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Hello! Yes, I made a special episode of Eddy's POV because I thought he needs more love in this story! :> I hope you like it, sorry if its too short! Long chapters are coming!


In that minimalist home at the city, a young violinist walks to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Years has passed, it feels like a breeze until Eddy got into uni. So much have happened and he's pretty much struggling alone. No one would understand what he have experienced. Not even Brett, nor Belle, his sister.

He stands quietly at the counter, waiting for the coffee beans drops. He has live alone here since he was enrolled in a music uni.

Belle decided to live overseas and their parents apparently chose to tag along. Sometimes they get in contact by messages or calls, but Eddy always saying that he's okay, life has been great and wish them the best there.

But again, no one would understand. That's Eddy's life. He's just doing what he has to do, practicing and being a good boy for everyone. But, he unconciously growing this certain feelings he has kept since he was high school.

His steps brings him to his room. He sits at his study area, sipping his coffee while looking at one particular photo he hang at the table. A smiling little version of him, Brett and another girl.

It's true, they had gone through so much together since they were high school students.

They prank teachers, cut off classes sometimes, do assignments together. The three of them seems like three unseparable identical twins.

Ellie was the one that makes his and Brett's lives have a sprinkle of variety. Well, the two of them have been together way before then. He knows Brett since he was grade 7 of school, while they both met her at grade 10.

Other than the boy's stuff they do, sometimes they accompany Ellie to go shopping or just a little jogging in the morning. Sometimes Eddy missed those days.

But as their lives goes on, they each have different plans of future, they forcefully have to go in their own ways in uni. Even though he and Brett have the same major, they got into different music uni because Brett always has greater marks than him.

Not to mention, Brett is always like that. Some teachers loved him for being so diligent, despite of his attitude with Eddy and Ellie. Even girls hitting on him. Maybe it's the same in his uni now.

But as time goes by, Brett has gotten way more serious about music, so they didn't talk a lot like they used to even though they're deskies most of the time.

After all, Eddy also realized that it seems like Brett is currently getting close to the clarinetist in the orchestra. Maybe he's having fun right now, which Eddy felt... thankful yet... unforgivable?

Eddy takes his violin to practice after he finished the coffee. As usual, another day of practice.

He himself has changed. Since he's living alone, he has to think about how to survive everyday. He busk in the streets sometimes, but has several violin students to teach too while he's in uni. He does anything to get himself some cash.

Other than that, he has to deal with other stuffs, which lately drain his emotion.

About someone.

Drrt... drrt...

Hey, little bro. Busy practicing?

Eddy got distracted from his violin when he saw Belle's message.

Yeah, was about to. What's up?

Nah. Just wondering how my brother's life there. How's uni? ^^

Eddy got silent from the question. He stares at his phone for quite a while before he answers.

It's been great, sis. Don't worry :)

He put his phone back and decides to really starts practicing. Eddy smiles blankly after he put his violin on his chin. It was great old days since then, where he experienced friendship, study stress and.... love.

The painful love anyone can't understand. Not even the girl herself.

Is the world has to be always about him?

To be continued :)

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