Tears of Memory

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Whoa we're on 100 comments already? Thank you for the support 🥺 Really couldn't done it so quick without you guys! Now back to the story!


Brett stopped his car at the side of the road, close to a vacant lot.  He and Alice descended from there and walk towards the ground surrounded by flower petals.

Alice paused seeing the ground, where a tomb occur that reads:

Rest In Peace
Aurellia Yang

"Hello, Mom," Brett knelt before the tomb and stroked it lightly.  "Sorry, Brett never visited you."

Alice knelt next to Brett as well as the boy gestured to approach with his hands.  The two of them stare at the tomb with mixed feelings.

Alice is sure that Brett really misses his mother, especially after he finds out the real cause of her death. It hurts to think about it, but Alice could feel it.

"Brett hopes you have been happy all this time," Brett said steadfastly.  "Don't worry about Brett, Mom. Starting today, Brett will always visit you here every week. And Brett's really sorry Brett come alone, not with Dad."

Alice could feel how close Brett was to his mother during his lifetime. She smiles a little, Brett's face flashed a happy face talking about his mother.  Even though she knew it was just a weak face that had been strengthened.

"Uh, Mom..." Brett glanced at Alice for a moment before continuing. "Brett brought someone which... has been making Brett happy lately."

Alice smiled at what her orchestra friend's words.

Making him happy, huh?

Brett turned to Alice.  "Alice, this is my Mom."

Alice nods slowly, staring at the tombstone with a small smile.  "Hello, Auntie."

Brett look back at his mother's tombstone.  "Mom, don't ever worry about Brett. Brett will keep that promise."

Brett leans over and kissed the tombstone for a long time.  He tries to feel his mother's presence there.

Brett glances to Alice again.  He smiles a little.  "Dad never wanted to see Mom here. Now I understand why."

Alice stare at Brett in silence, waiting for him continue.

"Uh, if you don't mind, would you like it if you come here with me every week?"  asked Brett.  "I mean, it's okay if you don't want to."

Alice smiles.  It didn't take long for her to answer, "Sure."

Brett smiles with relief.  He immediately stood up, followed by Alice.  The sky is getting dark.

"Let's go home now, okay?" said Alice to Brett, as if ordering her naughty little brother.

Brett nods slowly.  He actually still doesn't want to go home, but his Dad will definitely look for him tlif he run away again.  Huh.

Brett and Alice walk back to the car, darting from there before it was completely dark.


Brett's father was working in his homework room when he heard his cell phone ring.  He immediately picked it up without looking at the screen.


"Good evening, sir," a voice across from him greeted him kindly.  "Are you busy?"

"Oh, it's you," Brett's Dad recognized the voice at once.  Who else but Ellie's Dad voice.  "What's wrong?"

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