...And I Do Not Know What To Do

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"What?" I said, my question muffled by the sound of Alice breathing heavily as she ran. "What is happening? Where are we going?"

"My apartment. Don't worry." Alice said, stopping for five seconds to catch her breath.

"Um, I am worrying! I could die here if you don't play your cards right! Do you want me to die?" I snapped. I really didn't mean to snap at my sister. But when your life is at risk, you sometimes make rash decisions.

"No, of course I don't want you to die, Sunshine. I'm just trying to calm you down a little, and apparently, it's not working. Now, I have to run. We're almost there." Alice picked up speed and the whole world blurred as I was curled up in her arms. She was running that fast.

"I never knew you had that in you!" I yelled.

"Yeah, well, when my sister's in danger, I can do a lot of stuff. Now shush. I'm worried your dad will follow us if he hears your voice." Alice said in between breaths.

"I can do an accent?" I offered reluctantly. Of course that won't work, Catlynn.

"No, just please, stop talking. I have a lot on my mind right now, and my top priority is getting you safe, not socializing. That was not meant to be rude, I'm just terrified." Alice said. She opened a door and dropped me on a couch.

"Okay, good. We're safe. I'm triple-locking this front door." Alice got up and locked the front door, then put a chair in front of it. "We should be safe now. Do you want some food or something?"

"Maybe." I said, then I heard a bang on the door. Alice ran up to it and looked out the peephole. "It's your mom." Alice said. She opened the door to let Elle in, then locked it.

"Sunshine!" Elle cried, hugging me tightly. "I was so worried when Alice texted."

"I was worried too. I mean, I was the one who was getting harassed by my biological father." I said, laughing a little. As they always say, laughter is the best medicine.

"She's giggling. That's good." Elle said, and Alice nodded in agreement. "Well, um, Cat, do you want to watch some TV?" Alice asked. She turned on the TV and put on a movie. I snuggled into Elle and then she pulled something out of her bag.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked. Elle handed me a pile of clothes.

"What?" I asked. I unfolded the pile and realized that they were a pair of PJ's. They looked exactly like the hospital gown Evan complimented me on. They were purple with stars and planets and spaceships all over them.

"I'm putting these in your hospital bag, just in case." Elle said. Alice smiled and kissed my cheek.

Suddenly, someone else banged on the door. Elle ran to open it, ignoring Alice mouthing "Stop!" to her.

To my horror, my bio dad was standing there. Elle tried to hold the door shut, but my dad just banged right past her. Once my dad was in the house, Elle ran and stood in front of me.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter. You did it once, I'm not letting you do it again." Elle said.

"Your daughter?" my dad scoffed. "Are you seriously gonna play that card, Elle McLemore?"

"How do you know my name?" Elle asked, confused. My dad cackled, then said, "You introduced yourself to the cop that arrested me, remember?"

"No, I don't. I've had bigger fish to fry. And the fish I'm frying now is getting you away from my sweet Catlynn!" Elle said, afraid to throw a punch. Alice stepped in front of Elle and pushed my dad aside, making him hit his head on the kitchen counter. Alice and Elle exchanged a glance, then forgot anything of it.

I heard the door slam shut and someone knock on the bedroom door.

Elle stood there, gave me a hug, and said, "He's out. We're safe."

AN: Really short chapter. I'm so sorry. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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