I'll Be Home With You

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It's been about three days since Alice went into a coma. I've been home from school since then, I didn't want Violet or anyone to know. I didn't even tell my friends, not even Cesca or Red.

Elle knocked on my bedroom door and said, "How are you holding up?" I shrugged, and said, "It's hard, really hard." Elle hugged me and said, "It'll be okay. Alice should wake up any day now. In the meantime, you ready to go to rehearsal? Evan and Jon are taking you." I lit up. I loved acting, and seeing my brothers made it a little better. I grabbed my phone and ran out to the living room and hugged Jess.

"Hey, Sunshine! Off to rehearsals?" I nodded, and said, "No one knows about Alice yet. It's the first rehearsal since it happened."

"You don't have to tell them if you don't want to." Jessica said, and I nodded. "I probably won't, but if anyone asks, I'll give them the briefed down version of it." The doorbell rang and my brothers walked in. I gave both of them a hug and Evan picked me up.

"Hey, JoJo!" Jon said.

"What is with you and calling me by the roles I play?" I asked, grabbing onto Evan's neck.

"It's funny. It was Evan's idea to call you Olive! And you called yourself Princess Olive at the Renaissance Faire." Jon said.

"I'm Princess Sunshine." I said, and Evan kissed my cheek. "Ready to go?" he asked. I excitedly nodded, and Evan put me down. I gave Elle and Jess a hug and left.


"Hey, why weren't you at school these past few days?" Cesca asked as I walked in the theater.

"Something happened at home. It's nothing." I said, sitting down. Red joined us and said, "You can tell us anything."

I sighed, and said, "Alice got sick. She's in the hospital and she's in a coma." Red looked at Axel and said, "Oh my God. Cat. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. She's in the hospital, she's safe, she's okay, she's alive." I said, reassuring myself that it would be okay.

"Guys. We're just running through Act 2 today, right?" Red asked, and we all nodded.

"I get to kill Cat!" Drew yelled, and we all cackled.

"It's not your fault I sprint into a minefield on Christmas!" I yelled, and Drew laughed.

"Now that I think about it, poor Mr. Mayor! It's Christmas, and he finds out that his son sprinted in a minefield and died." Axel said, and I giggled.

"This musical is darker than I thought." Rain said, and I shrugged. "I've seen worse." I said. Rain looked at me like I grew an extra head, and I said, "It's a long story."

"Ready for Act 2?" Axel asked, and we nodded.


"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for. Without further ado, presenting Act-"

"WAIT!" I yelled, running on stage. "What happens to Horton? Does Horton get free? Does Horton find JoJo?" I said.

"There's no guarantee."

"Will the egg be okay?" I asked.

Red started blanking on her line, then said, "Listen, kid, I'm just a cat and I don't know any more than you do." I started laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe.

"That's not even close!" I yelled once I finally caught my breath. I heard my phone vibrating and I ran to get it. "Hang on, it's my mom."

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Evan's coming to pick you up. It's not looking good." Elle said. She was crying. I started to sob, and said, "Great. Tell him I'll be right there." I hung up and ran out of the theater, crying.

Cesca chased after me. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"My sister's in a coma. What do you think?" I snapped.

"Oh my God. Cat...I'm so, so sorry." Cesca said.

"It's fine." I said, and I got into Evan's car.

Evan sighed, and said, "I'm so sorry, Cat. I know how hard this is."

"It's fine." I said. But it wasn't fine. I was scared and sad. If I lost my sister, I don't know what I'd do.

"I know this is scary. I know there's so many unknowns right now. But we'll get through it. You always do." Evan said. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'm so proud of you for how strong you're being. Alice would be proud."

"You're saying that like she died. Don't talk like that. It scares me." I said. Evan nodded, and said "I know, and I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It's totally fine." I said.

"I can tell you are not fine. Wanna sing something from Seussical?" Evan asked. I lit up and nodded, and Evan said, "What's your favorite song?"

I thought about it for a second, then said, "Biggest Blame Fool!"

"You're the biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool, and I don't care who I tell! Biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool, and I think so as well! Maybe I'm nasty, maybe I'm cruel, but you're the biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool!" I sung.

"You're smiling." Evan said.

"Yeah. I love that song. It's so upbeat and cool." I said.

"You seem to be having a lot of fun with that show. Which I'm so happy about. I'm so excited to see it." Evan said.

"Thanks. I'm having so much fun as JoJo." I said. We pulled into the hospital, and Evan said, "Are you sure you want to do this? I can take you home if you're not ready."

"It's fine. I'm ready."

"Good girl." Evan said.

AN: I am so sorry for breaking everyone's hearts. Don't get mad at me. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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