Kids Are Mean, Kids'll Talk

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It was Friday, the day everyone who was running for Student Council would be giving their speeches. And the school made a huge deal out of it. The gym was filled to the brim with students, teachers, and some parents. I wondered if my family was here, they wouldn't miss this for the world if they knew parents were allowed to come. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Red's mom and sister. They were probably here for Violet, but I still waved. Red's mom came up to me and hugged me.

"Cat, I didn't know you were running!" Red's mom said. I chuckled a bit and said, "I'm running for president. Against Violet." Red's little sister, Morgan, came up to me and said, "Who are you? I vaguely remember you."

"Morgan, sweetie, that's Catlynn. She was Red's best friend." Mrs. Ashley said. I waved to Morgan and smiled and Morgan said, "You're the sax girl, right?" I nodded happily, glad to have someone that recognized me for something other than being Elle McLemore's daughter. 

"Hey, Cat, you're up in a few minutes." Vera said, hugging me. The Ashleys left and went back to their seats, and I smiled and hugged her back. I looked out in the audience, and Axel and Cesca were sitting there. Cesca jumped out of her seat and ran up to me. 

"Cat! I just came here to see Violet Gardner make a complete fool out of herself...are you running for an office too?" I nodded and said, "I'm actually Violet's opponent. I'm running for President."

"Woah." Axel said. "Good luck. There's a group of Violet Gardner's minions from Hamilton sitting here. I know their votes don't really count, but just warning you." I laughed and then the principal turned on his megaphone.

"Welcome everyone, may I have your attention please?" He waited for the chatter to die down, then he started speaking. "Thank you. Welcome to Jackson Public Charter School's Student Government Election Week! On Monday morning, the election will be held, and by Tuesday afternoon, the votes will be counted and we will welcome the new Student Council officers! But today, every candidate will give a speech to their peers on why they are the ideal choice. Now, without further ado, here are our presidential candidates, Catlynn McLemore and Violet Gardner!"

The people in the gym quietly applauded and I stood up. Violet glared at me and fixed her ponytail. 

"Forfeit, Catlynn. You know you're a crappy leader." Violet scoffed at me. "Look, your 'family' didn't even bother to show up for your own speech. Also, the principal made me delete that petition, and when I said I wouldn't, he threatened to suspend me.  And now I'm mad at you. You don't deserve to win the election, Catlynn." Violet said. For once, she called me by the right first name. Which I didn't really care about at this point.

I pulled out the folded piece of paper with my speech on it, and skimmed it over one last time before I had to go up to the podium. No one was asking me to memorize it, but I didn't want to trip on my words in front of everyone either. Which wasn't even the first thing on my mind. 

My fear of public speaking was the first thing on my mind. 

"Cat? You're up." Ebony said, playfully elbowing me. I smiled and walked up to the podium, feeling a little better about myself. My biological dad was arrested, and I had family that loved me more than anything. And friends. And the most important thing was I had confidence. Kind of. 

I took a deep breath and took in the silence of the gym, and the thousands of eyes staring at me. I looked around for my family, and I saw them, crowded in a corner. Evan with a video camera, as always. I laughed a little and sighed, having my family here made everything just the slightest bit better.

"Hi. I'm Catlynn McLemore, and I am running for the Class of 2020 Student Council President." Good so far, no slip ups...we're good. Deep breaths, Cat. I noticed Elle smile at me, and that gave me a bit of hope.

"Hey, wasn't she...expelled from her old school?" a girl from the bleachers said. Another girl gasped and said, "Oh my God, you're right! And she expects to be on the student council?" Every single girl on the bleachers besides Cesca and my friends started cackling, and every boy but Axel started booing at me. Some of them even crumbled up pieces of paper and threw them at me. 

Evan looked ready to punch someone, but Barrett was holding him back. I felt tempted to run to my family, but I didn't want to seem like a baby. 

"I knew it. I guess I should call myself Madam President." Violet said, rolling her eyes. That did it for me. I started sobbing, and I mean sobbing. 

I ran to where my family was gathered and launched myself in Katie's arms. The next thing I knew, I felt papers being thrown at my head. But the only thing I was focused on was Katie counting softly in my ear and stroking my hair, which never failed to send me to sleep.

I was falling asleep in my aunt's arms in the middle of the school gym. I could not have looked like more of a baby in that moment.

But I didn't care. All I cared about was being with my family.

I didn't fall asleep, but my eyes were closed. I felt Katie pass me to someone, and that someone sprinted out of the school gym. I heard a car door open and then slam shut, and then the car started speeding. I opened my eyes again and saw Evan in the drivers seat, an angry look on his face.

"Evan?" I asked.

"Sunshine? Oh my God, baby're awake." Evan said, sighing. He pulled over and grabbed my hand. "Are you okay?"

"I don't want to go to school again. I'm too scared." I said. "Now everyone's gonna think I'm a criminal or something." I started sobbing and Evan hugged me tightly. 

"Hey...for what it's worth, I think you would've made a great president." Evan said. I sighed and let go of my brother. "Where's Mommy?" I asked, wanting to go home more than anything.

"Jess and Elle are still at the school, talking to the principal." Evan said. I sighed, I didn't need more negative attention than I already had.

"Hey, I know it's hard, but when we get home...popcorn and movies?" Evan asked, trying to cheer me up. I smiled a little and nodded, maybe movie night with my family would make things a bit better. Not totally better, but a bit. 

Evan buckled his seat belt and started the car back up. I looked out the window and daydreamed for a little bit.

The next thing I knew, I was home. And that was the only place I wanted to be.

Home. With Elle, Jess, Alice, Ryan, Katie, Evan, Barrett, and Jon. 

My family.

AN: I was feeling a bit evil today. Yesterday I had a slightly more happy plan, but nah, let's be evil again! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

Adopted by Heathers CastDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora