It's Possible, Anything's Possible

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"Elle. Elle. Elle! ELLE!" I cried, standing at the foot of Elle's bed.

"'s too early..." Elle said, rolling over to face me.

"To early to humiliate my siblings? Because Jess and I have a surprise for you." I said, bouncing with excitement.

"A good surprise or a bad surprise?" Elle asked. I giggled, and said, "A good surprise. Me and my friends from Spelling Bee, along with Axel, Red, and Astrid, are auditioning for Seussical the Musical. I'm trying out for JoJo. I told Jess about it and she arranged for us to go back to the theater for another Cat Practice Day. Get dressed, we need to be there at 10! Let's go!" 

"Sunshine! Calm down!" Elle said as I pushed her in the bathroom, giggling. 

"I'm not calm! I'm excited beyond belief!" I said. 

"Glad to see you so happy, Sunshine." Elle said.

"Me too." I giggled.


"This is the third time in the past 6 months that we are gathered to rehearse for some production Cat is in." Evan said. "What is it this time?" 

"Seussical." I said. "Chop chop, I'm assigning roles." 

"What songs are we doing?" Jessica, our resident backing-track person, asked. 

"Okay. So, It's Possible, you guys will all be Fish for that, and Chasing the Whos. I said. "As for roles, um, Erin's going out for the Sour Kangaroo so she'll obviously be singing that. Axel's trying out for Horton and Red's trying out for the Cat in the Hat. Also, let's do Chasing the Whos first, because I have a hilarious idea." Erin snickered, and said, "Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about."

"I'm...terrified." Jon said.

"You should be, because you, Evan, and Ryan are playing delinquent monkeys. The Wickersham Brothers." I said. "Elle and Katie will be the Bird Girls, Erin's the Sour Kangaroo, Red is the Cat, Axel is Horton, Alice can be Vlad Vladikoff, and me and Barrett are the Whos because JoJo is a Who. Do we have anything that we can pass around like the clover?" I asked, taking on the role of director. Elle took her scrunchie off her wrist and handed it to me, and I handed it to Evan. 

"Evan, keep passing this to Jon and Ryan. Don't let Axel get it. When Alice yells 'Vlad Vladikoff,' hand it to her. Alice, at the end of the song, drop the scrunchie on the ground." I said. We all got in position, and the music started.

"This is Cat in the Hat, live from Skycam 5. Folks, the Jungle of Nool is one heck of a drive. We've got monkeys backed up on the 302. I'd find alternate routes if I were you!" Red said, distorting her voice.

"We're Whos here, we're all Whos here, please don't let us fall! We're Whos here, we could bruise here, helpless, weak, and small!" Barrett and I yelled a few minutes later.

Everyone started singing, "On Horton traveled, and on that bird flew! And oh, there was trouble, trouble on Who! That black-bottomed eagle was cruel as could be!"

"Cause at 6:56, Vlad Vladikoff dropped it. The clover went tumbling, and nobody stopped it! Head over heels, one hundred miles down, fell the poor little Whos and their whole tiny town!" Axel sung, and Alice dropped the scrunchie. 

Me and Barrett screamed and fell over, and everyone started giggling.

"That was awesome!" I yelled. "That was really good." Jessica said, smiling. She looked at Elle, who nodded in agreement. "I loved that song. It's super cute. This seems like a super cute show." Elle said.

"They said if the actor playing JoJo is a girl, they're going to make the character a girl." Erin said.

"If I do get JoJo, I'm fine with playing a boy." I said. 

"Just no kissing any boys, though." Ryan said, and I laughed.

"I had fun today. Thanks guys." I said.

We all hugged and walked out of the theater.

AN: At the peak of my Seussical obsession, I decided to write a Seussical themed chapter. How very. Also, the show will be a massive crossover between mine and a bunch of my friend's books, so look out for that! Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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