I'm A Thinker, And I Think Thinks!

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"I'm heading off to rehearsal. I'm carpooling with Red." I said, grabbing my phone and heading out of the apartment. Elle hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I love you, Sunshine. Have fun. 4:30, right?" I nodded and ran out.

"Hey, Kit!" Red called as I got in her mom's car. "What's up?" I shrugged, and said, "Nothing much. Things are finally going smoothly in my life. Alice is finally better, and Jessica's getting stronger." Red clapped, and said, "Look what I got." She reached in her bag and pulled out the iconic red and white striped hat. She put it on my head and yelled "Seuss!"

"Elizabeth Marie Ashley. That is my line!" I yelled. 

"I know, that's why I said it!" Red yelled. 

"Oh, I have something to show you. Don't tell anyone, I want to keep it a surprise." I said. Red smiled, and said, "What is it?"

"I got my Nutcracker costume yesterday!" I happily said, and showed Red a picture. 

"Wait, you're on pointe?" Red asked, and I nodded. "Yeah. I worked so hard for it and I'm so glad I finally did it." Red hugged me, then we pulled into the theater. "Ready for rehearsal?" Red asked.

"Always." I said. "Wait, we're finally getting our costumes!" I happily yelled, and Red squealed. "I get to wear a suit and tie!"


"Woah. You look amazing!" Red cried when I showed her my costume. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a yellow dress with white stripes on it, and I was wearing yellow knee socks with Mary Janes. I looked like a young Heather McNamara. 

Red finally got changed and showed me her costume. She had on a simple black suit with a red bowtie. I applauded her, then Cesca walked out in her yellow dress. "You copied me!" she yelled.

"It's not my fault we're mother and daughter!" I cried, and we hugged. Lachlan came out wearing a yellow shirt and khaki pants. 

"Hello, Mr. Mayor!" I said, giggling.

"Hello, daughter." Lachlan said. I giggled and hugged him. 

"You guys ready?" I said, then Emily came out and hugged me tight. "Look at my dress!" she yelled, and showed off her dark blue dress.

"I'm Gertrude McFuzz and I live right next door." Emily said.

"He's never done anything crazy before!" I responded.

"Did you hear, did you hear, did you, did you hear?" we all sung.

"He's always been friendly, and loyal, and kind. I just don't believe Horton's out of his mind." Emily finished. 

"Oh my God, I love Biggest Blame Fool." Lachlan said.

"Who doesn't? That song is a bop." I said. "Biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool, Nool, Nool. In the Jungle of Nool, Nool, Nool. In the Jungle of Nool, Nool, Nool!" I sung.

"Who's singing my song?" I heard, and Erin and Juno ran up to us. Juno hugged me. She was wearing her black turtleneck and skirt. Erin was wearing overalls with a leopard print shirt, sunglasses on her head. 

"'Twas a sour kangaroo!" I sung, purposely doing an awful job. Not that I was good at singing in the first place. I still don't understand how in the world I was cast as JoJo.

"Speaking of sour kangaroos, where is Comet?" Red asked.

"Humph!" we heard a small voice say, and we turned around to see Comet, wearing almost the exact same outfit as Erin. Erin picked her up and said, "There's my little kangaroo." I smiled at the pair then headed backstage.


"Think of beautiful Schlopp!" Red sung. I gasped and said, "With a cherry on top!"

"You don't need an excuse!" the cast sung.

"Oh the Thinks you can think when you think about Seuss, Seuss, Seuss, Seuss, Seuss!" we all sung.

"Think of an elephant up in a tree!" Axel sung.

"Think of a person too tiny to see!" Lachlan and Cesca sung.

"Think of a bird with a one feather tail!" Emily sung.

"Going on adventure down a dangerous trail!" we all yelled.

"Think of a bird who flies off on a spree!" Basil sung.

"Think of some kangaroos sour as can be!" Comet and Erin sung. 

"Think of a general crazy for war!" Drew sung.

"Think of something horrible and hairy, something sinister and scary that you never dared to think of before!" we all sung.


"Meet a tiny Who family on a small rainy day." Lachlan said.

"Mom and Dad are just home from the Who PTA." Cesca said.

"And here's their daughter JoJo!" Lachlan said. Red shoved me towards them. I giggled and then we continued rehearsing. 

"Alright! Guys, we're out of time!" my director called. I sighed and waved to my friends as I headed out.


"Hey, Sunshine! How was rehearsal?" Elle asked as I got in her car. I shrugged and said, "It was good. I got my costume." 

"What does it look like?" Elle asked, trying to grab my phone. I laughed and said, "No spoilers!" Elle whined a little and we drove off. 

When we got home, I ran in and hugged Jessica. Jessica held me tightly, and something felt kind of off. Like something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. Elle looked at Jessica and sighed. Jessica took my hand and said, "We got a call from your doctor a week ago." I started to cry, this couldn't be good.

"And?" I asked. Elle sighed and sat down next to me. She hugged me into her side and kissed my head.

"Sunshine, you need to get surgery tomorrow."

AN: HAHAHA! Cliffhanger! And I'm sending Cat back to the hospital! No one get mad at me, please. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later! 

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