This Could Be Beautiful

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"First day of middle school!" Elle said as Jessica took pictures of me.

"Stay still!" she whined. We were outside Elle's apartment building, and we were going to decorate my new room after school today.

"Jess, I'm going to miss the bus." I said, tugging on the backpack that Barrett got me.

"Stop with the excuses, Sunshine. I'm driving you to school." Elle said. "I have your PE note in my bag. Make sure you have everything, textbooks, notebooks, any books, the works."

"Elle. I have my stuff. One question, what last name should I put on my papers? Reeve or McLemore?" I asked.

"Do Reeve for now. It's technically your legal last name. If they ask for your middle name, say Sunshine, not Elizabeth." Elle said.

"Ok!" I said as I skipped to Elle's car in the brand-new dress and flats Ryan got me. Elle had done my hair this morning and Jessica did my makeup. My cast was coming off soon, just before my birthday and adoption date.

Elle got in the car and said, "April 14th, 2014. Dear Diary..."

I shot up, and said, "I believe I'm a good person. Well, I think there's good in everyone, but here we are! First day of seventh grade!" I was finally starting to get the hang of Heathers. I didn't live at the theater anymore, I had moved out a day ago, but Elle always took me to come listen to the show from backstage. It started to scare me less and less, but the gunshots always shook me up a bit.

Once we pulled up to my new school, instead of dropping me off and leaving, Elle walked in with me. We stopped at the principal's office, and I started to get nervous. I reached for Elle's hand and she squeezed it.

"Welcome! Welcome. Catlynn, right?" I nodded.

"Beautiful dress. Well, Catlynn, welcome to your first day of school here. This is the beauty of coming here as a seventh grader, your classmates are still getting acquainted with the building." I was still a little shy, and I snuggled into Elle the best I could. The principal nudged me and said, "C'mon. You're too old to be clinging to your mommy."

Elle looked up at him and said, "Oh, I'm adopting her. She came from an abusive family." The principal nodded and said, "I'm sorry Catlynn."

I sighed, and said, "It's fine." and the principal handed me a schedule. I read over it, and Elle gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck Sunshine. I'll be rooting for you."

I started to head to my first class, Art. I found it, and sat down at a paint-covered wooden table next to a girl, who was staring at my cast.

"Wait. Sorry for being weird, but did Elle McLemore sign your cast? That's so awesome! Like, I'm sorry about whatever happened to your arm, but I'm starstruck. How did you meet her?" The girl was excited, and I was glad someone was talking to me.

"Um...I live with Elle. She's adopting me." The girl squealed, and said, "Oh my God, this is so cool! I have to be friends with you. My name's Astrid, and I love Heathers."

"My name's Catlynn." The art teacher overheard me and said, "You're our new student, right? Welcome to class Catlynn. I see you've met a friend." Astrid waved, and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"What's your schedule look like?" I exchanged papers with her, and she said, "Hey, we have every single class together! That's cool! A lot of these teachers I know. My siblings had them. I come from a big family."

"Well, I used to have a sister." I said. "Now it's just me and Elle. And the rest of the cast too." I started sketching a sunset.

"Oh. Cool! I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters. I'm the middle kid. I went to see Heathers 2 weeks ago! On that Friday night!"

That Friday night. That was the night I got taken in. The night of a new start.

The bell rang, and me and Astrid headed to science.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, and when the final bell rang, I waved goodbye to Astrid and got into Elle's car.

"Hey, baby Sunshine! How was school?"

I shrugged. "Good. I made a friend. Her name's Astrid." Elle nodded, and said, "Do you want to go to the mall? Redecorate your room?"

I nodded, and we drove off to the mall.

Elle and I got some pillows, blankets and some lights to hang up. When we got home, Jessica and Elle decorated my room, and shunned me to the living room.

"Sunshine, we're ready!" Elle said happily. Jessica covered my eyes and said, "Ta-da!!!" I almost cried, it was so pretty. My bed was a loft bed with a floral comforter, I had a desk of my own, and there were string lights above my bed. I hugged both of them and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome, my little Heather." Jessica said.

AN: The nicknames...the darn nicknames. GAH THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!! Idk if I'm being arrogant calling the nicknames that I made up "cute" but I don't really care. And yes, I should be sleeping but Catlynn's more important. Teehee. Hope you enjoyed. Catch ya later!

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