First Date

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The hands were close to each other again, but their owners is still reluctant to bring them together.

Alice look at Brett, whom only lowered his head in silence.  His mouth is locked, as if he's drowned within himself.

On that quiet street, they sat together on a long bench, accompanied by the sound of birds passing by.

In front of them is a grass meadow. An empty space, a place where the winds blew, making them grass dances.

The story that Brett wanted to tell just disappeared from his mind, while Alice is increasingly curious about what happened

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The story that Brett wanted to tell just disappeared from his mind, while Alice is increasingly curious about what happened.

Alice's hand decided to touch Brett's shoulder.  "Um... Are you okay?"

But, Alice instantly wanted to curse herself.  That line is really a stupid question.

She can feel Brett's body shaking after she asked that.  Alice's eyes widened when she saw a single tear emerge from the corner of Brett's eye.

"Brett... I...."

"My mother has been gone for a long time, Alice," Brett broke off the sentence.  His voice was suddenly hoarse.  He covers his face, holding back the tears that couldn't be stopped.  He tries so hard to be silent, as if he was all right.  However, his tears continued to flow between his fingers.

Alice froze at the sight.  Brett.  He never looked this weak.  He always laughed, he loved the orchestra, and every second Alice has withnessed.

But Caca's words suddenly passed by her mind, that he had never opened himself up, not even to Eddy. Even though Alice didn't really know the relation between the two of them. But, she could bet he'd endured all of this for years alone.

"My Dad... She killed her. I can't believe this."  restless Brett amidst his tears.  He's really ashamed to show his wet face.

Alice silents, her hand started to caress Brett's shoulder.  Her stare is blank, thinking about that simple sentence. What kind of husband could have a heart to kill his own wife? And for what reason?

Alice wanted to tell Brett to calm down, but she decided not to.  Brett would never be okay when he realized his parents were like that.  And the fact that Brett should have another back up support...

Alice sighs slowly, she could only let her hand continue to caress Brett's shoulder, changing the words she wanted to say.

"Cry as much as you can, Brett," Alice swallowed.  "I'm here."

Brett groaned loudly in sorrow, because of it.  His sobs erupted, becoming a feeble boy for the next few minutes before Alice.

Alice didn't do anything while Brett was shedding tears. She held back the urge to hug him, realizing she probably isn't anyone to him.  She doesn't want to mess with a person who's getting married.

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