And You Feel Almost Normal...

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"Hey lovebirds." I said jokingly, pointing to Ebony and Vera holding hands. Ebony giggled and hugged me. I couldn't help but blush. My bi was kicking in. Only issue, I wasn't exactly out.

"Hey, Catlynn." Vera said, also hugging me. I smiled and giggled a bit. "Ready for Band?" Vera held up her trombone case with the hand that wasn't clutching Ebony's. I held up my saxophone case and we headed to the Band room.

"You're the first saxophone player we've had here in years, Cat." Ebony said, unpacking her flute. "You're practically making history here at Jackson."

"Bow down, peasants!" I said jokingly, putting on a horribly fake British accent. Ebony and Vera kneeled down on the ground and I couldn't help but giggle. I loved having supportive nerd friends.

I sat down in my seat and tied my hair up in a ponytail. It was starting to grow out again, and it was just past my shoulders now. I didn't want it to be as long as it was before, but I knew Elle would never let me cut it short again. Especially since I did it without asking the last time.

I sighed and pulled out my sheet music that was in a red folder with my name on it. I had doodled on the folder a bunch when I was bored in class, and now it had stars and hearts all over it.

I started playing my saxophone, and then my phone vibrated.

Red: Hey, Cat, I have bad news. I have to move. My family and Violet's family are moving out of the city because my uncle got a new job. I'm so sorry.

Violet Gardner was moving. And she was taking Red with her. My best friend.

Red was the first person who saw me for me, not for my family. Astrid only wanted to be friends with me because Elle signed my cast way back when. And now I would be losing her.

I started to cry, and I tapped Ebony on the shoulder. Ebony played a terrible note on her flute and turned towards me.

"My best friend from Hamilton is moving. And so is Violet Gardner. I have mixed feelings about it and I'm gonna go call my aunt." I said, wondering to myself why I didn't just want to call Elle or Jess. I wanted to call Katie for some reason. She knew how to calm me down over the phone, and she was good at it.

Ebony nodded and I ran to the bathroom and dialed Katie's number.

"Sunshine? What's wrong?" Katie asked once she picked up.

"Red's moving. I'm really upset about it." I said, crying. Katie sighed on the other line and said "Oh my God. Sunshine, I know this may be hard, but you'll get through it. You're a strong, powerful young woman."

I sighed and said, "I literally cannot stop crying." Katie sighed and said, "I'll be there in 10 to pick you up. And then we can cuddle and talk about it."

I cracked a slight smile, even though Katie couldn't see it.


"Sunshine, oh, Sunshine..." Katie said when I ran up to her. She threw her arms around me and kissed my head. I got in the front seat of her car and we drove off home. Elle and Jessica weren't home, so it was just me and Katie.

"Have you seen my room?" I asked Katie as she walked in the apartment. Katie shook her head and I bounced towards my room and opened the door. Katie gasped in awe as I showed her all the posters and Polaroid pictures I had taped up on my walls.

Katie hugged me and said, "Did you do all this yourself?" I nodded, then took down a picture of me and Red at Seussical rehearsals.

"I'm gonna miss her so much." I said, crying a little. Katie cuddled me close and rocked me back and forth, humming a soft melody.

"I know, Sunshine. I know. Do you know when she's leaving?" Katie asked. I sighed and said, "Not really...she didn't say."

"I feel so bad for you. You've lost so much in such a short amount of time." Katie said.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." I said softly. Ethan died almost 3 months ago, and I was still having trouble getting over it. But my family was helping me through it. Ethan and I were best friends since August, and then we became more than friends. And I missed him more than anything. At least Red was still alive, thank God.

"But on the bright side, Violet's gone for good." Katie said. I sighed and yelled, "WHY DOES MY BEST FRIEND HAVE TO BE DIRECTLY RELATED TO MY WORST ENEMY? WHY?" I started bawling, and Katie hugged me tight, whispering sweet little nothings in my ear. It helped me calm down a little bit.

I took a few deep breaths, and Katie put her hand on my back as I was breathing and whispered, "That's it...good girl...just keep breathing..."

"I'm okay. I'm good now. I'm going to get some fresh air." I said, getting up. Katie smiled and nodded, and I opened the front door.

I took a deep breath of fresh air and slipped in my earbuds. As I was walking down the front steps, I tripped and fell. And I was in the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. My leg was killing me.

I heard the door open and saw Katie run out and hug me.

"What's...oh my God. We have to get you to the hospital, now." Katie said. She picked me up and laid me down in the backseat of her car.

"It hurts..." I said, not fully understanding what's going on. Katie sighed and kissed my forehead. "You're going to be okay. I'll be right here the whole time, Sunshine. I love you." she said, before getting in the drivers seat and speeding to the hospital.

I looked out the window, hoping that everything would be alright.

AN: So I'm being a little evil here. And some people know what's going to happen, if you're one of them, no spoilers! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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