Ellie's Feelings

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Brett sighed as he left the police station.  He actually explained everything to the police, submitted the form to report his Dad's actions. He was kind of relief the wounds he had still make a slight scar.

Tired.  He honestly had goosebumps when he was inside the police station, never across his mind that when he's older he would actually report his own Dad.


Brett raised his bowed head at the familiar voice. He frowned when he saw someone in front of the police station.  "Eddy? What are you doing here?"

"Huh, isn't that my line?"  asked Eddy with a raised eyebrows.  "You better not do anything to piss me."

Brett look at Eddy in confusion.  "Why are you so upset with me? I didn't do anything."

"I'll never forget what we've been through, Brett," said Eddy, turning his back on him.  "You don't have to pretend that you don't know you've had everything since high school."

Brett frowns and mumbles, "...What?"

Eddy snorted.  "If I hear you bother Ellie again, you won't be safe in my hands."

Eddy walks away from Brett after that, didn't want to waste time chatting with him.

"Why do you suddenly interfere my life lately?" asked Brett irritably at last.  "It's none of your business, you know that, right?"

Eddy stopped in place.  He gave a crooked smile and turned his head towards Brett lightly.

"Your life?"  asked Eddy with a chuckle.  He pointed at Brett's shirt as he continued, "I'm doing this for Ellie. Not for you. Understand?"

Brett raised his eyebrows silently, as if he caught Eddy's point.  "So... you love her."

"What's the point if I am?"  Eddy said again, turning his back on him.  "Nobody will ever care anyway."

"That's not your reason to bother Alice,"  said Brett dryly.  "You told me to stop bothering Ellie, but you were bothering Alice yourself! What do you want?!"

Again, Eddy smiled crookedly.  "She deserved it."

"You-" Brett stopped when he saw Eddy's feet steps away.  His heart was burning to hear Eddy insulting the girl who had cared for him.  He really can't keep his mouth now, huh?

Drrt... drrt...

Brett sighed and immediately picked up the phone without even looking at the name on the screen.  "Hello?"

"Where are you? I told you we're going to eat with Ellie's family! Hurry home!"  heard his Dad's voice echo in his ear.

Crap. I forgot.

Brett immediately turned off the phone and returned to the car.  He immediately returned home before his Dad went berserk again.

At least now the police have started investigating.  Brett didn't know if his report would work or not, but he sure wanted to do this for his Mom. Everything for the woman he always loves.


Brett is actually lazy when he often has to have dinner with Ellie's family. It's not that he doesn't like it, but in the end, it's always the parents who's gonna be busy chatting, while he and Ellie could only feel awkward, not knowing what to say.

Today is the same.  All he spent in this chinese restaurant was listening to their parents discussing their marriage.  All he can understand is that they already have a place and date, only the wardrobe matters now.

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