Try Not To Think, Try To Behave

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"Hey, Sunshine." I heard. I sighed and rolled over back on my pillows.

"No." I whined. I wasn't in a good mood today.

"What's wrong?" I heard, and I rolled over. Elle was sitting on the foot of my bed. I groaned and threw a pillow at her.

"Okay, I'm all for a good pillow fight, but something's off with you." Elle said.

"I'll tell you what. I'm scared about the hospital, Violet finally won, and I'm suspended and it's going on my permanent record even though I did nothing wrong!" I yelled, crying.

"Listen, baby, Violet didn't win. She never has and she never will. Would it make you feel better if I told you that the principal is getting some...interesting emails from most of us?" Elle said, smirking. I giggled and said, "Yeah, kind of. But don't make the school hate me more than it already does."

"I promise you, it'll get better. And about the hospital, we have to go today, just to finish that treatment you missed." I started crying, and Elle gave me a big hug. "Make sure to bring your blankie, okay? And I have something to show you. It's nothing bad, I promise." 

I nodded, and Elle came back with my hospital bag. I opened it, and it was the same things as always. My blankie, two books, Elle's hair tie, and my earbuds.

"What's the difference?" I asked, generally very confused.

Elle laughed and said, "Check the front pocket." I opened the front pocket and I looked down. The pocket was full of stuff. I pulled out a few lollipops, my phone, and the scrapbook Ryan gave me.

"Maybe sucking on a lollipop will help distract you from the pain. And Jessica and I can talk to you about whatever you want, I don't care how random it is." Elle suggested. I smiled and said, "Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought."

"That's a good attitude!" Elle said, high-fiving me. I smiled and said, "We better go. I just want to get this over with."


I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, giggling over a YouTube video Red sent me.

"What's so funny?" Jessica asked. I caught my breath and said, "Red sent this to the group chat. Wanna watch it with me?" Jess nodded and then the nurse came out.

"Catlynn McLemore?" the nurse asked. I looked at Jessica and took her hand. We went back to a small treatment room and I sat on Elle's lap.

"Do you want your blanket?" Jessica asked, and I nodded furiously. Jessica opened my hospital bag and handed me my blanket, and I hugged it close.

"Alright, Catlynn, are you ready?" the nurse asked. I looked to Elle and reluctantly nodded. I held my arm out and I noticed Elle putting her head on my shoulder, which calmed me.

"Okay...stay strong for me, baby girl. I love you." Elle said. I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm, but the nerves took over.

"I can't!" I yelled, yanking my arm away. I hid my arm in Elle's chest and started to cry. Elle cuddled me close and said, "It's okay, baby. Why don't we wait until you're a little calmer?" I shook my head and said, "I want to go home..."

"I know. I know you want to go home, Cat. But you can't, not until you're brave for me. Can you do that?" Elle asked. I nodded and said, "But I'm scared, Mommy...I'm scared."

"I know. I know you're scared. I know this is scary. What was that video you were giggling about in the waiting room? Can you show me that?" Elle asked. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I pulled up the video and showed Elle. She was giggling the whole time.

When the video was over, my nerves came back to haunt me. I started to cry again and I buried my face in Elle's chest. Elle gently hugged me and rocked me back and forth.

"'re okay, baby Sunshine. I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you. You're so brave and strong. You got this." Elle said. "Deep breath in...and let it out. Keep going." Elle rubbed my back and kissed my cheek.

I took a few deep breaths, and Jessica passed Elle the ice pack. Elle pressed it on my arm, then took it off after a few minutes.

I looked at Elle, and she nodded. I reluctantly held my arm out for the nurse, and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later, I felt the pinch and took a deep breath. Then, before I knew it, it was over.

"You did it!" Elle said, kissing my cheek. I smiled, and said, "Yeah. I'm really proud."

"You did great, Catlynn. You're gonna have to stay overnight tonight, but your mom can stay." the nurse said. I nodded, and the nurse led Elle, Jess, and I to my hospital room.

I sat on the bed and said, "I promise I won't run away this time."

"You better." Jessica said, rolling her eyes. "But seriously, we were worried sick when you ran."

"I know. But I love you both."

"We love you too, Sunshine."

AN: Yeah, I'm back with the evil plans. Also, I got my flu shot yesterday, and my arm is SO SORE right now. OW. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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