I'll Make It Happen, And Not As Previously Reckoned...

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Today was the day I was telling my family something important. Not coming out, that was not happening for a long time.

I was running for the President of the Student Council. Not Vice President like I was in sixth grade. I was ready to step up and take charge. I smiled a little, I was really excited for this next step.

I asked Elle to get the rest of my family to come over so I could tell them the news, and they would be here in five minutes.

"Sunshine! They're here!" I heard Elle call. I gasped and got ready, putting my hair in French braids like old times. I looked in the mirror, and I was reminded of when I was in sixth grade. Catlynn Reeve, the Student Council Vice President, the girl who hid in a corner as soon as she got home from school, afraid of her dad.

Now I'm Catlynn McLemore, the first chair saxophone, potential Student Council President, actor, competitive ballet dancer, and daughter of Elle McLemore. And I could not ask for a better life.

"Hey guys!" I said, coming out of my room. Ryan smiled at me and said, "Why so dressed up?"

"So...I have news. Elle and Katie may know what this is about, because of how I'm dressed." I said, pointing to the blue dress I was wearing.

"I do?" Katie asked. Evan shrugged and said, "Well, whatever it is, I have never seen you dressed up so formally before."

"Yes, Katie, you do." I said, not responding to Evan. "Anyway, Student Council elections are in three weeks...and I'm running."

Alice started screaming like she was on a roller coaster. "YOU'RE RUNNING FOR STUDENT COUNCIL?"

Everyone else started going crazy as well. "WAIT, LIKE AS AN OFFICER? OR JUST ON THE CABINET?" Jon asked.

"Officer. I'm running for...President." I said.

"Cat! That's amazing!" Evan said. "You'll be a great leader!"

"I just have to run against..." I checked my email then threw my phone to the side, sobbing.

"What's wrong? Who are you running against?" Jessica asked.

"Take one guess. I dare you." I snapped. It seemed to click in Katie's brain and she said, "Please don't tell me..."

"Yep. Violet Gardner's back apparently. And she's running against me." I said.

Ryan sucked his teeth and Evan rolled his eyes. "Okay, whatever you do, do not quit the campaign. You're going to win and you're going to be the best Student Council President in New York." Evan said.

"I used to be the Student Council Vice President. I ran in secret when I was eleven. I kept that title up until Elle found me." I said.

"Wow. So you really are a true leader. You're most certainly gonna beat Violet, I just know it. Now, are you ready to win the campaign?" Elle asked.

"I still can't believe she's running." Ryan said. "I thought Student Council would be the last thing she wants to do, given her anxiety."

"You'll be surprised." I said. "I have to do a speech on Friday, and I'm a nervous wreck."

"We'll help you!" Katie said happily. "Do you have it written?"

"As a matter of fact, I do!" I said, running to my room. "I'm kind of embarrassed by it, I'm not a good writer..."

"I'm sure it's great, Sunshine!" Elle said. I dropped the paper in her hands and my family read it over.

"It's not. I'm not a good writer...plus...um..." I said. "I'm afraid of...public speaking. I know, it's stupid, I'm an actor...who's the daughter of an actor...who hates public speaking...standing up in front of my entire class makes me so nervous and I can't help it!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Sunshine, shh...it's okay. I know how shy you can get. How about this? We'll come over on Wednesday and help you with it! Like, you can read it in front of us to practice! How about that?" Evan asked. I nodded happily, maybe reading the speech in front of my family would make it easier, a lot easier.

"What are your campaign promises? Like, if you get elected as president, what do you promise to do?" Elle asked.

"Well, I want to introduce some of the ideas my old private school had, I made some of those up. Like raising money for the band or the theater company would be nice, because all the money at my school goes to the athletic program. The arts kids barely get any credit around here." I said. 

"That's a very smart idea." Elle said. "I swear I'm not being biased." That earned a laugh from my family and I blushed.

"What about Violet? Isn't she a theater kid too? Wouldn't she have the same plan?" Ryan asked. I shrugged, I didn't think about that.

"Maybe. I'll ask around, I know Violet actually has friends at my school. If R-Red was still around, I'd ask her, but we all know what happened to her." I said, choking up at the thought of my best friend.

If Red was still here, and she went to Jackson, she would vote for me. I'm not being a narcissist, it's just the truth. She's been against Violet since the beginning, and they were cousins.

If she were here, she would want me to win against Violet.

"I'm doing it. I'm doing it for Red." I said.

AN: Chapter was published later than normal, I just had no ideas up until I ate mac and cheese for lunch today. I don't know what mac and cheese had to do with any of the events in this chapter, but we'll roll with it. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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