...Cause I Will Not Come In Second!

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It was Wednesday. The day I would be presenting my campaign speech to my family after school. I was a nervous wreck, I was practicing my speech all day yesterday in the mirror.

What would happen on Friday? When I had to present my speech to the whole eighth grade class, Violet included? That was the day I was truly nervous for. The kids in my school were much less supportive of me than my family was. And I knew Elle wanted me to win this election. They all did. And so did I. I wanted to put my leadership skills to work.

The challenge was winning over my classmates. And hoping I win the election. I sighed, pulling the folded piece of paper that had my speech on it out of my pocket. I mindlessly fidgeted with my pencil on the ride home from school.


"Hey! Sunshine's home from school!" I heard someone say as I went through the door. I smiled and looked at the scene in the living room. Elle and Jess were eating chips on the couch, Barrett and Alice were chatting, and Evan, Jon, Ryan, and Katie were hunched over a computer, fighting over it like children.

I completely diverted Elle, Jess, Alice, and Barrett and went over to the rest of my crazy family, who were all on the couch.

"Hi!" I yelled. Evan yelped and said, "Jeez, Sunshine, you scared me! How was your day?"

"Good! What are you guys fighting over?" I asked. Katie slammed the computer closed and said, "Nothing..." with a nervous smile.

"Something's up. I'm not dumb." I said, nudging Ryan out of the way and opening the computer back up. I sat on the couch and gasped.

"Oh my God. Violet and her online petitions. Again?" I asked. I had totally forgot about Violet's petition to get me expelled from Hamilton. Now Violet made another petition to get me kicked out of the campaign. And it was going viral really fast.

"WHAT IS WITH THIS GIRL AND RUINING SUNSHINE'S LIFE?" Evan snapped. "I just want to know."

"Wait, what?" Ryan asked, snapping to attention. Evan sighed and handed Ryan the computer. Ryan looked at it and threw it on the couch, making sure not to break it.

"I'm done." Ryan scoffed. "Now Violet has the audacity to ruin Cat's campaign too?"

"Well, it is a competition. A popularity competition, but still. I'm not gonna win against Violet no matter what you guys do. I'm not popular, I'm doomed." I said.

"Hey, you may not be at the top of the social ladder, Sunshine, but you are the best leader that the world has ever seen. And who cares what Violet says? You're gonna win no...what are you doing?" Elle said, pointing to Evan giggling on the couch with the computer.

"I'm pulling a Jessica." Evan said.

"Excuse me?" Jess asked, laughing. Evan laughed as well and said, "I'm sending a complaint email."

"The principal will probably block all of our email addresses now. I'm surprised he hasn't already." I said, cackling.

"I don't care. I need to tell him that what Violet Gardner is doing is wrong. I'm not even sure why she's back." Evan said.

"Probably because of Red." Alice said mindlessly. I started crying, and Katie started mouthing for Alice to stop talking.

"Don't talk to me about Red, okay?" I said politely, not wanting to break down sobbing in front of my entire family.

"Oh, okay. I get it. I know it was hard." Alice said. "I'm sorry that I brought it up."

Evan started cackling manically and said, "Email? Sent. Violet Gardner? Going down." Katie laughed as well, then her smile dropped.

"Oh my God. Guys...check the petition." Katie said. Elle sighed and pulled out her phone.

"500 signatures. Five. Hundred." Elle said. "This is hopeless."

"There's not even that many kids in my school!" I said. "Why does all this crap always happen to me? I just wanted to step up and be a leader again!"

"I know you did, Sunshine. And we are going to fight for that. You're an honest, responsible girl and you'll be the perfect Student Council president." Jessica said. "Evan, you sent an email, right?"

"Yep. Katie was looking over my shoulder the entire time and giggling her head off." Evan said. I laughed as well, and then I smiled.

"Do you think Violet's gonna win the election?" I asked, scared.

"No. Not if we have anything to say about it." Evan said, smiling. I smiled back.

Catlynn McLemore was becoming the Student Council President. And I don't care what anyone said.

AN: So Violet's back with the petitions. Yay! (She said sarcastically.) Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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