May I?

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Another special chapter of Eddy and Ellie! It's near the end but again, I thought these two needs more love in the story! (I didn't want the story to end yet either hehe)
I hope you like it! ♡


"Eddy, about my Dad, mission cancelled."

Eddy smiled when he accepted that random call from Brett. He's in front of Ellie's house now, wanted to ask something to her since it's weekend tomorrow.

He take a deep breathe of relief, feeling light in the inside because he didn't have to explain to Ellie about Alice's unbelieveable plan. He knew Brett's able to convince her.

"Eddy?" Ellie opened the door and look at Eddy with confusion.

Eddy glances to her and smiles. "Hey, El. Are you busy?"

Ellie grins. "The only thing I've been busy with is you, you know. What, bored again?"

Eddy scratches his neck awkwardly. He did came to her house almost everyday. It's not that he didn't have anything to do, but he just always making sure to make time for her.

That's kind of embarrasing, I guess, he thought.

Ellie chuckles seeing Eddy being silent. "Well?"

"Nah, I just finished my practice, I thought maybe you want some company," Eddy said quickly.

"That's interesting," Ellie put her arms in front of her chest. "What makes you think I want some company then, mister violinist?"

"Hey, you don't have to be straightforward like that, you know," Eddy said. "Uh, so may I come in?"

"Yeah, why not. Dad will be glad to see his daughter didn't get lonely." Ellie pulls Eddy's hand inside. "Come, come!"

Eddy smiles shyly while being pulled by his moat precious girl. He's really happy to see Ellie has got back her smile much more since the case's closed.

"Hey, do you want some coffee?" Ellie asks in the living room. "I can make it for you if you want."

Eddy nods. "I'll help you, Ellie."

They both go to the kitchen and prepare some coffee beans to make two cups of coffee. Ellie grab the glass, Eddy prepares the beans beside her.

"By the way, how's uni?" asks Eddy. "You better be well with your assignments."

"Back at'cha, buddy," Ellie chuckles. "Don't worry so much, I'm not a kid anymore."

Eddy laughs. "Don't you want a parent like me to take care of you?"

Ellie's hand instantly pinch his waist. "Stop that!"

"Ouch! That hurt!" Eddy groans. "Wow you're a tough cookie, too, huh?"

"Don't mess with me, you little puppy," Ellie said. "I should be the one who asked you. Have you done your assignments when you come here regularly?"

"Of course I have."

"Good then. I can't face you if you taken care of me so much but fails your academics instead."

Eddy chuckles. "Thanks for your concern, El."

"Hey, we're friends, after all."

Eddy secretly smiles, then pour the coffee into the cups. Even though he knew she's already freed from her suffering, he's still realize it's not the end of his.

Friends, huh? Maybe it's too soon to give her signals.

"Hey, do you want some sugar for your coffee?" asks Eddy to change the topic.

"Here, I'll take care of it," Ellie grabs the cups and starts to fill in some sugar. "I know you always love black coffee, right? I'll put mine myself."

"Hehe, yeah, you're right." Eddy lets her do it.

While Ellie puts some sugar to her coffee, Eddy looked around and take a peek outside of the kitchen for awhile.

"By the way, is your Dad home?" asks Eddy as he walks back to Ellie.

Ellie nods. "Yeah, he's in the working room. He takes his day off tomorrow though. He promise me to take me on a little trip to a mall."

"Oh," Eddy smiles. I guess it's really not the time. I should be the one wanted to ask her out. "That's nice."

They both walks to the family room and sit together on the sofa with their coffee.

"You don't have rehearsals tomorrow, right?" asks Ellie. "Why don't you come with us?"

Eddy's eyes widen for a sec, his head tilted to the right a bit. "Me?"

"Yeah, the more the merrier," Ellie nods. "I'm sure Dad will be glad to have you come with us."

That's kinda unexpected, Eddy thought.

"Sure, I'll come," Eddy scratches his neck again, feeling shy. "Uh, thanks, Ellie."

Ellie furrowes her eyebrows. "What for? I'm just casually inviting you to a hangout."

Eddy grins, then strokes the top of her head softly. "Nah, it's nothing. It's just a little thank you."

Ellie's cheeks slowly grows a red tint in her face. She nods. "Okay then. Thank you accepted."

They both laugh together, a moment Eddy rarely experienced. This is just what he wants. Being able to feel happiness with his cherished one.

I hope this last forever. Don't let her precious smile go away again.

To be continued :)

So I develop their friendship deeper this time. how is it? :D

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