Who Knew I Had This Thirst?

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It was Friday night, after the show. My cast on my arm was off and my leg was better. And I was looking forward to the group numbers. Elle walked up to me and hugged me from behind.

"You nervous?" Elle asked. 

"This is just a practice run, auditions are on Wednesday. Those I'm nervous for." Elle kissed my cheek and said, "You're going to do great, Sunshine. Now get in position for Second. Ryan, you're playing Barfee for this."

"Who said you were the director?" Evan said from the audience. "I want to play Barfee!" Elle said, "It doesn't matter who plays Barfee! Does everyone else mind singing those background chorus parts?" 

"Seriously? What's next, you're gonna make poor Catlynn get into costume?" Katie yelled.

"This is serious! Do you want her to get the role or not?" The cast silently nodded in the audience, and Jessica pulled up the backing track.

"Start at Olive's little monologue thing." Ryan yelled from the stage. 

An instrumental bit started, and then I started singing.

"I'm loving every minute. Who knew I had this thirst?"

I looked over at Ryan, who was fixated on something on the wall. I brushed it off and kept singing.

"How wonderful it feels to stand so close to first!" 

Ryan smiled at me. I think he wanted me to have my moment in the spotlight.

"I'll make it happen, but as not previously reckoned. Cause I will not come in second! I hate to come in second, yes I do. Yes I do. Yes I do. Yes I do. I will not come in second!"

Ryan finally realized he was supposed to spell during this part. "M-E. Astrobleme."  

He motioned for Jessica to shut off the music, and said, "Let's forward it to when the backup chorus comes in." 

Jessica forwarded the track, and Ryan sung, "You will not outrank me, I won't wave my hankie. Second..."

I think I went a little overboard when I started singing, "I won't come in second! I won't come in second! I won't come in second! Second!" I could see Katie and Evan cringe at the high note. I think it was a little too high.

"Elanguescence. E-L-A-N-G-U-E-S-S-E-N-C-E. Elanguescence?" I said, as Elle and Alice sung, "Who will come in, who will come in, who will come in, who will come in?" over and over.

Jessica skipped a few minutes into the track, and then some soft music played. Ryan stepped off the stage, he decided he wasn't singing this part with me.

I noticed Elle smiling, and that gave me some self confidence. I yelled, "I am, I am fine with second! I can live with second! Yes, second! I will come in second!" 

Everyone applauded, and Elle said, "Sunshine! That was brilliant! I think you're ready for your audition!" I hugged her, and I said, "Maybe." 

Then, I walked back to my special room and found something sitting there.

"My saxophone!" I cried, and I felt someone hug me from behind. It was Jessica, with a video camera.

"Surprise!" she cried. I hugged her, and she said, "You're becoming a musician and an actor. And we are so incredibly proud of you for putting yourself out there. I know you're going to do great things in life." 

I smiled, and I said, "Last 2 weeks before I become a teenager." Jessica laughed, and said, "Also your last 2 weeks of being a foster kid." I said, "Wait, that's right! I'm becoming a McLemore in 2 weeks!" 

I pulled out my laptop, and said, "Hey, can you help me with this math homework? I don't know anything about fractions." Jessica asked to see my math textbook, and I pulled it out.

"Geez." she said. "This thing is heavy." I laughed, and opened the book to the lesson we were on. I snuggled into Jessica as she read the book to herself.

"Was this just an excuse to have me read to you?" she asked, laughing.

I nodded, and said, "Yeah. I'm sleepy." Jessica got up and put down the book, turned off the lights, then sat back down and put her arm around me, pulling me into her. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep. 


Jessica's POV

I had no idea what Elle does when Catlynn falls asleep on her, I know it happens a lot. I quietly got my phone and texted her to come in here.

When she did, she looked at me and Cat and said, "Aww. You got her to sleep." I nodded, and said, "I don't know what to do." Elle quietly repositioned Catlynn so her head was on my lap, and kissed her forehead. "There you go." she whispered to me. She then got a blanket and put it over Catlynn. 

"Thanks. You're a natural with her, so I knew you would know." Elle laughed, and said, "You and Katie are like her other parents. She loves you." I looked at the sweet girl on my lap and said, "I love her too." Elle carefully sat down and put Catlynn's legs on her lap. 

"I'm so excited for her audition." I said. Elle nodded, and started massaging Catlynn's feet. 

"Me too, Jess. Me too."

AN: Hi! Next chapters gonna be the craziest one yet! I really hope you enjoyed this one! Catch ya later!

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