It's Time For Big Fun

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"This is ridiculous." Evan complained.

"Hey, you said you would practice with me." I laughed. Much to Evan's dismay, Ryan insisted we put him in a skirt.

"You didn't make Elle wear a skirt!" Evan complained. Jessica smirked, and said, "You have to admit it's funny." I laughed, and Elle said, "You can take it off, Evan." 

"You took a picture of that, didn't you?" Evan lunged for Elle's phone, and Elle held it out of his reach. "Give it!" he said, and he then fell on the kitchen floor.

"Evan and Elle, just copy me, but use the opposite leg." Evan said, "I regret volunteering for this." To everyone else, he said, "If I see one video of this on Twitter or Instagram from anyone, you're dead to me." Jessica said, "Mmm-hmm." and Evan looked like he was about to slap her. 

"Can I at least have someone record this for my nerdy friends?" I said. Evan sighed and said, "Fine..." then I handed my phone to Jessica and whispered in her ear, "Zoom in on Evan for me." 

Jessica ruined it by cackling out loud. I gave her a death stare and she just gulped down water and acted like nothing happened. 

Ryan put on the music and we started dancing. It did not end well. 

"Ow!" Elle cried. "Evan, you stepped on my toe!" Evan said, "I have no clue how to do ballet! I'm not sure how Cat is so graceful, because she's never done it either!" I was spinning around, trying to block out their argument. 

"How are you not dizzy by now?" Jessica asked. I said, "I'm using you as a spot!" and stopped myself before I almost ran into a wall. I looked at Evan and Elle, who were attempting to do the dance but crashed into each other multiple times. 

"Be grateful Cat's the one dancing and not us!" Evan said. Elle said, "I know, right?" and then the song ended and they both struck an awkward pose. We all applauded, cracking up.

"Does anyone want to do something that does not involve Evan stepping on Elle's toes?" Ryan said. We all nodded, and then I noticed Jessica laughing.

"Hi. I went live on Instagram this whole time. The world needed to see this." she said. Evan and Elle grabbed Jessica's phone and started screaming.

"You three are the embodiment of chaos." I laughed. 

"When will the show be?" Elle asked, trying to catch her breath. 

"Mid-December. Probably the week before Christmas." I said.

"Ok, so Cat has a school dance next Friday..." Jessica started to say, then Evan and Ryan started squealing like toddlers on Christmas. 

"Who's your date?" Evan said. Ryan laughed, and said, "If I find out that you kissed a boy I am going to flip the kitchen table. You guys aren't using it anyway." 

"I'm not dating anyone! Sheesh! Calm down, you two!" I said, and Evan looked at Ryan and started giggling. "As your older brother, I am obligated to spy on you next Friday." Evan said.

"Fine..." I said.

"This house needs a calendar." Elle said, throwing her hands up in the air and walking to the kitchen. 

"Welcome to parenthood." Ryan said, laughing. 

"Does anyone want to do anything else?" Elle said. 

"More ballet!" Jessica said. "I'm enjoying this." Evan and Elle both said, "No!" at the same time and Jessica cracked up and spilled chips all over herself. 

"You're a train wreck, Jessica, but I love you." I said. "I have a ton of schoolwork to do, so I'm gonna go to my room." I waved and went to my room.

I pulled out my saxophone and started practicing the solo I got. I didn't tell my family that I got a solo yet, but I needed to practice it. I wet my reed and blew into the saxophone as hard as I could, then started playing.

"WHY IS THERE A SAXOPHONE BLARING?" I heard Evan yell from the living room. I heard Jessica say, "BECAUSE CATLYNN PLAYS SAXOPHONE!" 

"Wait a second." Elle said. "Listen. That sounds oddly familiar." I heard a mob of people against my door, and the occasional shushing. 

"Is she playing...Heathers?" Ryan asked. Elle said, "Sounds like it." and I just smiled.

That was my secret. I was playing Candy Store, and dedicating it to Elle and Jess. I didn't even tell Cesca yet. The band director asked me if I wanted a solo for the concert, and of course I said yes. He knew Elle was my mom, so he asked me if I wanted to play something from Heathers. I wasn't going to tell anyone until the concert.

I played the final note and I heard quiet clapping. I yelled, "I know you guys are out there!" and Ryan said, "Crap." I opened the door and Elle fell on the floor.

"C'mon guys. It's a surprise."

"Then play it somewhere else!" Ryan said. "You know we would recognize the tune!" I giggled, and said, "Yeah. I'm stupid." Elle hugged me, and said, "Whatever song that was, you did a great job."

I smiled at Elle, and said, "Does anyone mind helping me with a school project I'm doing?" Elle said, "Sure, Sunshine, but you work too hard. Come relax and have dinner."

"Chinese takeout?" Ryan said happily.

"What is with you and getting Chinese takeout?" Elle said. Jessica said, "Actually, I did promise Cat Chinese food. I vote for takeout."

Elle and Evan groaned, and got the takeout menu. 

"Everyone who wants sweet and sour chicken, raise your hand." Elle said in a monotone. Jessica, Ryan, and I raised our hands, and Evan put his up at the last minute.

"Guess we're getting chicken with the stickiest sauce I've ever seen." Elle said. We all laughed, then 20 minutes later, Elle said, "I'm going to get the food. No one burn down the apartment when I'm gone." 

"What makes her think we're going to burn down the apartment?" Evan asked.

"Please." I said. "Jessica's the only person keeping us in one piece."

"Shocking, considering she wasn't in one piece a few weeks ago!" Ryan laughed. I knew it was a joke, but I didn't find it funny. I ran to my room and slammed the door.

"I'll go check on her." I heard Evan say from the living room. Ryan said, "No. It was my fault. I'll go check on her."

I heard a knock on the door, and Ryan said, "Cat? It's Ryan. Can I come in?" I said, "Yeah." and Ryan opened the door and sat on the foot of my bed.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Ryan said, hugging me. I sighed, and said, "I would've found it a bit funny, if Violet hadn't said nearly the exact same thing in a mean way." 

"Let's go get dinner. Elle's almost home with the food."

"Sweet and sour chicken?" I asked.

"With extra sauce." Ryan said. I hugged him and he gave me a kiss on the head. "I love you, Cat. I'm so sorry." I said, "It's fine. I forgive you."

We sat down and ate our weight in chicken on the living room floor.

AN: We stan the Heathers cast doing over-the-top ballet. I don't make the rules. Next chapter's going to be REALLY cute, just saying. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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