Let's Be Normal, See Bad Movies

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"Oh! God, this is so dramatic!" Ryan said.

"Yeah, and they all have the exact same plot! It's just like, 'Oh, take me back even though I'm the one who cheated on you and therefore am at fault but I'm just too hot not to love.'" I said, trying to sound like I was dramatically sobbing.

"Who picked this movie out?" Jessica said. "Cat, cover your eyes."

"Me..." Katie said. "Oh! God, the kissing is so bad." Katie said, throwing a piece of popcorn at the TV.

"This is cringy, but it's the good kind. Like it's so bad that it's good!" I said. We all started cackling and Elle walked in.

"What's so funny?" Elle asked. Jessica and I were laughing too hard to even breathe properly.

"How horrible this movie is." Ryan answered, laughing hysterically. Elle rolled her eyes and left, and then more kissing occured.

"This makes me never want to get into a relationship. Ever." I said, even though my life was already a sappy romance movie. I had a boyfriend who cheated on me.

"Says the girl who got cheated on." Katie said, laughing.

"God, it's been a half hour and we've already met 5 boys." Jessica said.

"We should definitely do this more often." I said, and Ryan nodded. "I'm down."

Katie said, "We are horrible role models."

"GUYS! YOU'RE MISSING THE CRINGE!" Jessica yelled, and we glued our eyes to the TV. Katie started complaining, and me and Jessica threw a piece of popcorn at her.

"Are we having a food fight or something?" Katie asked.

"Oh God. Not food fights. It's the staple of eighth grade culture. Like I got hit in the face once with a tater tot." I said.

"You got hit in the face with a tater tot?" Ryan asked, trying to stifle his giggles. The credits on the movie rolled and Jessica shut it off.

"Where are your tater tots?" Jessica asked.

"We are not having a fight with tater tots!" I said. "But they're in the freezer." Ryan grabbed a bag of tater tots out of the freezer and shoved it in the microwave.

"Cat, call Evan. He needs to see this." Jessica said, and I pulled out my phone. I FaceTimed Evan and he answered within a minute.

"What is going on?" Evan said. "I hear laughing in the background and what I assume is a dishwasher."

"It's a microwave. Ryan's about to throw tater tots at me." I said.

"I need context." Evan said, and Katie shoved me over. "Apparently, she got hit in the face with a tater tot at school, so now we're having a food fight." she said.

"I have to come see this. See you guys in five."

Five minutes later, Evan barged through the door, and Ryan showed off a neatly arranged plate of tater tots.

"Yum." Evan said, about to pop one in his mouth. I stole it from him and threw it at him, giggling.

"I love Cat's laugh." Evan said. "It's contagious." Evan picked me up and flipped me on the couch. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe.

"Pew pew!" Jessica said, throwing tater tots aimlessly.

"Ha. Missed me!" I said, throwing the tots at Ryan.

"What is happening?" Elle said, coming out of her room and laughing.

"Nothing." we all said, attempting to hide the tater tots.

"Come on! Cat, those tater tots were supposed to be for lunch!" Elle said. "And why are they all over the floor?"

"Five second rule!" Evan cried, and I said, "You're disgusting."

"Love ya too, Sunshine." Evan said, and we all laughed.

"What is going on? Why are you guys in hysterics over tater tots?" Jessica snorted and the rest of us broke down into giggles.

"It's a long story." I said, laughing.

"Tell me." Elle said.

"Okay, so, there was a food fight once at school and I accidentally got hit in the face with a crappy school tater tot. Ryan seemed to think this was hilarious and Jess got the idea to have a tater tot food fight." I said.

Elle stared at us for a few seconds, then said, "Just pick these up when you're done." and then went back into her room.

"Oh! I got an idea!" Evan said. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of ketchup.

"Don't you dare." I said.

"Yeah. I'm daring." Evan said, pouring ketchup all over the tater tots. "If you get ketchup on you, you're out."

"What is this? Dodgeball?" Jessica asked. "I can't play dodgeball! Not with my foot!"

"I sort of forget Jessica hurt her foot." Evan said. We all nodded, and I said, "Well, at least it's getting better."

"We've been having so much fun, and Cat hasn't shown any signs of being anxious." Ryan said. I smiled, and said, "I like having fun with you guys. Now, tater tot fight?"

"Can we eat the tater tots?" Katie asked.

"If you get hit with a tater, you can eat it." I said.

"That's a stupid idea. Now we're all gonna try to get hit. What's the point of the game then?" Ryan said.

"We agreed no dodgeball. Can we just throw tater tots at each other and have a bit of fun? What's the fun of life if you don't break a couple rules?" I said.

"This kid's a philosopher." Evan said, giggling.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." I said sarcastically. I threw a couple of tater tots aimlessly and Ryan, Katie, and Evan were sprinting around trying to catch them.

"This is a workout." Ryan laughed.

"What, having fun is a workout?" I asked, happily throwing tater tots at Evan and Katie. "But seriously, thanks. I'm having a lot of fun. We should do this more often."

"Yeah. We should." Jessica said.

I fell on the couch and everyone else did the same.

"We love you, Cat. Glad you had fun." Katie said.

AN: You guys wanted Cat to have a break. I have delivered. No promises that it'll be all rainbows and unicorns from now on, though. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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