You Need The Strength To Pretend It's No Big Deal

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"I'm so stressed..." I said to myself. I had a ton of homework to do, not to mention lines and blocking to study. We're doing the Magic Foot choreography tomorrow and my director says I need to learn how to do a backbend. Talking to myself helps when I'm stressed.

Little did I know, I was not talking to myself. I started crying from stress, and I felt someone hug me from behind.

"Oh Sunshine, it's okay to be stressed." Elle said, kissing my forehead. "I can't do your homework for you, that'll be cheating, but is there anything I can help you with?"

I sighed, and said, "I want a break, but I have too much work to do!" Elle hugged me, and said, "Want to practice saxophone?" I shrugged, and said, "Apparently, math's more important than music."

Elle smirked, and said, "I have an idea. Let's multitask. Where's your script?" I was so confused, but I pulled out my script and handed it to Elle.

"No spoilers though." Elle laughed and flipped to the I Love You Song. She found a backing track and skipped to about a minute in. "Do your homework and let me work my magic." she said. "But first, sing."

"If I go to Washington, will I be on my own? Because if I go to Washington, who will be my chaperone?" I sung. Then Elle motioned for me to get to work.

Elle was singing while I focused on my math. She was right. It was helping me focus. And study lines at the same time. Once my math homework was done, I took the script from Elle and tried to study lines.

"Whatcha studying?" Elle asked.

I shrugged, and said, "The phone call. Right before Logainne's political rant. I wonder what Emily's gonna pick for that."

"She gets a choice?" Elle said. I nodded, and Elle said, "Where's your phone? Let's act it out."

I sighed, and said, "Would now be a good time to mention I'm failing science?" Elle gasped, and said, "What? Why? You're such a good kid!"

"Stress. All the hospital trips. And my dad would never let me study." Elle hugged me, and said, "Work on your science before rehearsal. Jessica and I will be around to help you."

I nodded, and got to work. Then my phone rang.


"Hey, it's Astrid. What's up?" I hadn't talked to Astrid since I started homeschooling. I felt bad for that.

"I'm failing science!" I said cheerfully.

"So did my brother. It's not you. It's our dumb teacher. I have a D- and my mom just flipped. Can I come over?"

"I'm not home. I'm at the theater." I said. I heard a bang on the other line, and Astrid said, "Coming."

"I'll let you in at the stage door. Or Elle can. I have no clue where she is." I covered the phone, and yelled, "ELLE! ASTRID'S COMING CAN YOU LET HER IN!"

I heard Elle scream, "What?" and Evan said, "CATLYNN'S BRINGING HER CRUSH OVER!"

I ran out to the hallway and said, "Evan Todd! She is not my crush!"

I heard a knocking and Astrid ran in.

"What's up?" she said to Ryan, fist-bumping him. "Who's this kid?" Ryan asked.

"My best friend. Astrid."

"Where is Elle McLemore?" Astrid asked me.

I shrugged, and said, "Elle! You have a fan who wants to meet you!" I yelled.

Elle ran in and Astrid screamed. "Shut up!"

"Heather?" Astrid said with a small voice and Elle cracked up. I was mortified.

"Elle, um, this is my friend Astrid from school." I said. Elle shook Astrid's hand and said, "We're about to help Catlynn study some lines for a show she's in. Want to come?"

We went out to the hallway, where Ryan and Evan were talking.

"Hey, it's Cat's crush!" Evan yelled, a little too loudly.

Jessica and Alice bolted in.

"Who's Cat's crush?" Alice cried. Evan pointed towards Astrid and said, "We're just friends!" Evan laughed and hugged me, saying, "I'm just kidding, kid."

"I know you are."

AN: Hi! The show's almost here! The next chapter is going to be dress rehearsals/costume check, and then the chapter after that is going to be the show! I hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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