Yo Girl, Keep It Together

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"We're here." Katie said, pulling in a parking spot. "How's your knee?"

"I don't even know what's wrong with it!" I yelled. Katie turned around and squeezed my hand. 

"You dislocated it." Katie said. "I'm sure it's fine, we just need to get it checked out." Katie picked me up and ran into the hospital, and the whole world seemed to blur. Everything just happened so fast. I grabbed on Katie's neck and closed my eyes, ignoring the beeping and all the commotion.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital bed. Katie was talking to the doctors, and I was alone. 

It suddenly hit me. I didn't have my blankie. Or anything I usually bring to the hospital. Panicked, I clutched the blanket that was on the hospital bed and started to cry. I was in pain, scared and alone. I didn't even have my phone, so I couldn't listen to music to help me through this. 

Katie came back and squeezed my hand. "Um, Sunshine...I have bad news. You're gonna need surgery in around 20 minutes. I know this is scary, but I promise you I'll be there when you fall asleep." Katie said.

I started to sob, and Katie kissed my forehead. "You're going to be okay, Sunshine. I love you so much." Katie said. I squeezed Katie's hand and got ready for the anesthesia, then the doctor came in and tapped Katie on the shoulder.

"You need to leave." the doctor said. Katie looked around, confused, and said, "I promised her I'd stay for her. At least until she's asleep. Her mom's out of town and this all happened so suddenly." 

"I'm sorry, ma'am. You have to leave." the doctor said. I swear I could see tears form in Katie's eyes, and she said, "Please...I have to..."

The doctor rolled his eyes and left me and Katie alone. I sighed and said, "Do I have to do this?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Katie said. "But I'll be there the whole time, I promise." Katie was squeezing my hand for dear life. I sighed and said, "I'm scared, Katie. I'm really scared..."

"It's going to be okay, Sunshine. I love you so much. More than anything in the world." Katie said. She kissed my forehead and then the doctor came back in.

"What now?" Katie whispered under her breath. I could not stop giggling. The doctor tapped Katie's shoulder and said, "Ma'am, you need to leave."

I squeezed Katie's hand tighter. I needed her to stay, I just needed Katie right now. I was about to go into surgery, my first surgery without Elle. If I couldn't have her, I at least wanted Katie. Katie was there for my very first surgery. 

Katie sighed and said, "They want me to leave, so I have to. Sunshine...I'm so sorry..." I could hear Katie's voice breaking, and that lead me into crying too. 

Katie stepped out of the room, but I could still see her. I waved to her and she blew me a kiss. I was getting even more scared. I was not ready to go under anesthesia. 

A nurse walked out of the room and I saw her talking to Katie. To my surprise, Katie ran back into the room and threw her arms around me. 

"We have to get her under right now." the nurse said. I reached over for Katie's hand and she squeezed it tightly. I took a deep breath and Katie kissed my forehead. 

Soon enough, the nurse was putting in the anesthesia, then the doctor ran in. 

"What is she doing here?" the doctor yelled, pointing towards Katie. Katie was startled and dropped my hand. I started crying, and Katie pulled me on her lap.

"I'm sorry, sir. The nurse said I could stay to comfort Catlynn, once I explained the situation." Katie said, keeping a tight grip on me.

"Is that true?" the doctor said, looking to the nurse, who nodded. The doctor rolled his eyes and sighed, then motioned for the nurse to put the anesthesia in. 

"You got this, Sunshine. I'll be right here when you wake up." Katie said. I sighed and said, "But what if I'm too scared to do this?"

"But what if you're brave enough to get over it?" Katie asked, booping my nose. I smiled and snuggled into her, silently crying.

"Nervous?" Katie asked.

"A little. Scratch that. A lot." I said, giggling slightly. Katie laughed and said, "I'm right here, Sunshine. I love you so much." She started singing Solla Sollew under her breath and the nurse put the anesthesia in.

"Sweet dreams, Sunshine..." I heard Katie say as sleep took over.

AN: I love drama. Hehehehe. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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