Allen's Wish Came True

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"Yaay! Ice cream!!" Allen jumped for joy as soon as Alice and Brett gave him as plastic as his favorite dessert. He immediately took the plastic inside. "Mom! Alice and Brett are home from their concert!"

"Allen, be careful," Their Mom approached her youngest son at the kitchen door. She took over the plastic that Allen is holding. "Here, let's put them in the refrigerator first."

"Okay!" Allen nodded and immediately run to the kitchen, follow his Mom.

Alice's Mom looked at Alice and Brett, then smiles. "Hey, I made a lot of special food for you. You both must be tired, right?"

"Uh, I hope I don't bother you, Auntie, buying Allen some ice cream." said Brett politely.

"Nah, it's okay. That boy always asked us to buy it before knowing you too," she said. "Just don't give him too often."

Brett nods. For a moment, Allen shouted from the kitchen. He seems overheard their conversation.


Brett and Alice got tickled at the scream.

"What's today's menu, Mom?" asked Alice curiously. Her parents promised to cook a lot to celebrate their concert, also to apologize for not having some time to come watch.

"Come on inside to have a look," said Alice's Mom, walks straight into the kitchen.

Alice turns to face Brett who was also staring back. "Come on."

Brett turned his embarrassed face, then nods to her.

They went into the kitchen, joins with Alice's family. They both looked at the dining table and...

"HOTPOT!!!" Brett and Alice reflexively shouted happily at the same time.

Everyone immediately looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Uh..." Alice looked away in embarrassment. "Y-you like Hotpot too?"

"Y-you too?" Brett asked, equally embarrassed.

Allen laughs cheerfully. "Hahahahaha, your faces are so red!"

Instantly Brett and Alice's faces heated up at Allen's words.

"A-ALLEN!" The two shouted simultaneously again, but Allen just laughs at them.


"So how are you, Brett?" asked Alice's Dad while eating. "Busy with the orchestra?"

Brett nods. "Just focusing on rehearsals, Sir. I want to work with an orchestra after I graduate."

"Wow, you arrange your life so well, huh." said Alice's Dad in amazement.

"Nah, I just like music. That's all." said Brett sheepishly.

Alice's Mom smiled. "But that's fine, Brett. So your life won't be in confusion later."

Brett chuckles at that.

"But your parents did support you, right, in music?" asked Alice's Mom.

Brett, who just going to put food into his mouth, fell silent. He lowers his hand again, his face grim.

Alice isalso surprised to hear her mother's question. Her smile is gone. She didn't expect her parent to ask about his family. All this time, she's trying to keep Brett's privacy safe in her.

Alice's Mom and Dad looked at each other. Finally Alice's Dad spoke up. "Um, if you don't want to talk about it, it's okay, son."

Brett smiles blankly. "It's okay."

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