett was a rebellious child. Brett had promised to invite Dad to meet Mom, but Brett break the promise myself."

Brett closed his eyes and rested his forehead on the tips of his fingers.  "Brett will learn to be more independent, Mom. Don't worry. Brett loves you."

Brett looked at his Mom's face once again.  His heart sank to see her face framed there.  His heart never grew tired of asking, why did you have to go so fast?

"See you tomorrow, Mom."

Brett sighs, then walks towards the stairs, his room is in the second floor.  He took his toiletries and immediately removed the gala feeling from his heart by shampooing.  He couldn't destroy this day just because he remembered his past.

Brett immediately combed his hair up in front of the mirror.  He has changed into his sleepwear, he wants to rest right away.

Drrt... drrt...

Brett glanced at his phone, putting the comb on the table.  Who's calling so late?

"Hello?"  Brett answers immediately as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, Brett! How are you? You're at home right? I will be going to see you, okay!"

Brett raised an eyebrow, then peeked at the name on the screen.

Oh... Aunt Ally...


Alice was reading her sheet music on the bed when her Dad suddenly came to the room.

Alice turned.  "What's up, Dad?"

"Ah, no. Are you going to bed already?"  asked Alice's Dad, remembering it was already ten at night.

Alice shook her head, then put down the paper she was reading.  "Not yet. Come in."

Alice's Dad came in and sat down by his daughter.  He glances at the paper lying on the bed.  "Are you practicing?"

Alice grins.  "Just sightreading, so that later when I practice I won't messed up so much."

Alice's Dad smiles. "You really like the orchestra, huh?"

Alice nodded her head.  "Everything's awesome there, Dad! Alice learned a lot."

"Are you happy because you studied a lot or because someone accompanied your music studying?"  asked Alice's Dad with a big grin.

"H-Huh? Dad!"  Alice immediately patted his arm in embarrassment.  "All of them helps Alice study."

"Sure?"  Papa Alice is even more eager to make fun of his daughter.  "Then you will be fine if I suddenly told you to study alone, right?"

"What? Whyyy?"  Alice immediately made a pitiful face.

Alice's Dad laughs.  "I'm just teasing you. I see you seem specially close to Brett."

"Are you jealous?"  said Alice ignorantly.  "Don't worry, you're still number one in Alice's eyes."

"Really?"  he asked, looked at hid daughter in disbelief.

"You didn't believe me?"  asked Alice grimly.

"I believe you," Alice's Dad stroked her daughter's hair anxiously.  "But if Alice answer my question honestly."

"What?"  Alice frowned.

"You love him, don't you?"  asked Alice's Dad with a smile.

"U-Uh..." Alice looked at her Dad in shock.  "Uh, why did you ask that?"

"Just answer it. Come on. I want to know. I'm sure Mom can also see from your friendship."  Alice's Dad pinched Alice's nose slowly.

Alice lowers her head.  Ah, Alice hates having to remember this feeling.  Her parents apparently noticed.  "Yes, Dad. I... I really love him."

To be continued :)

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