My Own Planets and Stars Are Glowing

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Alice and I were sitting in the living room, watching TV. I was bored, and Alice was keeping me company while Jess had a doctor's appointment.

"Hey, Alice?" I asked. I needed to get something off of my chest, it had been bothering me for months.

"Yes, Sunshine?" she asked. I sighed, and said, "Can I switch schools?"

"You'll have to ask your mom, but I'm curious. Why? You have friends." Alice said.

"I know, but Violet and her flute posse won't seem to leave me alone. I've been considering running away from home because of it." I said. Alice hugged me and kissed my head. "Don't run away, okay? We'd all be worried sick."

"That's what Evan said." I said.

"And he's right. And about Violet, she's a jerk. I know sometimes you feel forced to listen to her, but you don't. And about switching schools, you have friends. You have Axel, Red, and Cesca. But you are starting high school next year, so if you want to have a fresh start then, I'm sure Elle would be fine with it." Alice said. I nodded and hugged Alice. "You're a good big sister." I said.

"I'm glad to be your big sister. And I wanted to have a talk with you anyways." Alice said. I got worried and tensed up. Alice seemed to notice and said, "No, no, Sunshine, it's nothing bad. I just wanted to tell you to not change. Don't try to live up to any of us, because you don't need to."

That's when I broke down. I started to sob and Alice hugged me. "What's wrong, Sunshine?" Alice asked.

"But I do have to live up to you guys...I have to be's either be perfect, or get bullied relentlessly. I know you guys say that's not true, but I have to be perfect. If I don't, I'll get bullied, I'll be alone, and I'll feel like the stupidest girl in the world. Oh wait, I already do." Alice hugged me into her side and kissed my head. "You're not dumb. You're far from it. And you are perfect. You're perfect and amazing and talented."

"No I'm not..." I said.

"We've seen you singing. We've seen you dancing. We've seen you playing saxophone. The one thing you lack is self-confidence. You're an amazing little actor. You have a talent."

"I have to have the talent that you guys have, though. You're missing my point." I said.

"No, Cat, you're missing mine. You don't have to live up to us. Let me ask you this, before you met us, what was your passion?" Alice asked.

"I didn't have one. I really wasn't allowed to." I said sadly.

Alice looked deep in thought, then put her hand on my shoulder. "Are you saying that we molded you into the person you are? You never really developed a personality when you were younger?" I nodded, crying, and Alice said, "It's kind of a good thing, though. You have Elle's sweetness, Jessica's confidence, Evan's sense of humor. And you have a smile and a personality that none of us can replicate. And that's what we love about you."

"Yeah. I guess." I said. Alice kissed my head and said, "Now, do you promise to take that to heart?" I nodded, and said, "Yeah. I promise." Alice hugged me and said, "So, how's the Nutcracker coming?"

"Show's in two weeks, and I'm a ball of nerves right now." Alice hugged me and said, "You're an amazing ballerina, though. I'm so excited to see you shine." I smiled and nodded. Ballet was the one thing that made me happy.

"I'm even more excited for Seussical." Alice said. I smiled excitedly and said, "So am I. JoJo's such a fun character to play."

"You want to get chips?" Alice asked, changing the subject. I nodded and Alice grabbed a bowl of potato chips. "How many bags of potato chips do you go through?"

"About 3 a week." I laughed.

"You're weird." Alice laughed. "Hey, we're doing a dance unit in gym class."

"Oh God. With your luck, you have to slow dance with Violet Gardner." Alice said. I laughed, and said, "Maybe. Maybe not. But I'm surprisingly good at ballroom." I grabbed Alice's hand and danced with her, and it was a lot of fun.

"Wow. You're good." Alice said. I laughed and nodded. "I guess I truly am a dancer."

"I'll say. You're good at it."

"I like ballet better, though." I said, letting go of Alice.

"It helps that you're my little prima ballerina." Alice said, picking me up and spinning me around. "I love you so much, baby sis."

"I love you too, Alice."

AN: Here's some Cat and Alice cuteness to make your day! Also, while I was writing this, I was daydreaming of me being on Dancing with the Stars and doing a dance to The Pitiful Children from Be More Chill. Hope you enjoyed! Catch you later!

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