Breaking The Peace, Creating A Fuss

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"Hey, do you want to hang out after rehearsal?" Astrid said. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"S-sorry, I can't. I'm going through something tough and need some time." I said, not wanting to remind myself.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe this weekend?" Astrid asked. I haven't hung out with Astrid in forever, probably since this summer.

"It depends. I'll text you later." I said. I grabbed my backpack and headed out to the parking lot, looking around for Elle's car. I was going to visit Evan in the hospital today. He still hasn't woken up, and I was getting kind of worried that he wouldn't make it much longer. The cold January wind blew through my hair as Elle's car pulled up.

"Gotta go." I said to Astrid, waving gently at her. I got in the front seat of Elle's car, regretting what I said to Astrid. I worried that I just hurt her feelings.

"How are you, Sunshine? How was rehearsal?" Elle asked, pulling out of her parking spot. I sighed and said, "Astrid kept asking me to hang out with her after rehearsal. I told her that I was going through something right now and would maybe hang out this weekend. How's Evan doing?"

"The doctors said he might wake up today." Elle said, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. I smiled too, and was forever grateful I stayed positive. Elle pulled into the hospital parking lot and stopped the car.

"I've seen this parking lot way too much, and I haven't even been here a year." I sulked.

"Yeah, I know this year hasn't been the best for you. But we'll get through it, I promise. Now, let's go. Evan would love to see you." Elle said. I took Elle's hand then froze up.

"What's wrong, baby?" Elle asked.

"What if Evan dies when I'm not looking?" I asked.

"Oh, Sunshine...he's not going to die. I promise you. He's about to wake up." Elle said, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Now come on, do you want to miss Evan waking up?"

I nodded, crying a little. Then we walked into the hospital.


"What is happening?" I yelled, alarmed. There was loud beeping coming from Evan's hospital room, and people were running in and out of it.

"Don't worry, Sunshine. They probably just hooked him up to a few monitors." Elle said. But she looked worried. This was not normal.

"Ma'am, can we talk to you?" a doctor asked Elle. Elle nodded and I reached out for her hand, crying. Elle quickly hugged me and went to talk to the doctor. I sighed and slumped on a chair. The beeping continued, and I started to get scared. Like really scared.

A few minutes later, Elle came back and said, "Sunshine, I have bad news. Evan's on life support."

"LIFE SUPPORT?" I yelled. That was all I could manage before bursting into sobs.

"Yeah, unfortunately. They're doing everything they can." Elle said.

"So there's a chance he won't make it?" I asked, frantic and confused. I was scared for my life, even though my life wasn't at stake. Evan's life was.

"There's still a chance he'll wake up. They're doing everything they can to save him, Sunshine." Elle said.

"I'm worried that I won't see him again after today..." I said.

Elle smiled sadly and took my hand. The entire cast was in the hospital room, all in tears. I ran to Katie and she pulled me into her lap.

"I feel so bad for Cat. She's been through more trauma than all of us combined." Ryan said solemnly.

I nodded sadly. I sighed and said, "I'm going to say goodbye." Katie let me off of her lap and gave me a sweet smile. I weakly smiled back.

"Um, hey, Evan, I just wanted to thank you. You're the best big brother I could ever ask for. I thought I wouldn't have a brotherly figure anymore, given my bio brother was know, rude. And um, you made me smile and laugh when things got tough, and you're always so sweet and funny. I love you so much." I said. I kissed Evan's forehead and backed away, waiting for the monitor to flatline.

But suddenly, Evan opened his eyes and turned towards me. I started to scream with glee and I threw my arms around him.

"I missed you!" I yelled to Evan. He smiled and said, "I missed you more, Sunshine."

I smiled. He remembered my nickname.

"Wait, Sunshine, were you...crying?" Evan asked. I nodded and said, "I thought you were going to die."

"Listen, Sunshine, I'm here now. It's okay. I'm right here. I love you." Evan pulled me into his arms and I hugged him tightly. This was truly amazing news.

"So, Cat, how's life?" Evan asked.

"I have a better question. Will you be okay for Seussical?"

"I forgot. That's this weekend, isn't it?" Evan said. Elle nodded and said, "I think he will."

I smiled happily, though I kind of doubted what Elle said. I hoped he was going to be okay for the show, but with my luck, he would be still in the hospital.

"I love you, Sunshine." Evan said.

"I love you too, Evan."

AN: I am very sorry for almost breaking everyone's hearts. But hey, it ended well! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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