Catlynn's Chandler Nightmare

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"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do." the doctor said. Elle and I were standing near Jessica's hospital bed.

"What do you mean there's nothing you can do?" I cried. I started to sob, and Jessica said, "'s okay..."

"No! No it's not!" I said.

"Cat..." Jessica said with a shaky voice. "No..." I said, in denial that this was actually happening.

"Catlynn. Come here. Please..." Jessica said. I looked at Elle, who nodded, and I slowly made my way to Jessica's hospital bed and sat down.

"Cat, you are the best thing in my life. I love you so, so much and I am so glad that I got the honor of knowing you." Jessica said, holding my hand. I started crying, and said, "No. No, Jess, you're going to be fine." Jess smiled sadly at me, and said, "We both know that's not true. Listen, Sunshine, take care of your mom. She's going to need you." I sighed, and said, "You can look after her, you're going to be fine..."

"I love you, Cat. I love you so, so much." Jessica said. "No..." I said.

"I...I am so proud of you. Elle, thank you for Cat. You take care of her for me, okay?" Jess said. I knew this was the end.

"Always." Elle said with a sad smile on her face.

"I love you both so much. Stay strong, make me proud. Goodbye." Jess said.

"Goodbye Jess." Elle said.

Then she closed her eyes, and the monitor flatlined.

"No! No, no, no, Jess. Jess!" I cried. But it was too late. Jess was gone.

"No! Jess..." I said, sobbing. "JESS! Come on! Open your eyes! Come on! You can't be dead! No! Just open your eyes! Somebody do something!"

"Ssh..." Elle said, hugging me from behind. The nurses started to unplug the machines. "I got you, Cat, it'll be okay."


"" I said. I opened my eyes and I was in the living room.

"Cat?" I heard someone say. I looked around and I saw Jess, sitting up on the sofa bed, concerned. "Cat, are you crying?" I nodded, and said, "I had a nightmare that you died."

"Hey, come here." Jess said. I ran over to the sofa bed and Jess wrapped me in a hug.

"Just breathe, okay? I'm not going to leave you. That's it. Just listen to my heartbeat, okay? In... out..." Jessica said as I cried my eyes out. "You okay?" she said.

"I'm just super shaken up..." I said.

"I know your nightmares can get scary sometimes. But remember, it's all in your head." Jessica said.

"I don't think I can ever sleep again..." I said. "Between what happened and my nightmares, it's too scary to."

I heard a door open and a sleepy Elle was standing in the living room.

"Elle...I didn't mean to wake you up..." I said. Elle hugged me, and said to Jessica, "What's going on?"

"She had a nightmare that I died." Jessica said. Elle hugged me tighter and kissed me on the head.

"I don't want to go back to sleep. It's too scary." I said.

"But you have to, Sunshine. You have school." Elle said. I shook my head and said, "It's too scary, it's too scary..."

Jessica looked at Elle and said, "Can I try getting her to sleep?" Elle nodded and Jessica pulled me into her and started stroking my hair. I listened to Jessica's heartbeat, the one indicator that she was alive.

She was alive. It was just a dream.

I eventually fell asleep on Jessica's chest.


"Sunshine...wake have school." Elle said. Jessica was still asleep.

"Do I have to go?" I whispered to Elle, who just nodded. "I know last night got you a little shaken up but it was just a dream. That's it. Now, get dressed." I ran to my room, took a very quick shower, and put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

"Sunshine! Breakfast!" Elle called from the kitchen. I walked in and there was cereal on the counter. I quickly ate it then asked, "Can I chill out for a few minutes?" Elle nodded and said, "You need a break, Sunshine. Go take one." I went into my room and listened to Heathers, then I got a head start on my homework. I wasn't the best with time management.

"Time to go!" Elle called, and I grabbed my backpack and my lunchbox and ran out to the living room. I hugged Jessica, who said, "Have a great day at school today, Cat." I waved to her on the way out the door.

I got into Elle's car and she said, "What do you have going on at school today?" I sighed, and said, "Nothing big. Just a new lesson in math and maybe a science lab? I'm not sure."

"What's going on in Band?" Elle said with a sly smile. I knew she wanted to weasel my solo out of me. I slapped her and said, "Nothing!" Elle hugged me and said, "Whatever your solo is, I'm excited to see it."

"Are you talking about my Nutcracker solo or my band solo?" I asked.

"A little of both. You're a talented young woman, Sunshine. Don't compare yourself to us, okay? I know it's hard and I know you're pressured to be 'perfect' but you don't have to be perfect. Just be you."

"Thanks, Mom." I said, without realizing what I had just said.

"Did...did you just call me Mom?" Elle said. She hugged me and happily said into Siri, "Call Jessica Keenan Wynn."

When Jessica answered, Elle said, "Jess! I got my first Mom!" Jessica screamed, and said, "Cat! I'm so happy!" I blushed, and Elle said, "I guess she's really my daughter."

"She'll always be your daughter." Jess said.

AN: Bet you didn't expect Elle to get her first "Mom!" Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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