Chaos is What Killed The Dinosaurs, Darling

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"Cat! I have a surprise!" Elle said, banging on my door.

"What? I just woke up!" I cried, opening the door. To my surprise, my entire family was standing in the living room.

"Get dressed, Cat. You're going to a Renaissance Faire." Jessica said. Evan started cracking up, and said, "When did I agree to go to a nerd fair?"

"Huzzah!" Alice cried. I laughed, and said, "You guys are ridiculous." 

"Go have fun, Sunshine." Elle said, and I smiled. 


Me, Ryan, Evan, Alice, Barrett, Jon, and Katie were all looking ridiculous. Me, Alice, Barrett, and Katie were all wearing purple flower crowns. Evan, Ryan, and Jon were wearing plastic crowns that were lopsided on their heads. 

"Ryan, you need to do the joust!" I cried. Alice screamed and we all cheered, "Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!" Ryan said, "No! I am not doing the joust!" We all groaned, and Katie tapped me on the shoulder. "Let's go to the Mud Show."

"What the heck is a Mud Show?" Alice asked. "Let's go and see!" Evan said, and he picked me up and sprinted to where the Mud Show was playing. I sat in between Evan and Ryan, and then the show started.

It was hilarious from the beginning. But then something happened. The guys who were doing the show split us up into two teams, Sparta and Troy. 

Evan was in the middle of the two. The guys made a hilariously big deal out of it, then to my surprise, there was a competition.

"Record this for Elle and Jess." I whispered to Alice, who pulled out her phone. 

"WE NEED A JUDGE!" one of the guys on stage called. The other guy pointed to Evan and dragged him by the arm and said, "What's your name?"

"Evan." Evan said.

"STEPHEN!" the guy said, and I started giggling hysterically. 

"That's not my-" Evan started to say, and then the other guy led Evan to a wooden throne. I guess Evan was the king of the RenFaire.

The rest of the show was hilarious. Evan's faces were priceless. When he was done, he was covered in mud and was giggling.

"That was actually kind of fun." Evan said.

"GOOD JOB, JUDGE STEPHEN!" Ryan said, and we all laughed hysterically and applauded.

"My name is not Stephen!" Evan said.

"Now it is." I said, cracking up. 

"I regret going to the Renaissance Faire." Evan said, and Alice started giggling. "I don't regret it!"

"CAT!" I heard from behind me. I turned around and it was Erin and Juno, waving.

"I assume Evan was the judge for the Mud Show." Juno said. 

"Yep. He was. They called him Stephen and now we won't shut up about it." Ryan said, and we all giggled. 

"If any of you call me Stephen one more time-" Evan said, and we all said, "BE QUIET, STEPHEN!"

"Do you guys want to get some Peasant Bread?" I said.

"Peasant Bread?" Alice asked.

"It's fried dough. We just call it Peasant Bread here at the RenFaire." I said. "I'm the princess. Barrett's the queen, Ryan's the king, Alice is the chambermaid, Evan's the bard, Katie and Jon are the peasants." I said.

"What's a bard?" Evan asked.

"Someone who tells stories." I said. "Bow down to your royal subjects!" Erin said. Evan and Alice dramatically bowed as Barrett and Ryan walked by. 

"Guys! The joust is going on! Let's get our peasant bread and watch!" I said. We ran over to where the joust was going on and Erin handed us all some fried dough. 

"Guys! Smile!" Alice said. We took a selfie and Alice texted it to Elle and Jessica. 

"Jessica says we look great." Alice said. 

"SHUT UP!" Ryan yelled.

"I'm Princess Olive, and I order you to shut up." I said.

'I'm King Ryan, and I have more authority over you." Ryan said.

"I'm the king's daughter." I said, pouting. "I'll get authority pretty soon."

"I'm Olive of...Heatherlandia." I said, and everyone laughed. 

"Princess Sunshine." Evan said. 

"Hey, thanks for taking me here." I said. 

"No problem, Sunshine. You need some fun." Ryan said, hugging me. "It's enjoyable to see you, Katie, Barrett, and Alice in matching purple flower crowns. You guys look so cute together." 

"We need to get flower crowns for Elle and Jess! That way all the girls can match!" I said, and Katie nodded in agreement.

"Cat, are you enjoying yourself?" Barrett asked. "No separation anxiety?" I nodded, then realized I wasn't experiencing any separation anxiety. I guess being with the rest of my family helped. 

"Do you guys want to go try to climb the ladder?" Erin asked. We all ran over to the ladder and tried to climb it. But we all fell over onto the grass. Alice was giggling, and Ryan made it to the top of the ladder.

"How does this work?" Katie said, holding on to the ladder for dear life. 

"I don't know! But it sure is a whole lot of fun!" Barrett said, falling down. 

"This is so much fun!" I said. 

"I'm glad you're having fun. Let's go get some turkey legs."

"Huzzah!" we all cried. 

"Mmm, turkey legs!" Evan said as we picked up the turkey leg. 

"This is bigger then Cat's head!" Ryan said, squishing my cheeks. 

"Ryan. Stop." I said, and Ryan giggled at me. 

"Cat is so cute. You're so adorable, Cat, did I ever tell you that?" Evan said, hugging me. 

"Multiple times." I said. "I have to go back to the dentist tomorrow. I'm getting braces." 

"Aww. It'll be okay. You're going to look super pretty." Ryan said.

"Lies, Ryan. I'll be a metal mouth." I said. 

"No you won't. Aren't you allowed to pick out the colors?" Evan said, and I nodded. "I'm getting orange." I said. 

"You're going to look so cute and amazing and gorgeous." Alice said. 

"It's getting late, guys. Let's go home." Evan said. He gave me a piggyback ride back to the car, with all of us shouting "HUZZAH!" at the top of our lungs.

AN: Now I want to go to a RenFaire. I love RenFaires. They're so much fun, and I love Renaissance culture and stuff. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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