When Are You Returning? I Know We Agreed

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"Good morning, Sunshine!" Elle said. I smiled, and got ready for the day. Clothes, check! Converse, check! Backpack, check!

"Hey, um, Sunshine? I have something I need to tell you." Elle said. I sat down on the couch next to Jessica, and Elle took a deep breath.

"Um...Cat. You're going to have to go to the hospital today. It's just for a quick appointment with your tooth. You're going to have to get it pulled." Elle said.

"But... you promised no more hospitals!" I said, starting to cry.

"I know, Sunshine, I know. But it won't take long." I looked at Jess and said, "Can Jess come?"

"They probably will only allow me in the room because I'm your mother." Elle said. I started to cry, and Jessica said, "Let me talk to Cat for a bit. I have something I need to say to her anyway." Elle left, and Jessica grabbed her crutches and said, "Stay here, Sunshine. I need to grab something." She slowly got up and I waited.

Jessica came back holding an orange blanket. She put the blanket in my lap and said, "I'm giving you this so if I'm not around you, you'll have something to hold and comfort you."

I took the blanket and put it in my bag. "It's not the same as hugging you, though..." I said.

"I know it won't be. But, it'll be something." Jessica said. "I thought it was perfect to bring to the hospital today since I can't come. Don't worry, Sunshine. I'll FaceTime you, and I'll be right here when you come home." Jess said.

"I love you..." I said.

"I love you too, Sunshine. So much. Now, good luck. Take the blanket, and remember, I'm always there." Jess said. I smiled, and made my way to Elle's car.


"Catlynn McLemore?" the nurse asked. I smiled at Elle and took her hand. I was clutching my blanket in the other hand, I needed it to stay strong.

"You okay there, Sunshine?" Elle asked. I nodded, and the nurse led me and Elle to a little office. I sat in a dental chair and reached over for Elle's hand. Elle put my special orange blanket over me and kissed my head.

"Okay, Catlynn, we're going to give you some numbing medication." the nurse said. I looked at Elle and clutched my blanket as tight as I could with one hand, holding Elle's hand with the other.

I squeezed Elle's hand as tight as I could, and I felt a pinch. I thought of how Jessica calmed me down during my blood transfusion, and focused on that.

Focus on the good, Catlynn.

"Here you go, baby." Elle said. She handed me her phone and let me watch some clips from Heathers while the procedure was being done. "It'll be quick, I promise." I started to fidget.

"Stay still, Sunshine." Elle said, putting her hand on my stomach. "I'm right here." She took her hair out of the ponytail she had it in and handed me her scrunchie. "You can fidget with this if you want. You can hold my hand or my fingers, close your eyes, I can tell you a story or sing, whatever will help you relax." Elle said. I held two of Elle's fingers and closed my eyes.

"There we go, baby. You got this." I started to cry, and said, "This hurts..."

"I know, Sunshine. I know. Do you want me to distract you?" I started crying, and Elle said, "Shh...Sunshine. I have an idea." Elle said.

"What's your idea?" I managed to ask.

"Breathe in slowly and count each time you breathe out." Elle said. She handed me her phone, which was still playing the Heathers clips. "Keep watching Heathers and keep breathing." Elle started to stroke my hair, and I started getting distracted. It was working.

"When this is over, we'll get you a frozen yogurt. Or a slushie." Elle said.

"They're pulling it..." I said, and I quickly reached over for Elle's hand. Elle kissed my forehead, put her hand on my stomach, and said, "Okay...here we go...deep breath in...let it out...deep breath in...let it out...good girl...keep breathing...in...and out. In...and out. You got this, baby, just breathe...in...and out. In...and out." I heard a crack in between Elle's soothing words and Elle said, "It's over."

"It is." I said.

"Wanna go home?" Elle said, and I nodded, grabbing my blanket. I stood up and headed out to Elle's car.


"Hey, trooper!" Jessica said as we walked in. "How are you feeling?"

"Horrible. The numbing's almost gone and it hurts." I said, falling into Jessica. She stroked my hair and said, "Aww, Sunshine...do you want some pain medicine?" I nodded, and Elle handed me some Advil. "This should help the pain." Elle said. She kissed my head and said, "I am so proud of you."

"Yeah." I said. "I'm getting kind of sleepy."

"Get some rest. Your body needs the sleep." Elle said. I snuggled into Jessica and Elle turned off the lights.

"I love you, Jess." I said.

"I love you too, Catlynn. So much. I'm so proud of you for being brave." Jessica kissed my head and I drifted off to sleep.

AN: Shorter chapter than expected, but hey, I updated all 3 of my Adopted by Broadway books in one day! Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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