Regrets and Goodnight

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Elle's POV

"You asked us all to meet here because...why?" I asked Ryan as we approached the entrance of Cat's school.

"Listen, does anyone know where Cat is right now?" Ryan asked, totally ignoring me.

"In class?" Jessica said. Ryan said, "Oh right! I'm so dumb." I stood at the door and told them my name, then the doors opened. "Guys! Let's go." I said, waving everyone in.

Before we all headed to the principal's office, I caught a little glimpse of the music room. On the wall outside the door, there was a poster that said Eighth Grade Wall of Fame, and a bunch of star-shaped Post Its were on the wall. 

"Hey! Elle! Is this Cat?" Ryan asked. He pointed to an orange sticky note that said C.S.M. on it, with a saxophone sticker underneath it. 

"Pretty sure. Those are Cat's initials, and there's a saxophone. That's definitely her. We have some time to kill before the conference, let's find Cat's friends." I said. I stared at the wall and then found a red sticky note that said R.M.A. on it, with a clarinet sticker. "I think that's Cat's friend, Red. And I found Cesca!" I said. I was too distracted by the sticky notes to notice Alice and Katie standing in the doorway, waving. 

The door opened, and Cat was standing in the doorway with her saxophone.

"Hey. I see Elle found our Wall of Fame." Cat said. "That's a super cool tradition. I was so happy when I got to put my name up there. See, it's my favorite color! Orange!" Cat said cheerfully. I noticed Cesca stand up and wave from her seat in the trumpet section. "Gotta go! Love you guys!" Cat said, blowing us a kiss. She sprinted back into the band room and was talking to Red.

"So." I heard, and I jumped back. A girl with curly black hair was standing behind me, wearing a oddly formal dress. She took a hairtie off of her wrist and tied back her hair in a sleek ponytail. 

"Who is this kid?" Evan whispered to me. I started to shrug, than it hit me.

That was Violet Gardner. 

"Hi." Evan said casually. Violet smirked and started to laugh. Then Jessica said, "What do you think gives you the right to pick on Cat?"

"Oh. I don't know. And frankly, I don't care. Nobody asked for your opinion! We all know you're just here because you pity Catherine and are just using her for more publicity." Violet said.

"We don't pity her, at all. Listen, do you know how much she's been through? A lot! We found her getting beat up by her own father on the side of the theater! And then guess what happened? She had to go to the hospital more times than most people go in a lifetime. Jess and I got in a car crash, and it almost killed her! Cat got a boyfriend, then he died! Then, Cat got diagnosed with a chronic blood condition. She has to go to the hospital tomorrow for a check up and the poor girl's scared to death!" Ryan said, getting in Violet's face. 

"You guys do understand that Catherine's a pathetic little baby who still carries around a security blanket at 13 years old?" Violet said, pushing her black curls out of her face.

"Yeah, we gave her the security blanket. At least she has a loving family." Evan said. Alice smacked him on the arm, and Violet started cackling. 

"It's so babyish. Sometimes, ooh, you're gonna love this. Sometimes, she hugs it in class and starts crying. It's hilarious to watch her do crap like that." Violet said, acting like she was gossiping at a sleepover. 

Jessica, Ryan, and Evan stared at each other. Then they all lost their cool completely. 

"Okay, listen here, you jerk. You need to get a life. Sunshine is perfect and amazing and special and you are cruel for treating her like this." Jessica said, getting into Violet's face. I pulled her away quickly, then Ryan stepped forward.

"Okay, listen. I don't care what you say about her, but she will always be our special, perfect little girl. Nothing you say about her will change how the rest of us feel, and to be completely honest? I honestly do not care about anything you say? Do we listen to Cat ranting about you after school, crying her poor little heart out? Absolutely. Do we email teachers? Of course. Do we support our kid because that's what family does? Yes. Totally. Do we personally believe or care about a word you say? No! Absolutely not!" Ryan said, getting angrier and angrier by the minute. 

We all stared at each other, wanting to hold him back or tell him to calm down. But we couldn't. This is the first time that one of us had gotten the courage to stand up to Violet Gardner directly, and if Cat is too scared to stand up for herself, one of us has to do it for her. It's our job, we promised to protect her. I swore to myself back in April that I would be there for her, through thick and thin, and so far, I've never broken that promise. 

I could only watch in awe as Ryan went on a rant about Cat. It was amazing to see someone finally stand up to Violet. 

I suddenly heard someone say, "That was awesome." and I turned around. Cat was watching Ryan scream at Violet in pure awe. Evan noticed that Cat was there and picked her up.  

"Hey look, Catherine's here. Clinging to someone, as always." Violet said, laughing. Cat buried her head in Evan's neck and Evan kissed her cheek. "What's wrong this time? Afraid he's gonna leave ya? Because that isn't how family should act, is it? Oh wait, you don't have one!" Violet cackled manically as Cat started to cry. 

Evan held Cat tightly, and I noticed him doing something a little odd.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to Evan.

"I'm drawing pictures on Cat's back. It helps her calm down." Evan said, and then he started to rock Cat side to side. Soon, Cat had fallen asleep in Evan's arms.

"Elle. I'm going to take her to the car. You sign her out of school." Evan whispered, sprinting out the door with Cat in his arms.

"Aww. Catherine's going home. Poor little baby." Violet said.

"She needs a breather and some rest. She's going to the hospital tomorrow." Alice said defensively. 

"Fine. You win. I'll quit bothering Catherine if you quit bothering me." Violet said, storming away. I smiled with glee and said, "We won." 

It finally hit us. Jessica stared at me and said, "We won! Guys, we won!" 

I signed Cat out of school and sprinted out in pure glee.

AN: So Violet Gardner finally got the revenge she deserves. That's good. But Cat is going to the hospital soon, so be warned for that. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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