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Alice exited the prison with mixed feelings.  She didn't expect Brett's Dad to start his conversation with such heavy demand.  Two people had already asked her to look after Brett. However, could she do that? Alice didn't even dare to say she can.

"Hey, are you done?"  Brett smiles slightly as he sees Alice emerge from the inside.  He seemed to lean against the wall of the building.

Alice nods with a smile.  "Yeah."

"What did Dad said to you? He didn't hurt you, did he?"  asked Brett curiously.  Both of his hands grabbed Alice's shoulders firmly. His face shows a slight worry.

Alice stare at Brett for a moment, then shook her head.  "Your Dad only asked me to... Uh..."

Alice look away for a moment, thinking whether should she tell about it or not to him. It feels heavy in her heart, but she felt like she can't share that his Dad leave him to her. She's really sure that there's someone else who's more worth it to do that.

Brett stare at Alice in silence, waiting for her to continue.

"Uh, basically he's just want you to be happy. That's all." Alice smiles slightly to him, decided to talk just a bit.

"What?" Brett lowers his hand, staring at Alice in surprise.  Why would his Dad talking to Alice like that for? Couldn't he told Brett himself? What's Alice got to do with this?

"It's nothing, Brett, really. Let's go home, it's late."  Alice tries to ignore Brett's astonished face.  She didn't want to discuss this further more.

"Oh, before that, are you hungry?"  asked Brett.  He also decided not to ask many questions.

Alice looked at Brett in confusion.  "Are you?"

Brett smiled with red cheeks.  He averted his face.  "We haven't been hangout together in a while, so..."

Alice chuckles nervously.  "Sure, Brett. Lets go find some Hotpot."


Sitting alone with Alice always made Brett's heart flutter.  Today, he could even hear his pulse so clearly, because he couldn't hide his worries.

During the meal, only the sound of a fork and spoon could be heard.  Sometimes they speak just to seek help getting stuffs.  But secretly Brett watched the look on Alice's face that seemed to be wary.

"Hey, Al," Brett finally called after halfway through the meal.

"Hm?"  Alice turned her head.

"Are you sure you're all right?"  asked Brett. "You look pale, you know."

Alice stops her gesture and smiles slightly to him.  "I'm fine, Brett. Don't worry."

"I mean, you could always tell me if my Dad bothered you."  Brett gobbled a piece of meat into his mouth.

Alice shook her head.  "Your Dad's not bothering me, Brett. Seriously. We were just talking casually."

"Talking about what? About me?"  asked Brett, still curious.

Alice looked at him in surprise. "How did you know?"

Brett shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. Just a hunch, since Dad didn't allow me to be there too."

Alice silents for a moment and looked down. A moment of silence passed them, before Alice finally talks agaib while devouring her food. She didn't want to make eye contact. "You love your Dad, don't you, Brett?"

Brett's eyes follows her gestures's movements. "Of course I am. I just don't like the way he treats Mom. But why?"

Alice puts down her cutlery.  She held out her pinky. "Promise me you'll be good to your Dad from now on, okay? No more fights."

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