Him & Red Flannel

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He always wearing that red flannel jacket on everyday rehearsals. Alice's orchestra week always blessed with that same Brett's fashion. He just change the shirt inside it, but still look good on him.

Caca said, he almost always gets to be the concertmaster, because he's the only one that's confident enough to lead. Other than him, it's only Eddy Chen. Those two are the top in the violin section.

"Sometimes I wonder," Caca said to Alice while they chat on the rehearsals. "He holds a lot of responsible in this orchestra, but we don't actually know about his real life, right? Could be tough as well."

"You don't know anything?" Alice ask confused. Was Brett that closed off to the point that the friend who had accompanied him for years knew nothing about him?

"Well, I don't really hangout with him, you know," Caca answers. "All I know is he never opens to anyone about his life. Not even to Eddy."

Alice silents, thinking that she can understand that. But she agreed with Caca too, that Brett would have a tough life if he really carry those responsible by himself.

"Clarinet! What are you doing?!" Suddenly the loud voice of the conductor scattered Alice's daydreams.

Brett seems to glance to the clarinet section from his chair.

Alice's eyes that were locked to the violin section quickly get sidetracked  from there and look at the conductor. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"Come on, from the top!" The conductor seems pissed.

Damn, why did I have to daydream about him during a Concerto, Alice silently regrets with an embarrased face. She grabs her clarinet firmly and try to focus again on the piece they're playing.


Alice returned to playing her clarinet at the corner of the staircase. Her eyes stared straight at the empty street in front of her, while waiting for Allen. Her eyes were closed, playing some soft notes of one of the clarinet solo piece.

Until she reach the last note, she glances to the left. Brett is there.

"That's really good," Brett sits not far from her, the same position with their first meeting that time. He stared at the sky while enjoying Alice's playing, making a smile on his face. "My heart feels soft hearing your playing."

Alice silence for a while, then puts her clarinet into the case. "It's Stravinsky, Brett."

"Ah, yes, one of the composers that have deep meanings on his pieces," said Brett. He gives his smile to her. "Did I bother you?"

Alice shakes her head. Maybe this is the third time already, Brett accompany her in the staircase without her noticing. She kinda get used to it.

"You can play it again if you want, I love to listen to it." Brett said with a friendly tone.

"I'm waiting for my brother, Brett, it will be a while." said Alice, didn't want to make Brett wait too long to go home. After all, Alice stills feel embarrased from her daydream in the rehearsal. Brett might tease her.

But she's wrong.

"I know that," Brett glances to her, show off his beautiful smile. "That's why I'm here."

Alice silents for a second, then decides to play her clarinet again. This time, it's Meditation de Thais, from Massenet.

That evening soft winds accompany them closing their eyes, enjoys the music that produced from one of the woodwinds family instruments. The dynamics slowly lighten both of the humans that have a seat gap, but feels so close. 

After Alice finished her playing, Allen seems to reach Alice's view from the distance. She immediately packs her clarinet and carries her brother like usual.

"Tired?" ask Alice seeing her brother yawn on her arms. Seems like because he didn't have a chance to take a nap in the afternoon today.

Allen nods. "May I sleep?"

Alice nods back and smiles seeing Allen hugs her neck, immediately falls asleep.

Alice's eyes met Brett again. The young man smiles to her.

"Let me drive you home."


Silence accompanies Alice in Brett's car on the way home. Alice's two hands embraced Allen, holding his body, which was fast asleep. Alice's eyes glanced occasionally at Brett who was focused on driving.

This is weird. It's not even a month Alice knew him, but she already sitting together awkwardly with this man with the red flannel jacket. Directions to the destination is all they had talked about since they left the hall.

"You know... your brother is so cute," Brett suddenly breaks the silence.

"Eh?" Alice looks at Brett. She flinched slightly, then smiles. "Yeah, I guess he is."

"You're a uni student, right?" ask Brett in curiosity. "Your brother stills so small, must be a huge age difference."

Alice nods. She pokes Allen's back softly while she answers. "He was born when my hope of having a sibling almost goes out. I love him so much even we're ten years apart."

"I'm sure he feels the same way," Brett lift his lips, making an arc up. "He's always smiling when he saw you."

Red tint fills Alice's cheeks.  "I hope you're right."

Their journey returns to silence for the two of them until Brett's car stops at Alice's house. Brett helps Alice to get the clarinet case and Allen bag from the back seat.

"Let me help you carry them," Brett offers. "It will be hard for you to grab everything when your hands are holding Allen like that."

Alice smiles gratefully. "Thank you so much, Brett."

Brett didn't answer anything, the two of them goes into the house, put Allen's clarinet and Allen's bag in the living room. They both put Allen in his room. Alice covered her brother with a blanket and stroked his hair for a moment before leading Brett to the front door.

That glasses man get inside the car and opens his window, showing his warm smile again to Alice. "See you at rehearsals, Alice."

Alice nods, escorting Brett's car with a smile as he leaves the neighbourhood.

What a gentleman.

To be continued :)

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