I'm Drifting Through Space And Cannot Steer!

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"Hey, Cat...um...we have bad news." Elle said, walking into my room. Jessica was right behind her.

"What's going on?" I questioned. This sounded really serious, and I was getting kind of worried. I backed up into the corner of my mattress. Elle sat on my bed and put her hand on my knee. Jessica leaned up against the edge of my bed, smiling solemnly.

"I'm getting worried." I said. Elle looked at Jessica and gave her a sad smile. I stared at both of them with fear and panic in my eyes.

"So, um, Sunshine...we got your blood test results." Elle said. I shrugged, I was hoping it was just gonna be the normal "oh, you have healthy blood for someone with your condition." But Elle and Jessica's expressions said otherwise. 

"What is going on?" I said harshly. Almost immediately, I covered my mouth and regretted what I had said. I started to cry a little, but I wiped the tears from my eyes. Elle stared at Jessica, who simply shrugged. 

"Um...how do we explain this?" Elle said, fidgeting with the ends of her hair. "So, they found something wrong with your blood, I think it was a lack of oxygen? Anyway, you have to go to the hospital for a night or two. Just to get a couple of tests done, make sure you're all good. I'll be there the whole time, don't worry."

"Please tell me I don't have to get any more needles..." I said, sobbing. My mind was in a million different places at once.

"I know baby, I know this is hard, but I promise, I won't leave. Pinky swear." Elle extended her pinky and I pinky swore with her. "So...um...when are we going?" I asked, looking at the clock.

"They want you there at 11. So we have to pack a bag for you and get going." Elle said. I was still in shock. I ran to my bathroom and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and called Alice.

"Hello? Sunshine?" Alice said once she picked up. I took a shaky breath and said, "Alice, do you mind meeting me at the hospital at 11, 11:15?" 

"What? What's going on? Is everything okay?" Alice asked. I heard her get up and start running. "Where are you?"

"I'm still at home, but Elle got the blood test results today. There's something wrong, and I have to stay at the hospital for a night or two. I'm really scared..." I said.

"I'll meet you there. Are Elle and Jessica not coming? Or what?" Alice asked.

"They're coming, but I just want someone else there for support." I said. Alice sighed, and said, "Call the others."

"Oh no. Alice has an idea." I laughed. Alice laughed as well, and said, "Call them and explain the situation and tell them to meet me at the hospital. When you get there, text me and tell me your room number." I sighed, and Alice said, "I know you're nervous. The reason I'm asking everyone to come is because they all have different distraction techniques for you, I think. Plus, having your whole family there might help." 

I sighed, and Elle yelled "Catlynn! Let's go!" I said to Alice, "I have to go. Elle's calling me. Love you. Do you mind calling everyone else for me? I have to get my bag packed up." Alice said, "I love you too, Cat. So much. And I don't mind at all. See you in a half hour."

Alice hung up, and I grabbed my hospital bag. Elle came in my room and said, "Pack up a few outfits. Maybe a couple of T-shirts and a pair of sweatpants or two. If you want your own pair of pajamas, bring those too. And I'm pretty sure you're gonna want your blankie, right?" I nodded, and put some clothes and my blankie in my bag. "Anything else?" I asked.

"Maybe a couple of books, a game or two, your laptop, your phone charger, and your earbuds. I'll put the scrapbook and the journal Ryan gave you in here too, just in case you get homesick. I'll get a deck of cards, too." Elle said, grabbing a bunch of stuff from my desk.

I packed up my bag and sighed, getting ready to leave.

"You ready, Sunshine?" Elle asked. I nodded and said, "Finally."


We were in the hospital, and Elle was checking in at the front desk. I looked to the front door, and Alice was sprinting in the hospital.

"Slow down!" I yelled, laughing. Alice ran up to me and hugged me tight. "How are you?" she asked.

"Nervous." I said. "I don't want any more needles..." Alice smiled, then dug in her purse. "Here." she said, handing me an ice pack. "I've been keeping one with me, just in case." I smiled and nodded, then Jessica waved me over. I squeezed Alice's hand and walked over to her.

"Hey, Sunshine." Jessica said, scooping me up in her arms. She kissed my cheek and said, "We got your room, let's go." We all walked down to my hospital room.


"Cat!" I heard, and the door flew open. Ryan, Evan, and Barrett ran in, and they all attacked me with hugs and kisses. Katie ran in, too, and she hugged me tight. "Why do I think this is my fault?" she asked.

I was stunned. Then it hit me. "Katie, it's not your fault..." I said. I started to cry, I didn't know what to think. Then Katie let go of me and stared at me with horror in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Is this how you feel about the crash?" Katie asked. I nodded slowly, then Katie hugged me. "I'm so sorry, Sunshine, please don't blame yourself."

"You have to promise me the same thing." I said, crying. Katie let go of me and nodded slowly. 

A nurse came in and I saw an IV. I buried my head in my pillow and hid my arm. Evan gently took my arm out and sat on my bed. "Relax, Sunshine. I got you." I started to cry, I needed to be strong. 

"Wait!" Alice cried, tossing the ice pack over to Evan. "Here." she said. I stared down at my arm, then ran to the bathroom.

"Hang on. I got her." I heard Ryan say. I heard a knock on the door then heard, "Hey Sunshine, it's Ryan. Can I come in?" I said, "Sure, whatever." while crying, and Ryan opened the door. He ran in and hugged me tight, slamming the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked.

"What do you think?" I exploded. "I'm scared to death. This is the second time in a week I had to deal with needles, the one thing I hate more than anything else." Ryan hugged me tight and kissed my head. "Why don't you sit on someone's lap? And listen to music? It could help distract you. Pain isn't as bad if you're not focusing on it too much." Ryan said softly.

"Ryan, I'm too scared to do this." I said. Ryan sighed and said, "If you're brave for me, I'll get you ice cream." Ryan nudged me and I hugged him. "Fine. But only because I want ice cream."

"Good girl." Ryan said. I took his hand and went back to my hospital bed. Ryan sat down first and I sat on his lap. Ryan held me tightly and kissed my cheek. 

"Are you ready, Catlynn?" the nurse asked. I sighed, and Ryan whispered to me, "Go ahead. You got this." I took a deep breath and said, "Yes. I'm ready." Evan climbed on the bed with me and held my other hand. At the last minute, I yanked my hand back, again.

"Do you know what to do?" Evan whispered to Katie. Katie sighed and said, "Wait, she didn't forget her blanket this time, did she?" Elle said, "No, she has it. Why?" Elle took my blankie out and handed it to me. Evan took the blanket from me and put it over my lap. "There we go. Now, Sunshine, keep your arm still, okay? For me?" he asked hopefully. 

"I got an idea." Katie said. She grabbed my other hand and started tracing my fingers. It tickled a little, and I think that's what helped. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I suddenly felt the pinch, then looked down at my arm. "You did it!" Evan said. He hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"Now, ice cream?" Ryan asked.

"Always." I said.

AN: Just warning you, this is not the end of Cat's trip to the hospital. She may or may not be in there a while. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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