1: Allen's Current Life

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Allen took off his shoes at the front door. He sighs, felt relieved that he is finally home after a long day of working.

Out of his tireness from hard work, he check his phone again, but still, no one is seen looking for him. Zero notifications. His little hope to see an envelope icon has to continue struggling.


Allen was dumbfounded, he looked at the owner of the voice. He smiles slightly at the apron girl in front of him as he put his phone back to his pocket.


This short adult girl is his sister. Ever since she got married, Allen lived with her and her husband because he wanted to be independent.

After years of depending on their parents, Allen knew he can do it by himself now. After all, he always convinced that Alice and her husband are going to take care of him pretty well, just like they always be.

Alice and Allen's parents hesitated at first, but at the end they find a good decision which they just will visit them every week.

Alice laughs. "What's wrong? You seem lost in thought."

Allen shakes his head, grinning. But then look at his sister curiously. "Nah, I'm fine, Sis. Uh, you haven't eat yet?"

Allen glances to his watch. It's almost eight in the evening.

Alice shakes her head. "Do you wanna take a bath first? I'm almost done with the cooking."

Allen shakes his head quickly. "You're always like this, Sis. I already told you that it's okay to go ahead since I have an inconsistent schedule. It's bad for your health you know. Come on, let's eat first!"

Allen takes off his doctor suit, hang it near the door and pull Alice back to the kitchen. There they found Brett, Alice's husband who's already chilling with his bubble tea on the table.

"Aww, I'll have that!" Allen quickly grab the glass of bubble tea and sip it a little playfully.

Brett glances and laughs at him. "Help yourself, Allen, then I can eat your fried chicken in exchange!"

"Mean," Allen joins the laugh. Brett really knows that fried chicken is Allen's favorite. "Fine, I'll surrender this time!"

Alice grins at the familiarity of the two males. The two grew closer as her brother slowly becoming a quite young man. It's been more than ten years now that they've been friends, making them as close as salt and pepper. Especially now that they live together.

"So how many patients did my favorite brother in law treat today?" asked Brett from the table, as Allen picked up his rice and side dishes.

"Ten, I guess?" Allen smiles. "But three people are already getting better."

"Oh, they still see you when they're already healed too?" Alice asked as she chew.

Allen scratched his neck uncomfortably, slightly embarrassed. "Actually, I just asked them to inform the condition. But a lot of them came to thank me directly, for a final check up as well."

"Now that's my bro," said Brett, stroking Allen's hair proudly.

"Yeah, of course. I'm not like you, who fails to become doctor, right?" said Allen mischievously. He looked at Brett with a smirk.

"Hey!" Brett instantly glared at him, But then the three immediately laughed at the joke anyway.


Allen opens his notebook in his room after he ate. He adjusts his glasses for a moment, then rested his cheek in his hand as he silently read the messy writing in the book.

His head worked slowly, analyzing the progress of the patients he's now treating. The symptoms, the process, how they are now, he recorded everything in his pocket book.

"Hm, this one should get better tomorrow. Seems like I still have to monitor that one's fever," his mouth mumbled to himself.

Becoming a doctor was ingrained in his body. Because he had been encouraged to pursue the field from a young age, Allen took all courses from elementary school.

Participated in maths tutoring, chasing high rankings throughout elementary and middle school, ace all the science field in senior high school. He even took acceleration classes at all three levels, so he was 3 years faster to go to college and immediately work as a doctor in a hospital. All for his parents.

Not gonna lie, it's tiring the poor boy. However, Allen couldn't possibly burden all of this to his older sister who prefers music.

He's not a child anymore. He's twenty-two years old. It's time for him to be a more responsible man, even though his life is currently on a rocky path.

....Yes, a rocky path...



"Huh?!" Allen suddenly dropped his pocket book from his hand hearing the voice. He glances towards his bedroom door and saw Alice there.

"Oh, am I bothering you?" Alice looked at him with a guilty feeling seeing his brother's reaction.

"Oh, not at all, Sis. It's okay," Allen smiles slightly as he took his pocket book back from the floor and put it on the table. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing. I want to go to the mini market with Brett for a while, I was wondering if you want anything?" Alice asked, scratching her nape of neck which wasn't itchy, still feeling bad.

"Oh, some hot coffee is enough, Sis. I want to study until midnight, I think."

"Oh, you still have work?" Alice asked curiously.

Allen was silent for a moment, before finally nodding.

"Okay then. I'll be back."

Once Alice was out of sight, Allen looked back at his pocket book. He took the paper and jotted down the things he had to study again.

However, his eyes seem to prefer to focus wrongly on the photo he slipped on it. His hand stops and grab that photo to his sight, staring it in silence.

His mind drifted, fly him to a flashbacks with certain memories. He checked his phone again, staring at the screen that had been blank for a few years from a certain someone.

He decided to send a message to that someone, sending it quickly to clear his mind. However, again only the words 'read' appears. It's always like that.

Allen sighs and put his phone back down. He looked at the photo with concern.

Ugh, Kayla, answer me.

To be continued :]

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