Blame It On Your Daddily and Mammily

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I was at a Father-Daughter dance with Ryan.

"Thanks for taking me here..." I said, slow dancing with him.

"My pleasure, Sunshine. Thanks for being open." Ryan said, spinning me around. "Wanna dance?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." Ryan said. I hugged Ryan and said, "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Sunshine." Ryan said.

"I needed a distraction from everything that's been going on at home and stuff, so thanks." I said. Ryan spun me around and said, "That makes sense. You know that you can talk to me whenever."

"Yeah. I'm just used to bottling up my emotions. I used to get yelled at whenever I cried." I said. I didn't even tell Elle that, but that was how I grew up.

"I'm sorry that's how you grew up. You don't deserve that." Ryan said, hugging me tight. I loved Ryan, he was like my dad.

"I'm so used to bottling them up that letting it out is scary...who knows when Elle will turn on me." I said.

"Elle will never turn on you, and neither will I. I know that doesn't make it any easier, I just want you to know that." Ryan said, dancing with me.

I then realized what was coming up. My band concert. Elle told me Jessica had a doctor's appointment that day, and I was torn between telling her or not.

"Elle told me Jess had a doctors appointment on the 15th...that's the night of my band concert. She doesn't know about my solo and I wanna keep it a surprise...I don't know what to do." I said.

"That's tricky... Do you want someone to record it? Or I can say I have something that I need Jess at and we can reschedule her appointment." Ryan said. I sighed, and said, "Maybe...I don't want Elle to miss my solo...I worked way too hard."

"I promise you, Cat, between the two of us - we can figure something out." Ryan said.

"It won't matter either way, I have dangerously low self-confidence and whenever I hear myself play it makes me want to sob. "

"Elle and Jess love you more than life itself, and you could never be a disappointment." Ryan said, kissing my head.

"Come on. You guys are Broadway stars, you cannot love me that much. Your jobs are more important than me..." I said, starting to cry.

"Nothing is more important than you, Cat. Not my job, not my apartment, not my car. Nothing." Ryan said, hugging me to his chest.

"But I feel alone, Ryan. You should see me sobbing in my room at night. I feel alone in the universe. I am alone in the universe." I said, starting to go on a rant.

"It's okay to cry, it's okay to break down and punch a pillow. Feeling alone, it's not bad. It's human." Ryan said.

"But I really feel alone, Ryan. I'm worried that when I wake up in the morning, you guys would leave me. Or worse, start to abuse me. I'm worried that Jessica will die when I'm not looking." I said. Ryan stopped dancing and said, "Listen to me, Catlynn. No one will ever abuse you again. Not me, not Elle, not Jess, not Evan, not anyone. Jess... Jess's situation is definitely unique. But, she's not going anywhere."

"You''re saying there's a chance she'll die. That I'm right." I said. Ryan betrayed me.

"That's not what I'm saying at all. Jess is not going to die." Ryan said. "How do you know? She's been in the hospital more times then I can count. 4 out of the 9 of us have been hospitalized at least once in the past 4 months. I'm losing hope, Ryan. I'm seriously losing hope." I ranted.

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