Catlynn, I'm So Sorry...

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I was anxiously walking into Elle's hospital room, holding Ryan's hand. Ryan said, "I know this may be scary. But it's going to be okay in the end." I nodded, and Ryan opened the door.

I looked at Elle, and she smiled and waved at me. "Come here!" she said quietly, patting a spot on her hospital bed. She looked exhausted. I sat next to her and Elle took my hands and pointed to an IV straw in her elbow. "You can touch it." she said, and I did. I sighed, and Elle said, "You can hug me from the side, Sunshine. It won't hurt." Elle put her arm around me, and I immediately snuggled into her and said, "Were you scared?" 

Elle looked at me and kissed me on the head. Then she said, "A little, yeah. Getting surgery is scary for anyone." Then, Elle pulled up her hospital gown and showed me the stitches. "See? It's better now. And I'm right here." she said.

I started to think about how scared I was at home, wondering where Elle was. And seeing her in the hospital, where I was a few weeks ago, it was too much for me to handle.

I jumped off of Elle's bed and ran into the little bathroom and locked the door, crying on the toilet. I heard Ryan get up and say, "Catlynn? Catlynn!" 

I heard Elle sadly say, "I probably freaked her out." Jessica said, "It's not your fault, Elle. It's not her fault either. She's been through a lot and being in a hospital probably brought back some bad memories." 

I heard a knock on the door, and someone said, "Cat? It's Ryan. Can I talk to you?" I said, "Sure." in between tears, and Ryan opened the door and sat on the floor. He took my hands and said, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm sorry..." and Ryan hugged me tight. He said, "Am I right to assume you got scared?" I nodded, and Ryan said, "Oh, Sunshine..."

I sighed, and said, "I want to see Elle, more than anything, but not like this!" I started full-on bawling, and Ryan said, "I get it, I really do. Especially since you've been in the hospital way too much. Let's go." I took Ryan's hand and we went back to see Elle. Ryan sat on one of the chairs, and I sat on his lap. 

"Hey, Cat." Jessica said, waving. "You okay?"

I shrugged, and said, "I just got scared. Sorry Elle." Elle smiled at me, and said, "Come here." which I did.

"I'm sorry that I scared you. I know you've been in hospitals way too much." she said. I turned towards Jessica and Katie and said, "Can I stay here with Elle tonight?"

Jessica looked at Elle and said, "I don't see why not. It might make her feel better." Elle said, "Can you stay here too? Just in case she gets scared or gets a nightmare, since I can't really get up and hug her." Jessica nodded, and said, "Cat? You want sushi?"

Alice groaned, and said, "Can we get sweet and sour chicken for once?" 

"Shut up, Heather." I said, and Jessica laughed her head off. "Seriously, I'm in the mood for sushi." Alice said, "As a compromise, I'm getting it from a Asian takeout place, not the grocery store."


"I'm back!" Alice said. Her and Barrett came in with 2 bags full of sushi.

"Alice Lee. What did you do?" I laughed.

"Glad to see Cat's feeling better!" Elle laughed. "I'm not supposed to eat anything for now." she said. I sadly smiled at Elle, and the rest of us ate sushi. When I was done with mine, I sat on Jessica's lap, and she hugged me. 

"You tired?" she asked, and I said, "Yeah." I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep on Jessica's chest.


It was the middle of the night, and I woke up on the same chair I had fallen asleep in. Jessica was on a sofa bed in the corner, curled up on her side. Elle was asleep too. 

I tried to be quiet so I didn't wake either of them up. I pulled out my phone and listened to the Spelling Bee soundtrack. I missed that show. I loved playing Olive. I saw Jessica stir and open her eyes. 

"Cat? What are you doing up?" Jessica asked.

"I can't sleep." I said. "Probably just anxiety."

"Elle's going home today." Jessica said, smiling. "She's gonna have to take it easy for today, but she's doing the show tomorrow." I nodded, and Jessica said, "I can't get over how brave you're being." I sighed, and walked over to the bed where Jessica was, and I hugged her. 

"Thanks for always being there." I whispered to Jessica, who hugged me tighter. 

"Good night, Cat." Jessica said. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jess."


"Elle!" I said as I woke up to a smiling Elle.

"Hey, baby Sunshine. How did you sleep?" She then looked at Jessica asleep on the floor. "How is Jessica that sound asleep?" 

I noticed something weird. "She's-she's using that sweatshirt you gave me as a pillow." I almost cried, and Elle said, "Hey. It was probably an accident. I know how much that meant to you."

"I want to grab it, but I don't want to give Jess a concussion." I said. Elle hugged me from the side while I cried, and Jessica finally woke up.

"Cat? Are you okay?" she asked. It finally hit her what she did. "Cat...I'm so sorry...I thought this was mine."

"You didn't bring a sweatshirt. You left it at my house, remember?" I snapped. I was getting mad, and I didn't want to. But I couldn't help it. Elle looked at me, and whispered, "Hey. Deep breaths." 

Jessica took my hands and hugged me, and said, "I didn't mean it, you know that, right?" I nodded, and said, "I'm sorry for snapping at you. You've done so much for me." Jessica handed me Elle's sweatshirt, and luckily, it still smelled like Elle. 

"You wanna go home?" Elle asked me, packing up.

I nodded, and said, "Always."

AN: Sorry the end was a little weird. and @Spaceheater1 DO NOT GET ANY IDEAS. NO MORE EVIL PLANS. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later! (God, my Author's Note is getting some mood swings.) 

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