Hey, Mr. No-Name-Kid

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I've been hiding something from my family for a little while now. I have a boyfriend.

His name is Ethan and he's the most handsome guy I've ever met in my life. He has fluffy brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and he's such a softie it hurts. He's a theater techie, and I love sneaking into the auditorium and watching him fiddle with the soundboard in the booth after school. He was also a musician like me, he played violin and piano. He had 2 moms, but one of them died in the army when he was three. The two of us met at dance, he's a boy ballerina and is amazing at it.

Only problem, I'm the only one who knows I'm dating him. Until today, that is.

I sat on a bench outside of school and started daydreaming.

"Boo!" I heard from behind me, and I saw Ethan, his brown hair blowing in the wind under his beanie.

"Hi, Ethan." I said, smiling.

"When can this stop?" Ethan asked, taking my hand.

"When can what stop? This relationship?" I said sadly.

"No. That'll never stop, not until the day I die. I meant, when can we stop pretending? I love you, Catlynn, and I want the world to know." Ethan said, kissing my cheek.

"It's going to stop today, Ethan Connors. Follow me, we're taking a walk." I said, turning a corner.

"Times Square." Ethan said.

"We had our first date here, remember? I lied to my mom about having a late dance practice and I took you to Bryant Park and we ate cheeseburgers and watched the world go by." I said.

"I'll never forget that." Ethan said. "What does this have to do with us not pretending?"

"I'm taking a detour back home. I love walking around the city, checking out the sights." I said, turning another corner and dragging my boyfriend behind me.

I pulled Ethan in my apartment building and said, "Come on!"

"You seem awfully excited, Cat." Ethan said.

"Yeah. You're meeting my family, this is huge!" I said, turning the key and opening the door.

"Elle! Jess! I'm home!" I said, setting my bag down.

"There's a boy." Jessica said.

"Yeah. I know." I said. "Um, guys, this is my boyfriend, Ethan. Ethan, this is Elle, my mom, and Jessica, my aunt."

"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. Cat never stops talking about how amazing you are." Ethan said, shaking Elle and Jessica's hands.

"Evan is going to flip, and so is Ryan." Elle said.

"I know." I said as Evan barged in.

"Why is there a boy in the house?" he said.

"Evan, this is Ethan. My boyfriend." I said.

"You better not hurt her." Evan said.

"I wouldn't dream of it, sir." Ethan said, pulling down his beanie.

"Let's hope not."

"Shut up!" I said to Evan.

"Why is Cat blushing so much?" Alice said.

"She has a boyfriend." Jessica called out.

"Ethan, this is my sister Alice. Alice, this is Ethan." I said. Ethan shook Alice's hand as Ryan walked in, saying, "Hello everyone. Who's the boy?"

"My boyfriend. Ethan, that's Ryan. My dad."

"Good afternoon, sir. It's nice to finally meet you." Ethan said, shaking Ryan's hand.

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