But We Are Equals, Ma, Where Neither Condescends!

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"Catlynn McLemore!" Axel said as I walked into school for the first time since the incident. It was also the last week of school before Christmas break, so that was nice. I gave Axel a hug and he said, "Where were you? I was so worried."

I shifted anxiously on my feet and said, "So, my dad found me on the street last week, and I ran into a Target bathroom and called Alice. Alice found me, then my dad followed us to Alice's apartment."

Red pointed to me, then said, "We're having an instrument battle. Best instrument wins. Saxes versus clarinets."

"Game on, Elizabeth." I said, playing a major scale the loudest I could.

"Catlynn McLemore?" our band director asked, hanging up the phone. I put away my saxophone then said, "Yes, sir?"

"You're needed at the principal's office." he said. I started getting nervous, then a percussionist said, "Oooh! Goody-two-shoes Catlynn is in trouble!" I knew it was a joke, the percussionists were pretty nice and funny.

"Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes. Then, I headed to the principal's office.


"You called for me, ma'am?" I said, opening the door of the principal's office.

"Yes, Catlynn, take a seat. Um, I got an email from your mom over the weekend." the principal said. I was puzzled, then realized it was probably about what happened with my dad. "Oh, it's fine now. My dad's in prison. I'm safe."

I started getting up but the principal said, "No, it's not about that, though I am glad you're safe. It was about a series of incidents with another student. Violet Gardner." I froze in fear. Am I in trouble again?

"Am...I in trouble?" I asked.

"No, not at all. After gathering evidence, we believe that Violet Gardner needs to be subject to discipline. Which is why we have expelled her from the school." the principal said. "Your parents have been notified."

"Are you sure you're not messing with me? This is the best thing to happen since I got adopted!" I yelled, waving to the principal and running out.


"So...are you suspended? Detention? Community service?" Red asked.

"Shut up, Red. It's not like that. But anyway, get Cesca and Axel over here. I have amazing news." I said. Red whistled with her fingers and motioned for Cesca and Axel to come over. They did and gathered around me.

"So...what's the amazing news?" Red asked.

"Violet Gardner's expelled!" I said, whisper-screaming. Cesca pumped her fists in the air while Axel started smiling.

"She's gonna find some way to ruin your life, I'm sure." Red said, laughing. "Trust me, I should know. She's my cousin."

"WHAT?" we all said at the same time. Red laughed and said, "I've dealt with that she-devil since the day I was born. She's not exactly nice to her family, either."

"This is a new development." Cesca said. "But she's expelled."

"Christmas is gonna be...interesting." Red said. "Violet knows I'm Cat's best friend, so she hates me now. Not that she ever really 'liked' me. She just...tolerated me slightly."

"I can't believe I won against Violet." I said, still getting over it. "This...is the first good thing to happen to me in months!"

"Cat's in shock." Axel said, waving a hand in front of my face. "Earth to Catlynn!"

"Huh? What? Huh?" I said, stuttering. I laughed then said, "The bell's about to ring. Want to come to my house after school?" My friends nodded, then on that cue, the bell rang.


"Woah! Cat! What's the smile for?" Elle said as I ran in the apartment, my friends all behind me. "I mean, I'm happy that you're happy, but what?"

"I assume you know." I said, smirking. I leaned against the kitchen counter as Elle looked deep in thought. "Oh, this is about Violet!" Elle said.

"What happened?" Jessica asked.

"Jessica. Did no one tell you? Violet's expelled. This is the best Christmas present ever!" I yelled, jumping up and down.

Jessica looked at Elle and said, "We are horrible role models to this poor innocent child." I started to giggle hysterically.

"Wait, do you want the whole story?" Red asked, and Elle nodded.

"So, we were in Band, and the principal called Cat to the office. Cat went and...actually, I don't know what happened from there. Cat, care to explain?"

"Yes, Miss Ashley." I said, and Red giggled. "So, I went down to the office, and the principal told me about Elle's emails. I thought I was in trouble again and I got scared, but it turns out it was exactly the opposite. Violet Lynn Gardner is gone for good. And she's also Red's cousin, so that's nice."

"But...you're so...nice!" Jessica said, pointing to Red. "How do you put up with her? I'm so sorry."

"It's a lot easier when you've had to deal with her since the day you were born. The only reason she played flute in the first place was to annoy me." Red said, and I giggled.

"Red, I am so sorry..." I said, and Red laughed hysterically. "No, it's fine. But enough about my she-devil cousin. Wanna play a game and eat some chips?"

"Can't. Jessica ate all the chips." I said in a monotone. "Elle's sick of going out every two days to buy more, so now they're banned."

"Mood. Big fat mood." Cesca said, making everyone laugh. "Also, Cat, are you excited for Seussical?"

"Heck yeah!" I yelled, laughing. Red took a fake flower off the counter and started singing.

"When the news is all bad and you're sour and blue, when you start to get mad you should do what I do! Tell yourself how lucky you are! When you're life's going wrong and the fates are unkind, when you're limping along and get kicked from behind, tell yourself how lucky you are! Why decry a cloudy sky, an empty purse, a crazy universe? My philosophy is simply, things could be worse! So be happy you're here, think of life as a thrill! Cause when worse comes to worse as we all know it will, thank your lucky star you've gotten this far! And tell yourself how lucky you are! How lucky, how lucky, how lucky, how lucky, how lucky you are!" Red dropped the flower and took a dramatic bow. "Yeah, that was my solo. And Cat? I'm sorry I killed you."

"I don't forgive you." I said, laughing. I smiled at my family and my friends.

I still can't believe I won.

AN: Cat deserves some good news, so I gave her some! And how's that for a plot twist? Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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